1) Message boards : CMS Application : no new WUs available (Message 48233)
Posted 19 Jun 2023 by paul
Appears to be an issue with BOINC services.
Validation not happening so no re-sends and maybe affecting new work.

2) Message boards : Number crunching : validation pending (Message 48230)
Posted 19 Jun 2023 by paul
Validation appears to be stuck, I have many validation pending but no change in numbers for days.

Server status page shows many tasks waiting at all stages.

3) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : Will there be any more sixtrack jobs? (Message 48225)
Posted 18 Jun 2023 by paul
Will there be any more sixtrack jobs?

There have been a few batches since but currently many stuck awaiting validation despite 2 good returns.

4) Message boards : Number crunching : Server status page (Message 48224)
Posted 18 Jun 2023 by paul
The task validation seems to be stuck at least for sixtrack tasks. I received a bunch of resend tasks last night and those that I have now finished and have another valid result are waiting for validation.

I am only running sixtrack and have many tasks with 2 returns waiting validation.
There was a batch of new tasks in the last day or 2.

5) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : Will there be any more sixtrack jobs? (Message 48047)
Posted 28 Apr 2023 by paul
Will there be any more sixtrack jobs?

6) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : Sixtrack BOINC application on track to be ported to GPUs? (Message 48018)
Posted 17 Apr 2023 by paul
Either way...how about generating SixTrack work more frequently?

We have currently very few SixTrack jobs, as almost everyone in our teams moved to using xtrack.
So once that is fully deployed (~2 months), expect to see a lot of jobs!


Will there be any more sixtrack jobs?


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