1) Message boards : Cafe LHC : The 12 Universal Keys of GOD LAST UPDATE 1.07 (Message 13763)
Posted 27 May 2006 by NOJAVA
be pious when you speak and reflect. Jesus said that the most horrible thing consists in rising oneself and lowering the others, this is called disproportionate pride the such Antichrist who are Napoleon bonaparte and hitler, which even thought of carrying out a good deed while killing out of the million human beings. This pride is also hated by GOD, and hated by the Christians, at least it is what I think.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : why so much of difference ??? (Message 13741)
Posted 25 May 2006 by NOJAVA
why such an amount of difference for the crunching


Joseph yours.

The host you indicate seems to be behaving pretty normally. What's the problem?

because the time variation of crunching
from 34 second to 13220 second
all my result are: succed done credits
3) Message boards : Number crunching : why so much of difference ??? (Message 13737)
Posted 25 May 2006 by NOJAVA
why such an amount of difference for the crunching


Joseph yours.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : sixtrack 4.67 (Message 13552)
Posted 11 May 2006 by NOJAVA
hello to everybody, i am Joseph a new user of lhc@home, excuse for my special language, because i am french.
my PC compute for 2 projects : Einstein and LHC i have been waiting for
three days before having work for lhc@home
my PC is poor PC ( AMD Sempron 1.6 Ghz with only 512 Mbyte memory )

it took an eternity for computing the first WU => 3h47'59"

11/05/2006 06:21:26|LHC@home|Computation for result wfeb1A_v6s4vvnom_mqx__8__64.254_59.264__10_12__6__70_1_sixvf_boinc187147_2 finished

is there any optimized version for "sixtrack 4.67"

because i have found optimized version for Einstein@home and my PC also stay
hours to compute a wu before,and after the fastest wu compute in 2900 seconds

what is "cool n quite" i don't understand anything with it, is it dangerous
to disable cool and quite

my mainboard is ASUS ( old model ) so i have asusprobe for viewing temperature
CPU Temperature 38C/100F
MB Temperature 39C/102F
CPU FAN 3040
5) Message boards : Cafe LHC : The 12 Universal Keys of GOD LAST UPDATE 1.07 (Message 13551)
Posted 11 May 2006 by NOJAVA

it's crazy or merveillous that the keys of the sky that has been given to Peter
make only 47 bytes " 48 62 34 58 108 42 52 28 30 81 21 25 "
future will say if it is stupid or merveillous

The Matrix is a good Film, try this

48 62 34 58 108 42 52 28 30 81 21 25
| | | | | | | | | | |
62____|____| | | | | | | | | |
| |

6) Message boards : Cafe LHC : The 12 Universal Keys of GOD LAST UPDATE 1.07 (Message 13534)
Posted 9 May 2006 by NOJAVA

it's crazy or merveillous that the keys of the sky that has been given to Peter
make only 47 bytes " 48 62 34 58 108 42 52 28 30 81 21 25 "
future will say if it is stupid or merveillous

7) Message boards : Cafe LHC : The 12 Universal Keys of GOD LAST UPDATE 1.07 (Message 13526)
Posted 7 May 2006 by NOJAVA
I don't claim to understand what these people are on about. There's no science here nor any facts, other than the rather obvious decimal representations of vulgar fractions.

I note that neither of the gentlemen in question have submitted any results, and I also notice that the original posting appeared (albeit briefly) on almost every other BOINC site, and has been removed on almost all of them.

If it IS a joke then it has lost everything in the translation. Neither English nor French versions contain any discernible humour. Sorry - I don't speak Arabic.

Whatever the motivation for these nonsensical postings they will be treated by me henceforth with the indifference they deserve.

if you always look your TV you'll never see the world.
if you don't see the science, me too science, the science is invisible like his Creator,GOD.
i pray for ukog to be understood by our generation, but it's not our generation
that will understand ukog, but the children of our children, i know it.
i use ukog ( 12 keys ) as i know, i have not study in school for a long time,
because my mother and my father were very poor, and i worked in siderurgy
since 1979, no way for me to go at high school,university,if you had this chance i am happy for you.
ukog may be use by anybody, but others will use other way with it.
i receive the 12 keys of GOD, and i must transmit them for other generation
it's my way, it's my life, tell me what you transmit in yours.

8) Message boards : Cafe LHC : The 12 Universal Keys of GOD LAST UPDATE 1.07 (Message 13517)
Posted 6 May 2006 by NOJAVA
you can use what you want
key1 or key01 or key001
key2 or key02 or key002
the importance is that first key must be equal to 0,0208333...
the importance is that second key must be equal to 0,0161290322580645...
if you are not sure any program use it, you may have conflict in memory and false result.
for being sure
take a memory editor ( i use norton utilities : diskedit) there is in submenu edit memory => make a search or search a word => enter stupid data :balabala
run the search you'll find "balabala" => remember the area in left panel
it is the memory area where you enter data "balabala"
so make another search in memory about "key01" if you edit UKOG with key01
you must find key01 in memory area where you enter it, where environment
is in memory but if you find 5 or 6 search of the same key
it means that some program use always key01, so you must edit back your
12 keys and change them in environment, you can chose key0001 or key00001
make sure other prg don't use same name and you can edit the 12 keys.
don't forget to reboot
if you had this problem too don't Email me for this please, thank you
for other problem , i will serve everybody that ask to me
9) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Le Soleil sous un autre Jour (Message 13516)
Posted 6 May 2006 by NOJAVA
Derni�re th�se en date du 06-05-2006
Universit� d' Alger.

Les m�t�orites ne proviendraient que du soleil
comme nos plan�tes aussi?
En certaines p�riodes le soleil serait plus chaud
et en d' autres plus froid. Ces diff�rences de temp�ratures peuvent m�me arriver en m�me temps,
ce qui nous fait voir des t�ches solaires.
le soleil serait compos� de plusieurs couches en fusion, ces couches ne se m�langent pas au centre et d�s qu'un �l�ment plus lourd serait cr�e il se dirigerait vers les couches sup�rieures, a cause de la rotation du soleil ( comme dans une centrifugeuse)
les couches sup�rieures du soleil de toute sortes
d' atome tandis que la couche interne, la premi�re
serait exclusivement d' hydrog�ne et les couches
externes de toutes mati�res trouv�es sur notre plan�te. La couche la plus externe serait la plus froide et donc en temps de refroidissement, le magma
deviendrait tel un soupe trop dense que l'on r�chauffe et qui expulse des pustules, ces pustules
seraient � l' origine de toutes les m�t�orites.
Except�es, bien-s�r celles qui proviendraient d'autres soleils et qui n'auraient pas �t� capt�es par une de leur plan�te.
Et de celles aussi qui �manent de supernovae ayant
compl�tement d�truit leur syst�me solaire.

C'est dire que je trouve une similitude entre
le choc des particules dans le LHC, et ceux produits par ces milliards d'�toiles expulsant autant de pustules sous forme de m�t�orites dans notre univers.
10) Message boards : Cafe LHC : The 12 Universal Keys of GOD LAST UPDATE 1.07 (Message 13513)
Posted 5 May 2006 by NOJAVA

French, fran�ais:

Explications 12 UKOG ( The 12 Universal Keys Of God )

L' ordinateur actuel calcule sur la BASE 6 6 6
Donc les r�sultats qui en d�coulent sont faux.
6 6 6 => la b�te, le faux, le tricheur, le menteur.

Pour avoir des r�sultats fiables, une vision vraie, une vrai vision de l'Univers, autant dans dans l' infiniment petit qu l' infiniment grand.
L' homme devra calculer sur la base 7 7 7.
De tels ordinateurs existent mais les gouvernements ne veulent pas les fabriquer du moins pour nous

Quran: " ils connaissent la v�rit�, mais ils la cachent "
Jesus: " toute v�rit� passe par moi "
Jesus: " Et mon nombre est 7 7 7, et le nombre de la b�te ( mensonge, faux )
est 666"
Jesus: " Si vous voulez connaitre la v�rit� vous devrez passer par moi 777,
et tout ce qui ne passe pas par moi est faux 666"
Ceci est tr�s facile � comprendre pour nous, parce que les temps sont arriv�s.
ca l' �tait beaucoup moins pour ceux qui ont re�u le message originel,
ils ont au moins le m�rite, que dis-je la louange, de nous les avoir transmis
malgr� qu' ils ne le comprenaient pas. ( Mathieu, Marc, Luc et Jean )

Jesus �tait consid�r� comme faux par son propre peuple
mais le proph�te Muhammad a dit dans le Hadith ( les dire du proph�te )
" Il n' y a de Madjid, que Jesus, fils de Marie "
" Madjid en arabe veut dire : " Messie vrai"
donc son nombre 777 est automatiquement vrai.
Et tout ce qui est vrai passe par 777 et tout ce qui faux par 666.
J' esp�re que de tel ordinateur verront le jour dans le futur le plus rapproch�, et que nos gouvernement nous m�nent en bateau pour garder le pouvoir sur nous.

Joseph, un ami de Meskine Mohamed

11) Message boards : Number crunching : Overclocking Failed (Message 13512)
Posted 5 May 2006 by NOJAVA
I join LHC@HOME, a friend of mine, Meskine Mohamed
tell to me is a good project,i go on LHC site and read everything.it is terrific that so small particule can madeterrific energy !!!
i read also other thread and see one about overclocking failed
My idea is LHC@home ask us something.
If result of WU are always "false", change project and don't use LHC@home. i found a very small programme called " FSB ", it can made overcloking
under windows interface without any knoledge

But overclocking is very dangerous ( i know what i say ) because you overclock everything CPU, Chipset,
Memory, temperature increase and performance decrease
you also have constant false result in memory
so wu result will be automaticly false.
Lhc@home describe it in site.

i have found another problem due to overclocking
i have bought a 512Mb stick memory, i don't say
wich it is, but it is a PC3200 400Mhz memory.
when i reboot my bios say overclocking failed.
It means it is a " false memory ", memory turn realy
at 333 Mhz, it came from China.
Internet prevent from overclocking RAM memory made in China. So you must enter your Bios at boot,
and decrease speed of your memory , perhaps from 400 Mhz to 333 or to 266 or 200.
if you never have overclok your processor and have always false result in your WU. it surely come because of your RAM and not your CPU.
Advanced users also remove " BIOS ECC DRAM configuration from enable to disable " to increase speed, don't make it and see result.
Joseph yours

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