Server status

Program Host Status
Scheduler boinc01 Running
feeder boinc01 Running
theory_validator (Theory) boinc01 Running
make_work_app boinc01 Running
sample_bitwise_validator_cms (CMS ) boinc01 Running
vm_assimilator_cms (CMS ) boinc01 Running
script_validator (ATLAS) boinc01 Running
atlas_assimilator (ATLAS) boinc01 Running
transitioner boinc01 Running
file_deleter boinc01 Running
db_purge boinc01 Running
Download server lhcathome-upload Running
Upload server lhcathome-upload Running
feeder boinc01 Running

Remote daemon status as of 26 Jul 2024, 7:00:02 UTC

Computing status


Tasks ready to send4950
Tasks in progress25906
Workunits waiting for validation0
Workunits waiting for assimilation914
Workunits waiting for file deletion0
Tasks waiting for file deletion0
Transitioner backlog (hours)0.00


With credit178149
With recent credit1569
Registered in past 24 hours5539


With credit577035
With recent credit4558
Registered in past 24 hours44
Current GigaFLOPS37086.03

Tasks by application

Application Unsent In progress Runtime of recent tasks in hours: average, min, max Users in last 24 hours
SixTrack 0 0 --- 0
sixtracktest 0 0 --- 0
CMS Simulation 0 11009 7.31 (0.19 - 19.11) 213
Theory Simulation 4950 13924 3.11 (0.01 - 149.17) 339
ATLAS Simulation 0 973 5.81 (0.36 - 88.4) 49
Server software version: 1.4.2 View source on Github.
Database schema version: 27028

Task data as of 27 Jul 2024, 3:45:02 UTC

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