1) Message boards : Number crunching : Is the user base/project participants growing a bit too large, for our server? (Message 13440)
Posted 25 Apr 2006 by LeonardUK
Thanks Mike, I will leave things as they are. I will also check with the forum from time to time.

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Is the user base/project participants growing a bit too large, for our server? (Message 13439)
Posted 25 Apr 2006 by LeonardUK
I have enjoyed participating in the various BOINC projects but am perplexed by the continous "no work available" from the LHC server. Being fairly new to this distributive computing system, I am wondering if I should remove the LHC project from my list and replace it with something else for the time being or should I "hang in there". Probably there is an answer somewhere in this thread but I haven't found it yet. Thanks to any and all for any information or help you/they can give.

LHC has always been this way - the physicists generate a batch of work, then analyse the results before a new batch is generated. The gap between batches can vary from a day or two to some weeks. My advice is to hang in there and let BOINC do its stuff. Attach to another project at a low priority if you want to keep your machines busy.

If you disconnect then you might miss out when work is available again. If you prefer a project with a continuous work load there are plenty to choose from.

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Is the user base/project participants growing a bit too large, for our server? (Message 13437)
Posted 25 Apr 2006 by LeonardUK
I have enjoyed participating in the various BOINC projects but am perplexed by the continous "no work available" from the LHC server. Being fairly new to this distributive computing system, I am wondering if I should remove the LHC project from my list and replace it with something else for the time being or should I "hang in there". Probably there is an answer somewhere in this thread but I haven't found it yet. Thanks to any and all for any information or help you/they can give.

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