1) Message boards : Number crunching : Please note: this project rarely has work (Message 15008)
Posted 7 Oct 2006 by Tobie
If you had read this thread there would have been no reason to post this. This project rarely has work. My 60 day graph at BOINCstats for this project is a flat line.

If you read the 2nd message below mine and check Scarecrows graphs, you'll see nearly 8000 WUs went out on the 1st ...

I only posted my msg as I had been checking on 2 machines for new work and missed it somehow and want to try and prevent it if I can change any settings.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Please note: this project rarely has work (Message 15005)
Posted 6 Oct 2006 by Tobie
I hope I am posting in the correct thread ... :)

I have been visiting the main page and server status daily and the message board regularly. I also manually updated LHC several times a day since the disk issue was resolved. Still, I did not see any available or get any WUs :(

Can it be because of my resource share between projects?

ps. don't know if it the correct thread for this question.

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Server Status (Message 14912)
Posted 1 Oct 2006 by Tobie
Work units were available and although Boinc Manager has been contacting the server regularly, nothing was downloaded.

Is this a problem on my side? I am attached, but not sure if the URL is correct ... http://lhcathome.cern.ch/?

4) Questions and Answers : Windows : can't attache to the project (Message 14677)
Posted 20 Sep 2006 by Tobie
I know that testing is probably under way, but I checked attaching and I get this error:

Project encountered internal error: shared memory

Until last night I had the same error as in previous message.

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