1) Message boards : Number crunching : Tasks stuck at 99.99% with run time of 1 day+ (Message 46511)
Posted 22 Mar 2022 by doug
Thanks to all for your help.

computezrmle, I've changed my LHC preferences here to reduce the number of cores for Atlas tasks. I have a question: when you said: "Unfortunately, the logfile shows this wasn't the case", what "logfile" are you referring to? One local to my machine? One somewhere on the site here?

Also, is there a sample app_config.xml for LHC that I could work from if I decide I need further or more granular settings?

Thanks again to all.

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Tasks stuck at 99.99% with run time of 1 day+ (Message 46497)
Posted 22 Mar 2022 by doug
I installed the Virtual Box extension pack for the version of VB I have. I restarted BOINC, and selected the Atlas project. I don't see any button or anything else labeled "Show VM console".

I also tried the Oracle VM Virtual Box Mgr. I selected the Atlas task, which displayed the "Show" button (as Crystal Pellet stated). I clicked that button and a console-type window opened up. Pressing Alt-F3 does nothing. Pressing Alt-F2 displays the message:

blk_update_request:I/O error, dev sda, sector 37743176

followed by this message about 17 times: "Write error on swap device", followed by (8:0:377432XX), where XX is different on every line.

These seem like error messages, but don't tell me, at least, much useful.

And I just saw a minute or so ago, while writing this message, that the Atlas task, after 2 days and 13+ hours of "elapsed time" and 5 days and 17+ hours of "CPU time", has terminated in a "Computation error". So, that was a whole lot of wasted cycles.

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Tasks stuck at 99.99% with run time of 1 day+ (Message 46491)
Posted 21 Mar 2022 by doug
I am having what seems to be a similar situation. I have an Atlas task that has been running for, according to Boinc Mgr and BoincTasks, 2d:5h:35m. It uses all 4 of my CPUs when running. I've run a number of CMS tasks recently with no problem. This is apparently the first Atlas task I've gotten. At first I thought I had sequentially gotten multiple Atlas tasks, until the actual elapsed time for this one finally penetrated my thick skull.

Something doesn't seem right. The only LHC-related errors in the BIONC event log are a few of these:

Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.

BoincTasks (v1.78) shows the "CPU %" for this task as 228.35%, which I'd think can't be right.

I'd hate to have to cancel this task and waste all those cycles, but it seems like something is seriously wrong with the task processing. Does anyone have any thoughts and/or recommendations?

Windows 10 (10.0.19044.1586)
16G ram
BOINC v7.16.20 (x64)
vbox 6.1.12 r139181 (Qt5.6.2)
BOINC Mgr shows 34 GB disk assigned to BOINC but unused
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.20 GHz


4) Message boards : Number crunching : Only getting CMS tasks (Message 46479)
Posted 19 Mar 2022 by doug
My "Max # Jobs" is set to 1.
My "Max # CPUs" is set to "No limit".

This isn't exactly the situation you described. Should I try changing this?


5) Message boards : Number crunching : Only getting CMS tasks (Message 46474)
Posted 19 Mar 2022 by doug
Well, one issue is apparently resolved. I just got an Atlas Simulation job a while ago.

I'm still only getting 1 LHC task at a time though, and I still don't understand what the "has reached a limit on tasks" log message is about.

6) Message boards : Number crunching : Only getting CMS tasks (Message 46473)
Posted 18 Mar 2022 by doug

I set all my other projects to NOT get new tasks. After a number of hours, I now have only 1 task running, an LHC CMS task. Even if I update, and with 1000s of Atlas and Theory tasks available to send, I'm not getting anythingl From my log file:

| LHC@home | [css] running CMS_766468_1647601597.189125_0 ( )
| LHC@home | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
| LHC@home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
| LHC@home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
| LHC@home | No tasks sent
| LHC@home | No tasks are available for SixTrack
| LHC@home | No tasks are available for sixtracktest
| LHC@home | No tasks are available for CMS Simulation
| LHC@home | No tasks are available for Theory Simulation
| LHC@home | No tasks are available for ATLAS Simulation
| LHC@home | This computer has reached a limit on tasks in progress
| LHC@home | Project requested delay of 6 seconds

First, it's false that no tasks are available for those other applications. Second, what does the bolded line mean (This computer has reached...)? How is that determined? I've set my "Store at least" and "store up to an additional" settings for LHC to multiple days each, and the same for my BOINC local prefs. I've then tried multiple updates of my LHC project. Nada.

Any ideas why I can't get more tasks, and/or tasks from other applications?


7) Message boards : Number crunching : Only getting CMS tasks (Message 46468)
Posted 18 Mar 2022 by doug

Thanks for the info. My native pref was enabled, and I have now disabled (unchecked) it.

I'm restarting BOINC and I'll see if I start getting any other type of LHC tasks. It may take a couple of days to know for sure.

Thanks again.

8) Message boards : Number crunching : Only getting CMS tasks (Message 46466)
Posted 18 Mar 2022 by doug
Hi all,

With a lot of help from forum members here, I got my LHC project working again, and it's been running fine for a while now.

The only oddity is that I'm only getting CMS tasks, even though the Server Status page shows thousands of taks for both the Theory and Atlas Simulations, in fact way more tasks than CMS has. Does anyone have any idea why? It's not a big deal, but I'm curious, and would like to run some of the other tasks if I can.

I have all of the applications set to "yes" except "Atlas (long simulation)", which I believe is only for Linux.


9) Message boards : Number crunching : not getting any tasks despite many showing on Project Status page (Message 45695)
Posted 14 Nov 2021 by doug
Thanks for the info.

In the BIOS on my Dell OPtiplex 7010, under "Virtualization Support", there are:
- Virtualization (enabled)
- "VT for Direct I/O" (enabled)
- Trusted Execution (NOT enabled)

In the System Information app, under System Summary, it shows:
"A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed."

I not sure if the above addresses everything you are asking about, but it's what I could find.

10) Message boards : Number crunching : not getting any tasks despite many showing on Project Status page (Message 45687)
Posted 13 Nov 2021 by doug
It is best to reboot, and then look at "Tools/Event log". Somewhere around line 14 or so (in Linux for me), it will show which version of VirtualBox you are using.
If it sees that, then it should be good on any BOINC project.

This was in my Event Log: VirtualBox version: 6.1.12 (on line 18).

So, I guess my VB installation is not the issue. I'm still baffled why I'm not getting any tasks.

11) Message boards : Number crunching : not getting any tasks despite many showing on Project Status page (Message 45685)
Posted 13 Nov 2021 by doug
You Computer information shows: "Virtualbox (6.1.12) installed, CPU does not have hardware virtualization support"
Have you enabled virtualization in the BIOS?

I'm running Win10 with all the latest updates. In Task Manager, on the second (Performance) tab, at the bottom with all the CPU info, it says "Virtualization: Enabled". Does that address what you are asking about? I ran LHC@home fine in the past on this machine; I just haven't run it in the last 1.5 years or so.

I set my Max CPUs to 8, as you've suggested.


12) Message boards : Number crunching : not getting any tasks despite many showing on Project Status page (Message 45684)
Posted 13 Nov 2021 by doug
Thanks. ''Run native if available?'' is NOT checked.

13) Message boards : Number crunching : not getting any tasks despite many showing on Project Status page (Message 45680)
Posted 13 Nov 2021 by doug

I'm returning to LHC@Home for the first time in over 1.5 years. In my Project Preferences, I have every project set to "Yes" except for ATLAS (long sim). All 3 of the "Simulation" applications show on the Project status page available tasks now (EST 11:37am), with two of them showing thousands of available tasks. But I'm not getting anything. My Event Log shows:

11/13/2021 11:30:59 AM | LHC@home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
11/13/2021 11:30:59 AM | LHC@home | No tasks sent
11/13/2021 11:30:59 AM | LHC@home | No tasks are available for SixTrack
11/13/2021 11:30:59 AM | LHC@home | No tasks are available for sixtracktest
11/13/2021 11:30:59 AM | LHC@home | No tasks are available for CMS Simulation
11/13/2021 11:30:59 AM | LHC@home | No tasks are available for Theory Simulation
11/13/2021 11:30:59 AM | LHC@home | No tasks are available for ATLAS Simulation

Is there something new I need to do? Am I doing something wrong? Any idea why I'm not getting any tasks?


14) Message boards : ATLAS application : ATLAS disk space error; set BOINC drive? (Message 42236)
Posted 18 Apr 2020 by doug

I got this error after my first ATLAS task had run for a number of hours:

4/18/2020 2:53:46 PM | LHC@home | Aborting task QJ3MDmuFpjwnsSi4apGgGQJmABFKDmABFKDmEpOYDmABFKDmd46DYn_0: exceeded disk limit: 10392.30MB > 9536.74MB

I have no idea where this "disk limit" is set or where it comes from. I can't find any such number in any of my project preferences, BOINC preference or local Manager preferences. Also, AFAICT, BOINC didn't run out of disk space, as I still have 90G free on that drive. Can anyone explain what's causing this issue and how I can fix it?

I would also like to know if it is possible to change the drive BOINC projects use for their work, preferably per project. The original 5 projects I had when I started with BOINC some years ago used a reasonable amount of disk space that I didn't begrudge. But one of those projects (SETI) is ending its BOINC work, and I decided to add Rosetta and LHC to take its place. However, those 2 new projects more than doubled the amount of disk space being used, so now I'd like to move at least some of the projects to another (physical) drive, which, though slower (it's a traditional disk drive), has much more free disk space. Is there any way to do this? If it would be better for me to ask this in another forum, I will do so.


15) Message boards : Theory Application : Theory task true completion time? (Message 42233)
Posted 18 Apr 2020 by doug
Hi Harri,

Thanks for the info. Naturally, less than an hour after posting my question, the task did finish (in about 8.5 hours), and my Task page shows "Completed and validated".

Thanks again.

16) Message boards : ATLAS application : typical length of time an ATLAS task takes? (Message 42228)
Posted 18 Apr 2020 by doug

I've recently joined lhc@home and gotten my first ATLAS tasks; one of those tasks has now been running for a little over 2 hours. I have also started a Theory task and the BOINC Manager "Remaining (estimated)" time changed from close to 3 hours before it started to now just under 4 days, after already running for well over 8 hours.

Can anyone give me an idea of what the average time to complete an ATLAS task would be? BOINC Manager is saying something over 4 hours with 4 CPUs - is that reliable? I'd rather not have all CPUs dedicated to one task, so is it possible to accurately estimate the time to complete for 1, 2 and 3 CPUs as well?

My machine is latest Windows 10, Intel Core i5-3470 with 16GB memory, 4 cores. I have the latest BOINC and Virtual Box combo installed (BOINC 7.16.5), which I upgraded to a week or so ago.


17) Message boards : ATLAS application : set ATLAS "# of cpus/jobs" in app_config.xml? (Message 42227)
Posted 18 Apr 2020 by doug

I've recently joined lhc@home and just got my first ATLAS tasks last night (thanks to help on the Number Crunching forum).

I noticed that all of the ATLAS tasks say "Ready to start (4 CPUs)". I assume that means each ATLAS task will use all 4 cores to run. I had that issue with cosmology@home - I don't want all the cores being monopolized by 1 Task/project. I was able to fix that for cosmology@home by creating an app_config.xml and setting "<max_concurrent>" and "<avg_ncpus>". Is it possible to do the same thing for the ATLAS app in lhc@home? If so, what would the exact "<app_name>" be?

I realize I can accomplish most (or all) of this by setting the "Max # CPUs" and "Max # jobs" options in my project preferences, but I was wondering if it could be done (perhaps more granularly) in the app_config.xml.


18) Message boards : Theory Application : Theory task true completion time? (Message 42226)
Posted 18 Apr 2020 by doug

I've recently joined lhc@home and gotten my first Theory tasks.

I'm currently running one of these Tasks. The BOINC Manager "Remaining (estimated)" time for each of these tasks is very close to 3 hours. However, the one that is running has been going for almost 8 hours and the remaining estimated time is now almost 4 days. Does that seem right? I've seen the BOINC remaining times be off by quite a bit before, but not by multiple days.


19) Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting any tasks, though many are available (Message 42220)
Posted 18 Apr 2020 by doug
Hi all,

I suspended all my other BOINC projects and Updated lhc@home, and immediately got 16 new tasks, 8 ATLAS and 8 Theory. I've got 1 Theory task running now, and so far, so good.

I do notice that all of the ATLAS tasks say "Ready to start (4 CPUs)". I assume that means (as I remember it did with cosmology@home) that it will use all 4 cores to run 1 task. I had that issue with cosmology@home - I don't want all the cores being monopolized by 1 Task/project. I was able to fix that for cosmology by creating an app_config.xml and setting "<max_concurrent>" and "<avg_ncpus>". Is it possible to do the same thing for the ATLAS app in lhc@home? If so, what would the exact "<app_name>" be?

I also agree with the other posters here who suggested adding additional help/info to the LHC preferences to explain what the "Run native if available" option is and what to set it to for various OSs, especially if it is going to be set "true" by default (which it seems to be - I don't remember setting it).

Thanks again to all here for all the help.

20) Message boards : Number crunching : Not getting any tasks, though many are available (Message 42219)
Posted 18 Apr 2020 by doug
Done. I'll wait and see if I get any more tasks.



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