1) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC 5.10.28 (Message 18524)
Posted 2 Nov 2007 by Profile Nightbird
BOINC 5.10.28 is available. Please, update.

Why ?.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Don't call them .exe (Message 17788)
Posted 27 Aug 2007 by Profile Nightbird
I think that the best is to see this "problem" with your network admin.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : old results (Message 17769)
Posted 13 Aug 2007 by Profile Nightbird
I have this one left over from september 05
work unit 506734 still pending

Forgot it. ;)
4) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Project Superlinkattechnion is offline (Message 17696)
Posted 2 Aug 2007 by Profile Nightbird
I quote MarkS, admin on the project superlinkattechnion



To all those who is wondering what's going on with SUPERLINK@TECHNION project: our server's HDD crashed completely, and it will take us about one week to recover, hopefully less than that.
We do have backups, so user information is likely to be preserved.


source :
5) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Problems posting on Einstein@Home message boards? (Message 17335)
Posted 11 Jul 2007 by Profile Nightbird
Is anyone else having problems posting to the boards at E@H? If I try to reply to a post I'm confronted with the message: "Unable to handle request. In order to reply to a post in you must have a certain amount of credit. This is to prevent and protect against abuse of the system."
I'm guessing this is to stop spammers signing up and posting without ever properly participating in the project, but I've got 8301.51 credit at E@H, how much do I need? (And where is that shown on their website?)
I have got a very low RAC at E@H because I haven't returned a WU recently (they have been having issues with the app running slowly on AMD hosts), but the message just mentions "credit" not RAC.
(I can't ask about this at E@H because if I try to start a new thread there to ask about this, I get the same message!)

I think that the key is the Rac (> 0 ?) and not the credit.
Even if your Rac = 0, usually you can post in the Help Desk forum.

6) Message boards : Number crunching : The new look bugs (Message 17313)
Posted 9 Jul 2007 by Profile Nightbird
Seeing this on the front page...
LHC@home News

Warning: include(work_status.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/httpd/lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/html/user/index.php on line 23

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'work_status.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /srv/httpd/lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/html/user/index.php on line 23
Welcome to the LHC@home Project!

And the url is :
7) Message boards : Number crunching : When can we expect new work?? (Message 17269)
Posted 5 Jul 2007 by Profile Nightbird

Also please note, and this is to everyone, if I see another thread on this topic I will delete it, can you not read the sticky at the top of the forum?

Why do you want to delete the post ? Obviously, people don't see or/and read posts.
That's pretty usual.
Move it to the sticky thread and send an email "Reason : ..... It will be mailed if nonempty"
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Bugs - problems thread (Message 17046)
Posted 17 Jun 2007 by Profile Nightbird
Did somebody try the rating ?

Ratings don't work, and the red-x appears to work but crashes on submission.

Unable to handle request LHC@home  
User with id FORUM_MODERATION_EMAIL_USER_ID created but nothing returned from DB layer

Ok, same here.
This problem is not new (before the migration) but i don't know exactly since when rating and red-x don't work.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Bugs - problems thread (Message 17034)
Posted 15 Jun 2007 by Profile Nightbird
Did somebody try the rating ?
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Trojan used by dishonest BOINC cruncher (Message 17021)
Posted 12 Jun 2007 by Profile Nightbird
I found a simple solution is to create a team called "banned for life" again. guaranteed any accounts inside the team will be banned in under 24hrs. I didn't need to say anything it was promptly deleted about an hour after i created it. i was glad to be rid of my account.

Are you banned ?
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Bugs - problems thread (Message 16946)
Posted 1 Jun 2007 by Profile Nightbird
I got this warning message using this url

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect] : Too many connections in /srv/httpd/lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/html/inc/db.inc on line 16
Unable to connect to database - please try again later
Error: 1040Too many connections

Maybe you can increase the limit ?
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Because you asked.... (Message 16870)
Posted 13 May 2007 by Profile Nightbird

The transition is progressing. Hope to have some more concrete information on the front page soon.

The project has been through a number of admin's hands and so information has been spread thinly. Thinks have taken time as I have had to scrape the information together and when I find something out it solves 1 problem but reveals 2 more...

I know a number of you are feeling frustrated about this... if it is any comfort so am I!!!

Bye for now

Alex Owen

LHC@Home Server Admin

Thanks Alex for the update But is LHC an one-man-show ?
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Project dead ? (Message 16839)
Posted 8 May 2007 by Profile Nightbird
As much as I would love to participate in the project, I want to know that my participation in said project is appreciated.

The only form of appreciation I need is just to have my stats exported.

If you can't do that, you don't appreciate my participation, and I no longer have a desire to participate in the project.
Gee..... can I please have some cheese with that whine....? :D LOL

Dontcha think that they ppl working behind the scenes to get "LHC 2.0" up and running have far more important things to and worry about then to make sure a bunch of stat junkies get their fix....

Why not invest some time in learning how to use the WAP stats feed to parse current stats in almost real time which ARE working and ARE NOT affected currently by LHC's slow rebuild process?

See my sig below for an example.

Problem solved.

I have the feeling that nobody "is working behind the scenes to get "LHC 2.0" up and runing"...
14) Message boards : Number crunching : A Birthday Wish (Message 16786)
Posted 30 Apr 2007 by Profile Nightbird
Fingers crossed ! ;)
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Gone in a flash! (Message 16753)
Posted 28 Apr 2007 by Profile Nightbird
I disabled work requests on this project.
I don't like the idea that somebody, sometimes throws me peanuts.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Lifesign? (Message 16750)
Posted 28 Apr 2007 by Profile Nightbird
Well it´s a shame...
It started really nice and hopeful with the new admins and the new server.
But now... It looks like all is the same as it was last year...

I wonder WHY it's so difficult for an admin. to come here, in this forum, 5 minutes/day.
Probably, we are a lost world or forgotten ...
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Trojan used by dishonest BOINC cruncher (Message 16613)
Posted 24 Mar 2007 by Profile Nightbird

If you read the final message in the thread linked to, you will find that the Admins there banned 2 people for posting false accusations. They also state that where there is no evidence they cannot assume a breaking of the rules. That seems to be fair enough.

I haven't looked at their message board rules, but if there is mention of posting false or unsupported info that harms, or is intended to harm. another user, that would justify the 2 banishments mentioned.

If Admins there declared the matter closed and asked that new threads beating this dead horse not be created, then it would be well within their rights to delete threads as they appear, again haven't looked for this, but they have stated that they are dealing with the person who has been proven to have violated their rules and from the Admin's comments & Pscheofer's complaint they are containing the issue in a manner they deem best.

Sure they try to contain complaints...banning people until 2038 or blocking whole IP ranges...
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Trojan used by dishonest BOINC cruncher (Message 16606)
Posted 23 Mar 2007 by Profile Nightbird
Now - this is silly. The issue was discovered and handled over a month ago. The actions have been repeatedly discussed -- in my mind, there's no further action required.

By the way, if you feel that Predictor@home is doing something wrong - shouldn't you post your concerns on the Predictor boards rather than here ???

They're deleting messages and banning peoples for that.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : A Miracle! (Message 15946)
Posted 31 Dec 2006 by Profile Nightbird
Unbelievable !
Wus again !!
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Latest information on the move to UK (Message 15864)
Posted 21 Dec 2006 by Profile Nightbird
Thanks for the news. :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2007 !

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