What is LHC@home?

This a volunteer computing project that uses Internet-connected computers to advance Particle and Accelerator Physics. Participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer. By default, you can run the classic LHC@home application Sixtrack, for simulations of accelerator physics, and help researchers at CERN to improve the LHC.

Other LHC@home simulations that utilizes virtualization to run applications for Theory and experiment simulations for ATLAS, CMS and LHCb are also available.

Please note that some of the applications on LHC@home require Virtual Box to be installed. Please visit the LHC@home information site for more information. If you have any problems or questions please visit the Message Boards, Questions and Answers and FAQ.

Join LHC@home

User of the Day

User profile Profile yo2013
I'm a 39 years old Spanish mathematician (but I work as a translator now). I run BOINC projects in a friend's old computer that she intended to dispose...


Downtime 1 October
LHC@home BOINC servers will be down for a while later today due to a database intervention.
1 Oct 2024, 8:02:24 UTC · Discuss

20th BOINC Workshop May 29-31
The registration is now open for the 2024 BOINC Workshop -- this year in person, at CERN.


Please register if you plan to attend.
22 Apr 2024, 9:21:39 UTC · Discuss

BOINC Needs Votes at a Upcoming UN Forum
BOINC is a finalist for an notable award, and needs your vote (*by Sunday):

Context: The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is a United Nations-sponsored initiative aimed at harnessing the potential of information and communication technologies to build inclusive and equitable information societies worldwide. BOINC has been nominated for a prize at the 2024 forum, and has passed initial hurdles; the next and last step ("Phase 3") requires public votes. The award would be a very nice boost and validation for BOINC and all our projects; if we can get our communities to vote, we should have a decent shot at this point...

Voting is pretty simple, takes just a few minutes; instructions are here.

(*The deadline for votes is Sunday: 31 March 2024, 23:00 UTC+02:00)
25 Mar 2024, 14:59:22 UTC · Discuss

Seasons greetings
Many thanks to all our volunteers for your contributions to LHC@home over the last year!

Some highlights from CERN during 2023 can be seen in this video.

The LHC@home team wishes you a Merry Christmas, restful holidays and all the best for 2024!
22 Dec 2023, 7:18:09 UTC · Discuss

Theory application reaches 6 TRILLION events !!
Bravo to all Theory crunchers !!!
29 Sep 2023, 9:38:49 UTC · Discuss

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