1) Message boards : Number crunching : Checklist Version 3 for Atlas@Home (and other VM-based Projects) on your PC (Message 32115)
Posted 26 Aug 2017 by mlcasmey
I could not get through the checklist very far. I tried to install the extension pack but I think it failed. I did run the leomoon program ad it said I was capable but not activated. I'm afraid I do not have the computer skills to make this work. All of my other BOINC projects are running great. But LHC was only running sixtrak tasks and even those stopped about a week ago.

This VM stuff is a total mystery to me I'm afraid.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Checklist Version 3 for Atlas@Home (and other VM-based Projects) on your PC (Message 32112)
Posted 26 Aug 2017 by mlcasmey
Yeti. I am running 5.1.24 but I keep getting the following error messages when I look at my VM Manager.

Runtime error opening 'C:\ProgramData\BOINC\slots\2\boinc_d4953a215272a089\boinc_d4953a215272a089.vbox' for reading: -103(Path not found.).
F:\tinderbox\win-5.1\src\VBox\Main\src-server\MachineImpl.cpp[745] (long __cdecl Machine::i_registeredInit(void)).
Result Code:
E_FAIL (0x80004005)
IMachine {b2547866-a0a1-4391-8b86-6952d82efaa0}

Do you have any suggestions.

3) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : More Work (Message 32092)
Posted 25 Aug 2017 by mlcasmey
Toby. What sub project are you referring to? I already have told my project preferences to run everything except Theory. But all I get is Six Tracks, and I have not seen any of them in over a week. why am I not seeing any work for all the other sub projects?

4) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : More Work (Message 32088)
Posted 25 Aug 2017 by mlcasmey
I also am having work issues. With the exception of Theory which I could never get to work on my computers, I have all other projects selected, yet I have gotten no work from the site in a week. Before that is was steady for at least a month.

Has something happened?
5) Message boards : Number crunching : VM Job Unmanageable? (Message 30222)
Posted 5 May 2017 by mlcasmey
All I have when I open up the software is a whole list of error messages saying Boink..... inaccessable with the following:

Runtime error opening 'C:\ProgramData\BOINC\slots\2\boinc_b57df568436cbc9e\boinc_b57df568436cbc9e.vbox' for reading: -103(Path not found.).
F:\tinderbox\win-5.1\src\VBox\Main\src-server\MachineImpl.cpp[745] (long __cdecl Machine::i_registeredInit(void)).
Result Code:
E_FAIL (0x80004005)
IMachine {b2547866-a0a1-4391-8b86-6952d82efaa0}
6) Message boards : Number crunching : VM Job Unmanageable? (Message 30221)
Posted 5 May 2017 by mlcasmey
Might sound like a dumb question, but once I have the latest version of VM loaded do I need to go into the program and set up a virtual machine and give it memory.....

7) Message boards : Number crunching : VM Job Unmanageable? (Message 30186)
Posted 4 May 2017 by mlcasmey
Thanks. I'll try lowering my CPU to 50% in my preferences


Seems like VM causes all kinds of problems. Any reason why LHC chooses to make files that require it?
8) Message boards : Number crunching : VM Job Unmanageable? (Message 30166)
Posted 2 May 2017 by mlcasmey
I keep getting a "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restart later" message on the Theory Simulation files one of my machines is running. I don't want to change my preferences to remove this file type just because one machine is having problems with this if possible. Any ideas?


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