1) Message boards : Number crunching : Thank you for the work (Message 20903)
Posted 3 Jan 2009 by KWSN Sir Clark
Doesn\'t sound anything wrong with that.

The quorum is 3.
Once that\'s met credits are granted. Any tasks for the WU that have already started to be crunched by PCs will still be credited otherwise they\'ll be cancelled.

In the case of the one with 4 WUs receiving credit, obviously the one with the error won\'t get any but as the other 4 completed then they do.

The WUs are only cancelled by the server if they haven\'t started crunching on the PC

Ahhhh! Then a workaround would be to manually stop each work unit in a batch after a few seconds of work to ensure that it is considered as being crunched? Maybe hard for those with large numbers of puters spread about here and there, but fairly easy if one has only a few machines in a central location- and time to devote to their labor of love. LOL!

It\'s only worth doing that if you care about how many credits you have.
There\'s no point in doing that cause you\'d only be wasting CPU cycles on WUs that already have a valid results. You\'d be better off letting other projects use those CPU cycles.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Thank you for the work (Message 20901)
Posted 2 Jan 2009 by KWSN Sir Clark
Doesn't sound anything wrong with that.

The quorum is 3.
Once that's met credits are granted. Any tasks for the WU that have already started to be crunched by PCs will still be credited otherwise they'll be cancelled.

In the case of the one with 4 WUs receiving credit, obviously the one with the error won't get any but as the other 4 completed then they do.

The WUs are only cancelled by the server if they haven't started crunching on the PC
3) Message boards : Number crunching : All my WUs resulted invalid (Message 20661)
Posted 15 Oct 2008 by KWSN Sir Clark
I\'ve had LHC running fine and producing valid results on Vista with a 6.x.x client, it might be a 6.x.x. client and Linux problem
4) Message boards : Number crunching : All my WUs resulted invalid (Message 20658)
Posted 14 Oct 2008 by KWSN Sir Clark
All completed without errors, all claimed less credits than the other PCs, all resulted invalid.

I\\\'m running Ubuntu 64 and BOINC 6.3.14.

The CPU is OCed to 2.5Ghz (former 2Ghz) but it used to work fine.

Everything happened with the last batch of WU, which I received AFTER installation of BOINC 6.3.14.

Anyone else reports the same issue?

6.3.14 is a development version. I suggest going back to 6.2.15 and only upgrade with the next non-dev release. Non-dev releases have an even number after the 6.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : I got my first one... (Message 20650)
Posted 11 Oct 2008 by KWSN Sir Clark
It won\'t last....not had some for ages before the lot last week.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : visualisation? (Message 20603)
Posted 3 Oct 2008 by KWSN Sir Clark
I imagine it would just be a particle going around a big circle... unless the work unit errors out in which case I would expect a giant explosion :)

Perhaps they can\'t show it in case it generates a black-hole and swallows up the internet.
7) Message boards : LHC@home Science : LHC shut down for months after helium leak (Message 20506)
Posted 23 Sep 2008 by KWSN Sir Clark
No new stuff at the LHC until after the winter shut-down.

Here\'s hoping 2009 brings better fortunes for the team.
8) Message boards : LHC@home Science : LHC shut down for months after helium leak (Message 20440)
Posted 20 Sep 2008 by KWSN Sir Clark
he Large Hadron Collider near Geneva will be out of action for at least two months, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern) says.

Part of the giant physics experiment was turned off for the weekend while engineers probed a magnet failure.

But a Cern spokesman said damage to the £3.6bn ($6.6bn) particle accelerator was worse than anticipated.

The LHC is built to smash protons together at huge speeds, recreating conditions moments after the Big Bang.

Scientists hope it will shed light on fundamental questions in physics.

On Friday, a failure, known as a quench, caused around 100 of the LHC\'s super-cooled magnets to heat up by as much as 100C.

The fire brigade were called out after a tonne of liquid helium leaked into the tunnel at Cern, near Geneva.

Cern spokesman James Gillies said on Saturday that the sector that was damaged would have to be warmed up well above absolute zero so that repairs could be made.

While he said there was never any danger to the public, Mr Gillies admitted that the breakdown would be costly.

He said: \"A full investigation is still under way but the most likely cause seems to be a faulty electrical connection between two of the magnets which probably melted, leading to a mechanical failure.

\"We\'re investigating and we can\'t really say more than that now.

\"But we do know that we will have to warm the machine up, make the repair, cool it down, and that\'s what brings you to two months of downtime for the LHC.\"

Source: BBC News
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Not working (Message 19814)
Posted 19 Jul 2008 by KWSN Sir Clark
See this thread
10) Message boards : Number crunching : New article on LHC (Message 19747)
Posted 30 Jun 2008 by KWSN Sir Clark
The Guardian Newspaper today contains a booklet about the LHC.

The separate articles and pictures can be found here
11) Message boards : Number crunching : shut down for maintenance ? (Message 19370)
Posted 11 Apr 2008 by KWSN Sir Clark
Unless they come into work over the weekend, it's probably down until Monday at least.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : To completion times for new tasks (Message 18964)
Posted 7 Feb 2008 by KWSN Sir Clark
Yep......they must be longer.

I've got a WU sitting at 9.7% after 45 minutes
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Stil a pending credit (Message 18678)
Posted 9 Dec 2007 by KWSN Sir Clark
I noticed theere was a result that was still in my results list from 2005.
I took a look at the WUID page and it showed there was still a user awaiting credit.

When I went to his page I found a whole bunch which hadn't been granted credit.

Any ideas??

14) Message boards : Number crunching : The beautiful screensaver (Message 17617)
Posted 30 Jul 2007 by KWSN Sir Clark
Too long have I waited to see the glorious screensaver then this morning whilst cleaning my room, it popped up.

I've stopped cleaning just to watch it. My estimated crunch time is 4 hours so I should start cleaning again then :D
15) Message boards : LHC@home Science : BBC News article about the LHC (Message 16435)
Posted 28 Feb 2007 by KWSN Sir Clark
Milestone for giant physics lab
16) Message boards : Number crunching : LHC credits not showing up in cross-project stats (Message 16380)
Posted 20 Feb 2007 by KWSN Sir Clark
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Welcome QMUL Admins (Message 16166)
Posted 21 Jan 2007 by KWSN Sir Clark

They changed the server config.........

Should have been

18) Message boards : Number crunching : Welcome QMUL Admins (Message 16148)
Posted 18 Jan 2007 by KWSN Sir Clark
The new admins better watch out for The Knights Who Say Ni! because:

19) Message boards : Number crunching : Welcome QMUL Admins (Message 16141)
Posted 16 Jan 2007 by KWSN Sir Clark
Yes! We were told there's life out there, and now it's proven!

Now I know why the last SETI WU i did went beserk.......it had a signal from our new admins........

Good luck with everything guys.

Clark (fellow Londoner) and son of a QMC alumnus
20) Message boards : Number crunching : SOME greedy users (Message 16016)
Posted 3 Jan 2007 by KWSN Sir Clark
I currently crunch for 14 projects including LHC on a single 1 CPU PC.

I managed to get a single WU......it's just the luck of the draw.

I would have got more and could've if I'd suspended all the other projects so only LHC was active, but I didn't.

Next 20

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