1) Message boards : Number crunching : If only the numbers were a measure of reality!! (Message 7373)
Posted 1 May 2005 by M_Barber
This project is incredible!

LHC Grid vs LHC@Home isn't even a contest!

The sustained effort of many fine engineers has resulted in the LHC Grid project producing an amazing 600 MBytes/Sec for data transfer sustained continuously over a period of 10 days.

One casual user of this project, however, has this result relegated to history by such a large margin (1e11 - 1e12) that it is embarrassing!

LHC@home to 1 user =>

Average upload rate 2.9475960171044E+17 KB/sec
Average download rate 2.0704415908107E+18

from: //lhcathome.cern.ch/show_host_detail.php?hostid=8452
[No offense intended but I stumbled over these figures while checking a pending result and just had to share the humour!!!]


The rest of CERN to 7 Major centers!!

The organization succeeded in maintaining over a period of ten days a continuous data flow averaging 600 Mbyte/s between the CERN center in Geneva, Switzerland, and seven major computing centers in Europe (the research center in Karlsruhe among them) and the US. In all during the trial period 500 Tbyte of data were transmitted.

From: http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/59063

I don't know the technology involved (for the LHC@Home user) but I sure wish it was mine!


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