Team info
Description The SwissTeam.NET is founded in 1997. We are participating a lot of different projects as LHC, climateprediction, MalariaControl.Net, SETI@home, Muon, Chessbrain and many more. We are a mixed group of students, sysadmins, retired persons and so on. If you want contact us write a message in our webforum.
Created 19 May 2014
Web site http://
Total credit 17,896,476
Recent average credit 6,926
Cross-project stats SETIBZH
Country Switzerland
Type Other
Founder MADLAB
New members in last day 0
Total members 79 (view)
Active members 2 (view)
Members with credit 65 (view)

©2024 CERN

Generated 27 Jul 2024, 1:07:35 UTC