1) Message boards : Number crunching : Faulty Computers or Modified BOINC ?? Huge Credits (Message 23860)
Posted 20 Jan 2012 by Profile Bober [B@P]
Once more thank you very much Igor for your commitment!

Regarding your question two posts ago - team total points at a point in time are not a sum of points of their current members. The reason is that teams gain points only generated while a person is in the team. If someone has 100k on account and joins a team at this moment a team gains nothing. Once he crunches +1, team gains +1.

Just looking at the stats and knowing that part of gain from 07.01.12 was honest, taking Seti.USA and CNT 6M will make things more or less back to reality.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Faulty Computers or Modified BOINC ?? Huge Credits (Message 23855)
Posted 19 Jan 2012 by Profile Bober [B@P]
Igor thank you very much for this action!

However, I would like to kindly ask you also to adjust affected team points, as they are ridiculous.

Here they go:

January's gainers:

November's gainers:

Just look at their "top 5 days" if any doubts...
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Faulty Computers or Modified BOINC ?? Huge Credits (Message 23740)
Posted 24 Nov 2011 by Profile Bober [B@P]
I am his wingman and I was very surprised with that WU and I don't know, why we were not granted an average - what I know is that I did not anyhow manipulate anything.

I would not call him a cheater so fast - see his other tasks - no other issues, but this one.

Maybe someone from the project should look closer into it, because there maybe a strange bug, which spoils the whole LHC's credit system at the moment.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Faulty Computers or Modified BOINC ?? Huge Credits (Message 23737)
Posted 23 Nov 2011 by Profile Bober [B@P]
And what with this WU on this computer of this this owner.

Run time 4.19 s, cpu time 76,004.08 s

Either there are more cheaters, or we have a bug.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Ghost WUs (Message 17684)
Posted 2 Aug 2007 by Profile Bober [B@P]
Same thing happened to me:
But I don't have them :(

My host is 9614954
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Fairer distribuiton of work(Flame Fest 2007) (Message 16284)
Posted 9 Feb 2007 by Profile Bober [B@P]
This is a bit of an anachronism, but in terms of "fairer distribution of work", one should seriously consider participating in a BOINC project called XtremLab.

It actually studies WU allotment and overall grid efficiency. It has the potential to fix a LOT of the work distribution problems in most, if not all, BOINC-based projects.

Check out this link for more info. Account Creation is not as straight-forward as with other projects, but it's not difficult to get started. I truly believe this is a valuable project for the future of Distributed Computing.

And one should think twice before crunching for XtremLab, as admins there have not given a word about their work since months. We (participants) have no idea about project state, results...complete silence :(
7) Message boards : Team invites : BOINC@Poland (Message 16137)
Posted 15 Jan 2007 by Profile Bober [B@P]
It’s time to return from the oblivion and introduce

BOINC@Poland is a multiproject team. We are the top Polish team overall and in most projects. Our webpage contains loads of useful materials, hot news from the BOINC world and a flourishing forum, where no question remains without reply.
B@P is #83 in the world. And yes, we are approaching.
Although we are the Polish team, we invite You, wherever You come from.

Join us! You won't regret it!

BOINC@Poland jest pierwszym prawdziwie wieloprojektowym Polskim zespo³em. Umo¿liwiamy liczenie pod jedn¹ nazw¹ we wszystkich aktywnych projektach BOINC. W wiêkszoœci z nich jesteœmy na pierwszym miejscu w Polsce.
Na naszej stronie znajdziesz du¿o ciekawych materia³ów o BOINC i poszczególnych projektach, najnowsze wiadomoœci ze œwiata obliczeñ rozproszonych oraz bardzo dynamiczne forum, na którym ¿adne pytanie nie zostaje bez odpowiedzi.
Zajmujemy pierwsze miejsce w Polsce i 83. na œwiecie!
BOINC@Poland- W kwestii liczenia mamy najwiêcej do powiedzenia.

Do³¹cz, a nie po¿a³ujesz.

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