1) Message boards : Theory Application : Theory native fails with \"mountpoint for cgroup not found\" (Message 47799)
Posted 27 Feb 2023 by wanderphx
I am getting this same/similar issue on my Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Virtualbox. Can someone describe how to upgrade the runc version, and/or if this is a valid fix that doesn't cause data processing errors?

process exited with code 195 (0xc3, -61)</message>
09:59:06 (17235): wrapper (7.15.26016): starting
09:59:06 (17235): wrapper (7.15.26016): starting
09:59:06 (17235): wrapper: running ../../projects/lhcathome.cern.ch_lhcathome/cranky-0.0.32 ()
09:59:06 EST -05:00 2023-02-27: cranky-0.0.32: [INFO] Detected Theory App
09:59:06 EST -05:00 2023-02-27: cranky-0.0.32: [INFO] Checking CVMFS.
09:59:16 EST -05:00 2023-02-27: cranky-0.0.32: [INFO] Checking runc.
09:59:16 EST -05:00 2023-02-27: cranky-0.0.32: [INFO] Creating the filesystem.
09:59:16 EST -05:00 2023-02-27: cranky-0.0.32: [INFO] Using /cvmfs/cernvm-prod.cern.ch/cvm3
09:59:16 EST -05:00 2023-02-27: cranky-0.0.32: [INFO] Updating config.json.
09:59:16 EST -05:00 2023-02-27: cranky-0.0.32: [INFO] Running Container 'runc'.
container_linux.go:336: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:293: applying cgroup configuration for process caused \"mountpoint for cgroup not found\""
09:59:16 EST -05:00 2023-02-27: cranky-0.0.32: [INFO] Container 'runc' finished with status code 1.
09:59:16 EST -05:00 2023-02-27: cranky-0.0.32: [INFO] Preparing output.
09:59:16 EST -05:00 2023-02-27: cranky-0.0.32: [ERROR] No output found.
09:59:17 (17235): cranky exited; CPU time 0.970083
09:59:17 (17235): app exit status: 0xce
09:59:17 (17235): called boinc_finish(195)
2) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Ubuntu 22.04 VirtualBox issues (Message 47772)
Posted 20 Feb 2023 by wanderphx
Due to this error I have tried to follow instructions to install the CernVM-FS service with little success.

This was the initial task error:
[2023-02-20 02:41:25] Checking for CVMFS
[2023-02-20 02:41:25] No cvmfs_config command found, will try listing directly
[2023-02-20 02:41:25] ls: cannot access '/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw': No such file or directory
[2023-02-20 02:41:25] Failed to list /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/sw
[2023-02-20 02:41:25] ** It looks like CVMFS is not installed on this host.
[2023-02-20 02:41:25] ** CVMFS is required to run ATLAS native tasks and can be installed following https://cvmfs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/cpt-quickstart.html
[2023-02-20 02:41:25] ** and setting 'CVMFS_REPOSITORIES=atlas.cern.ch,atlas-condb.cern.ch' in /etc/cvmfs/default.local
02:41:26 (5392): run_atlas exited; CPU time 0.015609
02:41:26 (5392): app exit status: 0x1

**UPDATE: It looks like everything is up and running for cvmfs after receiving an "OK" confirmation from the
sudo cvmfs_config chksetup
command. I will followup if further issues.
3) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Install of AlmaLinux9 (Message 47771)
Posted 20 Feb 2023 by wanderphx
Does anyone have experience installing AlmaLinux9 on VirtualBox (or any experience at all)?

I am having difficulty installing required files on my Umbuntu VirtualBox to fix an error so I'd like to try AlmaLinux9 but am having trouble getting hold of a disk image. The following link begins to download but then stops with an error:

The closest instructions I have found to install Alma9 was here (where I found the boot.iso link):
And here (but I can't figure out how to login to openstack.cern.ch):

Any suggestions (even an alternative) for linux on VirtualBox is welcomed.
4) Questions and Answers : Windows : Computation Error (Message 47657)
Posted 7 Jan 2023 by wanderphx
Thanks! I thought I had vm turned on for AMD (SVM) in bios but I forgot I reset the bios a couple months back. I enabled svm and ATLAS simulation is working great so far!
5) Questions and Answers : Windows : Computation Error (Message 47645)
Posted 5 Jan 2023 by wanderphx
I often get a "computation error" when running LHC tasks on vm. Has anyone any suggestions on how to troubleshoot the issue?

Here is my setup: https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/show_host_detail.php?hostid=10821098

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