1) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Using CluBORun (Message 40179)
Posted 17 Oct 2019 by UAM-LCG2

I am trying to use BOINC in a cluster with restriction of use their own batch system, so I can not run BOINC in a parallel way (the people of the cluster wants that all the jobs get registered in the batch system).

I think that this can be done by using CluBORun, but there is not a lot of information about this software. Anyone know how CluBORun exactly works? I will thanks any other option.

Thank you!
2) Message boards : ATLAS application : Boinc jobs through SLURM bathc systems (Message 40096)
Posted 9 Oct 2019 by UAM-LCG2
The administrators of the cluster where we want implement the Boinc are very interested in have control on the statistics of jobs, and so, they have imposed the condition of send all jobs through the Slurm system.

We don't really know if this is possible or not, so we are doing a little research about. We will thank any idea coming from the community.

Our second option is, as you said, try to execute the jobs in the batch system with no Boinc.
3) Message boards : ATLAS application : Boinc jobs through SLURM bathc systems (Message 40091)
Posted 8 Oct 2019 by UAM-LCG2

I am trying to use Boinc in a cluster holding the SLURM batch system. In this way, the jobs interchanged between the Boinc server and the client must be sended through the SLURM batch system to register the entry, and can not be interchanged between Boinc server and client.

Does anyone know how to do this?
4) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas Simulation 1.01 (Vbox64) will not finish (Message 38160)
Posted 8 Mar 2019 by UAM-LCG2
Hi greg_be;

I had the same problem with my Linux computers using Virtualbox. And i did the following steps to check the problems:
1. Check the event log for BOINC, maybe there are some clue in this file.
2. Open the VM in BOINC: Select the task running --> Click Show VM Console Button (Appears in 30 second or less) [You need Virtualbox Extension Pack]
3. In the new window, you should wait for a few minutes, until the login menu appears.
4. Press ALT+F2, and check if there are events in there, you should wait for a 20-30 minutes to verify this.

When you do this, it's probably that you obtain an error. And you will need to create a file app_config.xml to solve this problem. But first i want to make sure that you obtain an error so i reply you when you do all of this.
5) Message boards : ATLAS application : Task configurations (Message 37944)
Posted 6 Feb 2019 by UAM-LCG2
Your strategy seems to be to reduce the task run time by assigning more CPUs to tasks. That can work but only if the host has enough memory.
The following app_config.xml should work to run max 1 ATLAS vbox task at a time with 2 CPUs per task if the host has enough memory.
If it works then you could try 2 tasks concurrently by increasing the <max_concurrent> (not <project_max_concurrent>) value to 2.

The <project_max_concurrent> is commented out between <!-- and --> tags because it is optional.
Some of the other lines are optional too but I am not sure how those work. I think (maybe) <avg_ncpus> overrides the <cmdline>--nthreads</cmdline> which would mean you can eliminate the <cmdline>--nthreads</cmdline> if you include the <avg_ncpus>. Or maybe it's the opposite. If both lines are included then their values should match. As far as I know it does no harm to include both.

   <!-- <project_max_concurrent>4</project_max_concurrent> -->
     <cmdline>--nthreads 2 </cmdline>
     <!-- RAM formula: RAM = 3000 + 900 * ncpus -->
     <cmdline>--memory_size_mb 4800 </cmdline>

Thank you very much bronco;

I was reading the BOINC Client configuration documentation and i understood that <app> tag is the same that <app_name>, but for older BOINC versions. Finally, i have chosen to use ATLAS native app. Because i think that singularity could be better in performance than VirtualBox.
So now i have ATLAS native tasks with 2-4h of remaining time.
6) Message boards : ATLAS application : Task configurations (Message 37928)
Posted 5 Feb 2019 by UAM-LCG2
Are you still looking for a method to get smaller tasks?
As bronco already explained, there is no method.

The only thing you can do is to change the basic settings (#cpus, RAM size) already given by the server.
This makes sense if the basic settings lead to computation errors or make your computer sluggish.
Otherwise it's recommended to leave them untouched.

Yes, but i only supposed that could works. Just as you say, i can change the Computing preference parameters.

Thanks for your time!
7) Message boards : ATLAS application : Task configurations (Message 37926)
Posted 5 Feb 2019 by UAM-LCG2
If you want to receive fewer tasks (for less remaining time), then just reduce the size of the buffer in BOINC Computing preferences.
I use the default of 0.1 + 0.5 days.

Okey, thank you! I'll try to change this parameters.

That will get you fewer tasks but they will not be smaller tasks.
All ATLAS task consist of 200 events. There is no way to get ATLAS tasks that have less than 200 events. The time required to process the 200 varies and is not predictable.

Bronco is right, i tried yesterday and i had the same result. So i've been searching in BOINC documentation and i found a tag in app_config.xml file that maybe could work. The tag is <cmdline>--memory_size_mb N</cmdline>, i only try this tag with <cmdline>--nthreads 1</cmdline>, but worked fine, so i'll try with the other option. Somebody knows more options for <cmdline> tag?
8) Message boards : ATLAS application : Task configurations (Message 37915)
Posted 4 Feb 2019 by UAM-LCG2
If you want to receive fewer tasks (for less remaining time), then just reduce the size of the buffer in BOINC Computing preferences.
I use the default of 0.1 + 0.5 days.

Okey, thank you! I'll try to change this parameters.
9) Message boards : ATLAS application : Task configurations (Message 37899)
Posted 1 Feb 2019 by UAM-LCG2
Hi everybody;

I would be interested to know if there is any way to receive smaller tasks or some parameter to adjust the remaining time of the tasks. I have multiple computer and one of this have a remaining time around 4 hours and others around 1 day.
10) Message boards : ATLAS application : Problems with BOINC:Virtualbox (Bad page map in process ...) (Message 37897)
Posted 1 Feb 2019 by UAM-LCG2
HM, I had already made a note about this:

[Update 18.09.2018] Nowerdays Atlas runs only MultiCoreWUs, even if you run it with 1-Core only it will need up to 3,9 GB as SingleCore

Okey, so now all it's fine. i thought that this formula was currently valid. Thank you for time!
11) Message boards : ATLAS application : Problems with BOINC:Virtualbox (Bad page map in process ...) (Message 37896)
Posted 1 Feb 2019 by UAM-LCG2
To change the web preferences is the easiest way to get a good setup as it also adjusts the RAM calculation.
The server sends the correct values within the scheduler_reply.
This method is recommended if you run only 1 subproject, e.g. ATLAS.

#cpus and RAM settings from the server can be overruled by a local app_config.xml.
If you use "<avg_ncpus>x</avg_ncpus>", "<cmdline>--nthreads ..." should be obsolete.

It's "nthreads" instead of "nthreats"

But i don't understand why my single-core tasks consume more than 2,1 GB of memory RAM, as indicated in Yeti's Checklist ...

It was necessary to change the RAM fromula a couple of times during the last years.
Yeti also posted the recent one:
Yeti wrote:
... MultiCore-WUs need 3,0 GB + 0,9 GB * number of cores

Ahhh, now i understand. Sorry for my bad english, i wanted to say threads not threats. So now i know that my computer don't have Hyper-Threading Technology and i need to put --nthreads flag to work fine. But i think that <avg_ncpus>x<avg_ncpus> is different that <cmdline>--ntheads</cmdline>, because the cores of CPU can run multiple threads, if you have a Hyper-Threading Technology in your computer. But it's my opinion.

Thank you for all!
12) Message boards : ATLAS application : Problems with BOINC:Virtualbox (Bad page map in process ...) (Message 37888)
Posted 1 Feb 2019 by UAM-LCG2
Maybe is not the only way. I found other possibility with app_config.xml file. If you put a <cmdline> --nthreats 1</cmdline> you'll have the same result. But if you have enough RAM memory to run 2 tasks, you can run both tasks at the same time.

But i don't understand why my single-core tasks consume more than 2,1 GB of memory RAM, as indicated in Yeti's Checklist (Each SingeCore-Atlas-Task needs 2,1 GB free RAM, MultiCore-WUs need 3,0 GB + 0,9 GB * number of cores (Last Update from 01.08.2018) So 7,5 GB for a 5-Core WU.).

Any ideas?

Thank you all!
13) Message boards : ATLAS application : Problems with BOINC:Virtualbox (Bad page map in process ...) (Message 37859)
Posted 30 Jan 2019 by UAM-LCG2
I had some similar happenings. The only but working solution was to run Atlas-WUs as Single-Core and this worked fine

And.. How can i change the boinc configuration to run Atlas-WUs as Single-Core? I think it's done through Project Preferences --> Max # CPUs, but i'm not sure, is it correct?
14) Message boards : ATLAS application : Problems with BOINC:Virtualbox (Bad page map in process ...) (Message 37858)
Posted 30 Jan 2019 by UAM-LCG2
Some rare comments you can find with google point out that the error may be a result of bad physical RAM.
Could you check this with memtest?

Yes, i ran memtest for a one day and everything was right. When i looked the problem in google, i only found a bad RAM or bad kernel, but i think that it's is impossible, because i try with a three different PC's with the same hardware and all have the same problem.
15) Message boards : ATLAS application : Problems with BOINC:Virtualbox (Bad page map in process ...) (Message 37848)
Posted 29 Jan 2019 by UAM-LCG2
I do all steps that you recommend me, but i got the same error. The firewall is disable, and i got VirtualBox Extension pack installed and VT-x enable. The message is the same:

So i don't know what is the matter. Any more ideas?

Thank you for your help!
16) Message boards : ATLAS application : Problems with BOINC:Virtualbox (Bad page map in process ...) (Message 37841)
Posted 28 Jan 2019 by UAM-LCG2
Hi everybody, i have an unusual problem to run ATLAS applications in BOINC. I got a Scientific Linux 7, but i try with Ubuntu 18 and i got the same problem. I follow the Yeti checklist to install and configure BOINC with Virtualbox, but i can't solve the problem.

The problem is within the Virtualbox. My tasks apparently run, but when i look at the Virtualbox machine, i see that:

It's says that i have a BUG: Bad page map in process ...

The result of this is an computing error after 6-7 days, and i never complete one task. Could someone tell me how to fix it?

Thank you!

(Excuse me if my english is not very well)

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