1) Message boards : ATLAS application : These 400 event jobs (Message 50200)
Posted 18 May 2024 by nairb
Well, the w/u using 4 cpu's and 400 events and only 1 worker has indeed finished OK after giving the impression of not working.

2) Message boards : ATLAS application : These 400 event jobs (Message 50188)
Posted 16 May 2024 by nairb
One of the w/u is using 4 cpu's and 1850 events and shows 4 worker progress lines on an alt-F2.

Another w/u is using 4 cpu's and shows 400 events and only 1 worker progress line. I seen NO athena.py process on an alt-F3.
And N/A for most of the information on the alt-F2

Is this correct.... I might have aborted a couple of tasks thinking this is wrong for the 400 task jobs
3) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Fedora 36 runs atlas w/u OK. ALL CMS fail (Message 47979)
Posted 6 Apr 2023 by nairb
Many thanks for the info.
I followed your instructions and now the machine is running 2 cms jobs fine. It's only using half the available ram, so might even be able to run 3 jobs at once,
I have set the preferences to have only 2 jobs at once to be sure.

All is now running fine

4) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Fedora 36 runs atlas w/u OK. ALL CMS fail (Message 47973)
Posted 5 Apr 2023 by nairb
A fedora 36 machine will run ATLAS jobs fine. But sofar all CMS jobs fail with
"00:00:05.652853 Console: VM runtime error: fatal=false, errorID=VMBootFail message="The VM failed to boot. This is possibly caused by not having an operating system installed or a misconfigured boot order. Maybe picking a guest OS install DVD will resolve the situation".

VBox works well with Atlas but not with CMS. Vbox ver 7.06.

Any clues?? other than dont run cms.
5) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Installing vbox on fedora30 (Message 46849)
Posted 6 Jun 2022 by nairb
For those who worry about such things I have managed to install vbox on fedora 36. Not the best solution. So I tried one of the fedora spins the LXDE one. It requires much less disk space which is great since I have a bunch of sata 40g disks.

It took a fair amount of effort to get boinc to see virtualbox. A good many messages saying that vbox was not installed. Anyway after a few hours it was fixed.
SO fedora 36 and vbox seem to be a winning combination.
6) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Installing vbox on fedora30 (Message 46841)
Posted 1 Jun 2022 by nairb
Well, for what it's worth...... I have a disk with fedora 32 installed. So I plugged it into a 4core I5 machine. And after a fair bit of effort managed to get vbox 6.1 installed as well. I set the application to use only 2 cpu's at once and set it off.
Well sofar it's doing ok. So it looks like fedora 32 is ok to use.
I know it's not a mass market, but I suspect fedora 33/34 will be ok as well.
7) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Installing vbox on fedora30 (Message 46699)
Posted 28 Apr 2022 by nairb
Well the Orale/VirtualBox website says fedora 32 or fedora 33/34/35. So it looks like I dont have the kit to run this atlas stuff. I dont want to upgrade to the latest fedora because I dont know if I could get the libs for CPDN. I think fedora dropped 32bit support after fedora 30.

This windoze laptop just does not have the memory to run atlas and other tasks together.

There is always sixtrack.

8) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Installing vbox on fedora30 (Message 46689)
Posted 27 Apr 2022 by nairb
Anybody tried installing the vbox on fedora 30 linux. Just wondering if additional libs are needed. For cpdn there were 3/4 additional libs needed...... but they were32 bit libs.

9) Questions and Answers : Windows : Low cpu usage (Message 46685)
Posted 26 Apr 2022 by nairb
Hurrrray its done an Atlas w/u and its been Completed and validated. The smart move now is to let it complete the w/u left and set up the desktop with vbox and run Atlas from there since its always connected to the internet. This laptop is better with the six track w/u.

But at least its worked for once.

10) Questions and Answers : Windows : Low cpu usage (Message 46678)
Posted 25 Apr 2022 by nairb
Yes that was the real problem - not enough memory. I followed the checklist but still needed to stop a couple of other processes to get enough memory for the vbox to work. Even the F2/F3 keys work now. I get 2 athema.py processes running and it has completed 10 of 200 events so far.

Its plain I will have to increase the amount of memory on this machine if I want to run atlas on a regular basis.

Thanks to all who have helped. I would have probably given up otherwise. I will try getting the I7 machine set-up with vbox but had better wait till the cpdn jobs have finished first.

11) Questions and Answers : Windows : Low cpu usage (Message 46676)
Posted 24 Apr 2022 by nairb
Right I have a major step forward. For some reason the alt f3/f2 gave the login prompt (again) but this time I used atlas login (again) and for the first time ever I was logged in. Hurray. Now I am more familiar with linux so first i found out that it does see 4 cpus.
Top produced some interesting info. A quick grep with athena and nothing was found. All cpu's are idle. The id in top is 99.9%. Nearly all memory is free.
So it would seem that nothing is being processed. There are 4 cpu's in the top list.

Is there a log somewhere that might show why its failed or not processing? or failed to start.

12) Questions and Answers : Windows : Low cpu usage (Message 46674)
Posted 24 Apr 2022 by nairb
So, in the VirtualBox manager I press the green "show" icon. I get a black window which I can try and log on. If I select "machine from the menu and then session information from the drop down menu I get another screen showing cpu load at about 50% average. But I dont know if that is all four cpu's or just 1.
From Boinc if I select properties from the running job is says 7.30mins of cpu time and 4 seconds CPU time since checkpoint. With an Elapsed time of 18.36 hrs.

I think I have opened all the correct port numbers.

I dont think this is working. And I dont think it ever has on this win10 machine for some reason.

I ran the V-CPU from LeoMoon and have 2 green boxes.

I bet if I leave this running it would take 3+ days if it dosen't fail first
13) Questions and Answers : Windows : Low cpu usage (Message 46667)
Posted 23 Apr 2022 by nairb
Thanks for the info. Its running all 4 cpu's and still at about 60%.

Its been running nearly 24hrs and its at 79%. Somewhat longer than the 15 hrs stated in boinc.

It looks like running another 12 hrs at least.

Still all normal??
14) Questions and Answers : Windows : Low cpu usage (Message 46663)
Posted 22 Apr 2022 by nairb
Just added ATLAS Simulation. Downloaded the latest version of VM box 6.1 and downloaded a few Atlas jobs.
I suspended all but 1 job and its started and "seems" to be running?. It is doing about 6.5%/hr.

I notice that the cpu load is averaging about 60%. Is this normal?. All other other jobs from other projects seem to run 100%. Even the six track runs max speed.

The normal windoz task manager show very little cpu load.

Is this all normal?
15) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : EXIT_DISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED (Message 43333)
Posted 11 Sep 2020 by nairb
Getting a bunch of EXIT_DISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED as well. After running for a few hours. The computer does other projects fine.........
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates (Message 42701)
Posted 30 May 2020 by nairb
Seems to be fixed with the workaround on

LHC & Rosetta both seem to work. Other projects still work.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates (Message 42689)
Posted 30 May 2020 by nairb
I can confirm that Linux (fedora 30) is working fine with no certificate issues. So far anyway on LHC & Rosetta
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates (Message 42682)
Posted 30 May 2020 by nairb
same problem here, with LHC and Rosetta. GPUGRID and WCG are okay.

When opening the file ca-bundle.crt it shows a certificate valid from 1.9.1998 - 28.1.2028.
Besides, line 4 says "Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Fri Jan 26 21:30:21 2018 GMT"

Open the ca-bundle.ca with notepad or similar then its line 4
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates (Message 42681)
Posted 30 May 2020 by nairb
Same issue here. I thought LHC had lent some server capacity to Rosetta for the COVID-19 project. Maybe this has messed something up...
20) Message boards : ATLAS application : The last 10% takes days (Message 41824)
Posted 5 Mar 2020 by nairb
Sorry if this has been asked before... I'm sure it has. After endless hundreds of sixtrack jobs I thought I would try an Atlas w/u.
I started off with an expected run time of 18 hrs or so. Well its now into 4 days 5hrs with 5% left. The last 10% has taken ages. I'm not sure it will make the 6th march deadline.
There seems to be little cpu activity (2 cores 4 logical cpu's) and little memory usage.

Is this typical?

Win10, I5 cpu 8 gig ram

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