1) Message boards : LHC@home Science : CERN doesn't like LHC@Home. (Message 12607)
Posted 1 Feb 2006 by hurax
Perhaps the reason is that experimental physics and good web design are a contradiction. See http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/non_acc/ as proof. Thankfully LaTeX imposes the style crafted by professionals on its users.
2) Message boards : LHC@home Science : Higgs boson (Message 8796)
Posted 22 Jul 2005 by hurax

since the Higgs boson ist expected to be found by LHC this should be the right place to ask. The Higgs particle is said to give mass to the other particles, but how does it do that? Is there an intuitive explanation of the mechanism like there is for forces via Feynman graphs? My particle physics book just mentions the analogy to supraconductors as broken symmetry but has no real explanation, and the standard model book I read went over my head since I know very little about quantum field theory. Has the Higgs theory also an explanation of the masses of leptons and quarks, which seem rather arbitrary? And is there already a prediction for its mass like there was for W and Z?


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