Team info
Description What does US-Distributed do? USDC is a distributed computing team that is involved in many DC projects. We originally started out as a Seti@Home team 'Team Seti USA' and have been very successful. We decided to expand our support to other projects and created Our goals are to provide information to help those that are interested in distributed computing get started and help others by providing support via our forum. We use the forum as a way to help solve problems, support our teammates and provide technical support on a vast variety of subjects. How can you help? You can help our project by downloading and running any of the listed Distributed computing projects. What have we done so far? We have been very successful in Seventeen or bust, RSA576, F@H, Seti@Home, FAD, RC5-72, Zeta, EON, GOT, Chess Brain, LifeMapper and were involved in most DC projects.
Created 5 Sep 2004
Web site
Total credit 9,581,369
Recent average credit 0
Cross-project stats
Country United States
Type Other
Founder AETiglathPZ
New members in last day 0
Total members 19 (view)
Active members 0 (view)
Members with credit 17 (view)

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 7:37:37 UTC