1) Message boards : ATLAS application : ATLAS native_mt fail (Message 35543)
Posted 17 Jun 2018 by PHILIPPE
I see other hosts where native application fails.

Host 1
ID: 10511353
Details | Tasks
Cross-project stats:
BOINCstats.com Free-DC 	9 	9,352.80 	1,304,278 	7.8.4 	GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz [Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2]
(32 processors) 	--- 	Linux CentOS
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) [3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64] 	17 Jun 2018, 14:00:28 UTC

Host 2
ID: 10511351
Details | Tasks
Cross-project stats:
BOINCstats.com Free-DC 	254 	10,101.40 	1,276,884 	7.8.4 	GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz [Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2]
(32 processors) 	--- 	Linux CentOS
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) [3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64] 	17 Jun 2018, 13:05:03 UTC

Host 3
ID: 10511349
Details | Tasks
Cross-project stats:
BOINCstats.com Free-DC 	346 	10,209.53 	1,243,281 	7.8.4 	GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz [Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2]
(32 processors) 	--- 	Linux CentOS
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) [3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64] 	17 Jun 2018, 12:42:55 UTC

Host 4
ID: 10511348
Details | Tasks
Cross-project stats:
BOINCstats.com Free-DC 	539 	9,979.68 	1,237,588 	7.8.4 	GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz [Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2]
(32 processors) 	--- 	Linux CentOS
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) [3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64] 	17 Jun 2018, 11:39:32 UTC
There are the same lines in the log which displays :

Host 5
ID: 10511352
Details | Tasks
Cross-project stats:
BOINCstats.com Free-DC 	601 	10,301.15 	1,275,983 	7.8.4 	GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz [Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2]
(32 processors) 	--- 	Linux CentOS
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) [3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64] 	17 Jun 2018, 11:07:29 UTC

Host 6
ID: 10511347
Details | Tasks
Cross-project stats:
BOINCstats.com Free-DC 	682 	10,034.29 	1,281,656 	7.8.4 	GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz [Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2]
(32 processors) 	--- 	Linux CentOS
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) [3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64] 	17 Jun 2018, 10:23:36 UTC

In their logs appears the same lines :

process exited with code 195 (0xc3, -61)</message>
04:02:22 (141976): wrapper (7.7.26015): starting
04:02:22 (141976): wrapper: running run_atlas (--nthreads 12)
singularity image is /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-slc6.img
sys.argv = ['run_atlas', '--nthreads', '12']
Checking for CVMFS
CVMFS is installed
OS:CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

This is not SLC6, need to run with Singularity....
Checking Singularity...
Singularity is installed
copy /var/lib/boinc/slots/0/shared/ATLAS.root_0
copy /var/lib/boinc/slots/0/shared/input.tar.gz
copy /var/lib/boinc/slots/0/shared/RTE.tar.gz
copy /var/lib/boinc/slots/0/shared/start_atlas.sh
export ATHENA_PROC_NUMBER=12;start atlas job with PandaID=3961528633
Testing the function of Singularity...
check singularity with cmd:singularity exec -B /cvmfs /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-slc6.img hostname

Singularity isnt working...

running start_atlas return value is 3
tar czvf shared/result.tar.gz
tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive
Try `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information.

*****************The last 100 lines of the pilot log******************
tail: cannot open &#226;&#128;&#152;pilotlog.txt&#226;&#128;&#153; for reading: No such file or directory

Other similar hosts works fine but have this line instead of the red above :

13:07:18 (24412): wrapper (7.7.26015): starting
13:07:18 (24412): wrapper: running run_atlas (--nthreads 12)
singularity image is /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-slc6.img
sys.argv = ['run_atlas', '--nthreads', '12']
Checking for CVMFS
CVMFS is installed
OS:CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)

This is not SLC6, need to run with Singularity....
Checking Singularity...
Singularity is installed
copy /root/slots/0/shared/ATLAS.root_0
copy /root/slots/0/shared/input.tar.gz
copy /root/slots/0/shared/RTE.tar.gz
copy /root/slots/0/shared/start_atlas.sh
export ATHENA_PROC_NUMBER=12;start atlas job with PandaID=3964135031
Testing the function of Singularity...
check singularity with cmd:singularity exec -B /cvmfs /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-slc6.img hostname
Singularity Works...
cmd = singularity exec --pwd /root/slots/0 -B /cvmfs,/root /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-slc6.img sh start_atlas.sh > runtime_log 2> runtime_log.err
running cmd return value is 0

Is it the reason for the constant failure ?
2) Message boards : Cafe LHC : World cup Russia 2018 (Message 35529)
Posted 15 Jun 2018 by PHILIPPE
Which country will win the world cup russia 2018 ?

                            My World Cup Team

           _          _          _          _          _         ].[
          |.|        |.|        |.|        |.|        |.|      /~`-'~\
          ]^[        ]^[        ]^[        ]^[        ]^[     (<|%  |>)
        /~`-'~\    /~`-'~\    /~`-'~\    /~`-'~\    /~`-'~\    \|___|/
       {<|%  |>}  {<|%  |>}  {<|%  |>}  {<|%  |>}  {<|%  |>}   {/   \}
        \|___|/    \|___|/    \|___|/    \|___|/    \|___|/    /__|__\
       /\    \      /   \      /   \      /   \      /   \     | / \ |
       |/>/|__\    /__|__\    /__|__\    /__|__\    /__|__\    |/   \|
      _|)   \ |    | / \ |    | / \ |    | / \ |    | / \ |    {}   {}
     (_,|    \)    (/   \)    (/   \)    (/   \)    (/   \)    |)   (|
     / \     (|_  _|)   (|_  _|)   (|_  _|)   (|_  _|)   (|_  _||   ||_

            _        _             _             _        _
           |.|      |.|           |.|           |.|      |.|
          _]^[_    _]^[_         _]^[_         _]^[_    _]^[_
         / %   \  / %   \       /;;;;;\       / %   \  / %   \
       _(<__,_/_)(_\_,__>)_   _<;\;;;/;>_   _(<__,_/_)(_\_,__>)_
      /\\_\  \_>  <_/  /_//\ (  \;>;<;/  ) /\\_\  \_>  <_/  /_//\
      |,\_/|___\  /___|\_/,|  \ \\ __ / /  |,\_/|___\  /___|\_/,|
     _|/   (__<_  _>__)   \|_  >|     |<  _|/   (__<_  _>__)   \|_
    (_,]     /_/  \_\     \,_)(_;     ;_)(_,]     /_/  \_\     \,_)

In order to check if a crowd can guess the winner and give the right answer to this question , i ask to everyone who want to play to this bet to give four names of country selected for this competition.

If you don't know them , here are their names ; the number beside is their world fifa ranking at this moment.

AFC (5)

Australia (36)
Iran (37)
Japan (61)
Saudi Arabia (67)
South Korea (57)

CAF (5)

Egypt (45)
Morocco (41)
Nigeria (48)
Senegal (27)
Tunisia (21)


Costa Rica (23)
Mexico (15)
Panama (55)


Argentina (5)
Brazil (2)
Colombia (16)
Peru (11)
Uruguay (14)

OFC (0)

None qualified

UEFA (14)

Belgium (3)
Croatia (20)
Denmark (=12)
England (=12)
France (7)
Germany (1)
Iceland (22)
Poland (8)
Portugal (4)
Russia (70) (hosts)
Serbia (34)
Spain (10)
Sweden (24)
Switzerland (6)

So , if you want to participate , give 4 names of the upper list , if you think that these countries will be in the top 4.
At the end , i will add each name and order them , to give the winner given by the members of this forum.
You can play only one time, of course.
You have 2 weeks.

Optionnaly , you can put an * behind the country you think it will win the competition.

There is nothing to win for the moment , it is just to check if a crowd can go near the solution.But i will say if someone have find the right country at the end.

So i begin :

France * , Brazil , Russia , Germany .

Good luck to all players.Important is to participate...
3) Message boards : ATLAS application : ATLAS issues (Message 35476)
Posted 10 Jun 2018 by PHILIPPE
Hello this is maybe an error of communication between the vboxwrapper and virtualbox.

ERROR: Vboxwrapper lost communication with VirtualBox, rescheduling task for a later time

BOINC will be notified that it needs to clean up the environment.
This is a temporary problem and so this job will be rescheduled for another time.

To solve it :
Go to the VirtualBox Manager and then File/VB Media Manager/ and in that box you may find some vdi's that need to be removed since they can mess up the new tasks trying to get a slot to use.

This is what you do not want to see.....and the good and the bad there

Erase all the vdis which have a yellow triangle and keep only the one with a green triangle.Don't touch the others.
It will cleanup your environment.

It happens sometimes to delete manualy some of them in virtualbox manager , when boinc fails to delete the vdis.
4) Message boards : LHCb Application : Zero CPU usage (Message 35464)
Posted 9 Jun 2018 by PHILIPPE
Just for information :

a plot over a sliding period of one week which displays the average cpu efficiency for all boinc volunteers with LHCb work units:

Apparently ,it's not possible to separate by lengh time of tasks to display results.
5) Message boards : ATLAS application : Different VirtualBox behavior with linux and windows hosts (Message 35332)
Posted 21 May 2018 by PHILIPPE
I have followed 3 hosts with same hardware features and configuration (around 26/04/2018).
2 of them are linux hosts which switched between native application linux and VirtualBox software.
The 3rd was running windows with VirtualBox.

Features of 3 hosts running 4-cores work units:

ID: 10391087 (linux with 72 processors)
Details | Tasks 	1 	Anonymous 	35,455.02 	12,488,165 	7.6.31 	GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2696 v3 @ 2.30GHz [Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2]
(72 processors) 	[2] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (4095MB) driver: 378.13 OpenCL: 1.2 	Linux

Average upload rate 1112.15 KB/sec
VirtualBox VboxManage Interface (Version: 5.2.6)

ID: 10400117 (linux with 36 processors)
Details | Tasks 	16 	Anonymous 	17,054.56 	5,656,545 	7.6.31 	GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2696 v3 @ 2.30GHz [Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2]
(36 processors) 	NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4034MB) driver: 384.11 OpenCL: 1.2 	Linux

Average upload rate 542.94 KB/sec
VirtualBox VboxManage Interface (Version: 5.2.6)

ID: 10506243 (windows with 36 processors)
Details | Tasks 	22 	Anonymous 	14,435.86 	3,036,175 	7.8.3 	GenuineIntel
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2696 v3 @ 2.30GHz [Family 6 Model 63 Stepping 2]
(36 processors) 	NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (4095MB) driver: 388.31 OpenCL: 1.2 	Microsoft Windows 10
Core x64 Edition, (10.00.16299.00)

Average upload rate 418.34 KB/sec
VirtualBox COM Interface (Version: 5.1.30)

Datas recorded on the site , sorted by ascending order of efficiency:

10391087 (linux with 72 processors)
	run time	cpu time	efficiency	application
	43920,53	100111,1	0,57		vb
	28015,64	63397,32	0,57		vb
	27500,23	62383,45	0,57		vb
	42479,20	96395,74	0,57		vb
	32957,73	74989,93	0,57		vb
	26149,97	59548,46	0,57		vb
	29135,31	66353,59	0,57		vb
	26416,57	60600,05	0,57		vb
	23833,43	58114,87	0,61		vb
	24553,68	60267,45	0,61		vb
	15453,28	57939,67	0,94		native
	11367,06	43172,74	0,95		native
	15501,01	59259,57	0,96		native
	11417,63	43670,79	0,96		native
	14665,78	56135,68	0,96		native
	14286,73	55037,48	0,96		native
	19641,19	75800,60	0,96		native
	15857,75	61283,64	0,97		native
	18880,20	73188,00	0,97		native

10400117 (linux with 36 processors)
	run time	cpu time	efficiency	application
	27244,07	73584,22	0,68		vb
	27212,46	73848,47	0,68		vb
	27303,76	73899,43	0,68		vb
	27301,73	74041,98	0,68		vb
	17755,47	56687,68	0,80		vb
	17845,35	56441,30	0,79		vb
	17588,68	55602,94	0,79		vb
	17354,07	54766,45	0,79		vb
	19556,11	74582,10	0,95		native
	19419,92	75094,64	0,97		native
	19549,29	75909,89	0,97		native
	18941,23	73104,08	0,96		native
	19762,74	75918,46	0,96		native
	14899,92	57585,83	0,97		native
	15451,20	59097,37	0,96		native
	15207,48	57780,46	0,95		native

10506243 (windows with 36 processors)
	run time	cpu time	efficiency
	21305,35	79766,66	0,94
	20614,23	77333,95	0,94
	15485,98	58339,94	0,94
	15307,02	57672,48	0,94
	15457,07	58237,94	0,94
	15586,40	58834,28	0,94
	19643,13	74370,30	0,95
	15155,82	57471,86	0,95
	20232,69	76807,64	0,95
	18960,37	72407,94	0,95
	27130,88	104066,7	0,96
	21662,46	83098,69	0,96
	25821,20	99107,42	0,96
	22404,23	86214,14	0,96
	25778,69	99250,48	0,96
	25768,48	99634,19	0,97

The results are :

average cpu efficiency :

id host		native	vb	Variation %
10391087	0,96	0,58	-39,58
10400117	0,96	0,73	-23,96

id host			vb	
10506243		0,95

The main question is "why" ?

The difference in cpu efficiency between linux native application and virtualbox for linux host is already known , but the value is greatly different according to the number of processors included in linux host:
A reduction of 24 % for a 36 processors host and 40 % for a 72 processors.(when processors number multiplied by 2 , variation between native and virtual box multiplied by 2).
Is there an explanation ?
It sounds like processes are shared between running VMs , but normally a VM is isolated from another one...
Why do windows hosts behave differently ? (No difference in cpu efficiency between native application and windows + VirtualBox on a 36 processors)?

The hardware is the same for these 3 hosts.(Same cpu and frequency clock).(same 4-cores work units).(same virtualbox version for the 2 linux hosts).(bandwith x2 for 72 processors).
It's difficult to think that running a guest linux inside virtualbox is easier with a windows host(with many services in background) than with a linux host (where normally you can set every daemon).
Is there a parameter "forgotten" to set up for the linux guest or the linux host, to improve the situation ?
I remain perplexed.
"Maybe" virtualbox developpers should have a look into it if they really want to have a multi-platform application ?
The conclusion seems to be :
Linux hosts (with or without numerous processors ?) would rather install linux native application instead of VirtualBox (... if they want to run only ATLAS work units).(waiting for a VirtualBox improvement).
6) Message boards : ATLAS application : only half of credit for 4-core task - compared to 2-core task (Message 35313)
Posted 19 May 2018 by PHILIPPE
Thanks a lot, computezrmle , to have spent a little of your time , to answer me.
I believe i have understood the method you use , to determine the iddle period of each core (average and equally share among cores ,except core0).
Each day , we learn about each other.
It's not always easy to interpret the results obtained.But I was a bit surprised about the high values recorded for the cpu efficiency whereas some other hosts are lower .
7) Message boards : ATLAS application : only half of credit for 4-core task - compared to 2-core task (Message 35310)
Posted 19 May 2018 by PHILIPPE
Thanks to answer me , but to be honest , i have some difficulties to understand where you choose the beginning of the elapsed time and its end , and how you can determine the period the idle core, have inside the VM.
Better is to take an example ,to show clearly how you do :
Here is one Erich's log , i added rank line before to give it easier to understand and speak about.
1	<core_client_version>7.6.22</core_client_version>
2	<![CDATA[
3	<stderr_txt>
4	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): vboxwrapper (7.7.26196): starting
5	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Feature: Checkpoint interval offset (235 seconds)
6	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Detected: VirtualBox COM Interface (Version: 5.1.38)
7	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Detected: Minimum checkpoint interval (900.000000 seconds)
8	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Successfully copied 'init_data.xml' to the shared directory.
9	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Create VM. (boinc_cbf3fadcc7133493, slot#5)
10	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Setting Memory Size for VM. (4800MB)
11	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Setting CPU Count for VM. (2)
12	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Setting Chipset Options for VM.
13	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Setting Boot Options for VM.
14	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Enabling VM Network Access.
15	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Setting Network Configuration for NAT.
16	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Disabling USB Support for VM.
17	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Disabling COM Port Support for VM.
18	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Disabling LPT Port Support for VM.
19	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Disabling Audio Support for VM.
20	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Disabling Clipboard Support for VM.
21	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Disabling Drag and Drop Support for VM.
22	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Adding storage controller(s) to VM.
23	2018-05-18 14:05:59 (4636): Adding virtual disk drive to VM. (vm_image.vdi)
24	2018-05-18 14:06:02 (4636): Adding VirtualBox Guest Additions to VM.
25	2018-05-18 14:06:02 (4636): Adding network bandwidth throttle group to VM. (Defaulting to 1024GB)
26	2018-05-18 14:06:02 (4636): forwarding host port 2053 to guest port 80
27	2018-05-18 14:06:02 (4636): Enabling remote desktop for VM.
28	2018-05-18 14:06:02 (4636): Enabling shared directory for VM.
29	2018-05-18 14:06:02 (4636): Starting VM. (boinc_cbf3fadcc7133493, slot#5)
30	2018-05-18 14:06:27 (4636): Guest Log: BIOS: VirtualBox 5.1.38
31	2018-05-18 14:06:27 (4636): Guest Log: BIOS: ata0-0: PCHS=16383/16/63 LCHS=1024/255/63
32	2018-05-18 14:06:27 (4636): Guest Log: BIOS: Boot : bseqnr=1, bootseq=0032
33	2018-05-18 14:06:27 (4636): Guest Log: BIOS: Booting from Hard Disk...
34	2018-05-18 14:06:27 (4636): Guest Log: BIOS: KBD: unsupported int 16h function 03
35	2018-05-18 14:06:27 (4636): Guest Log: BIOS: AX=0305 BX=0000 CX=0000 DX=0000 
36	2018-05-18 14:06:27 (4636): Successfully started VM. (PID = '4112')
37	2018-05-18 14:06:27 (4636): Reporting VM Process ID to BOINC.
38	2018-05-18 14:06:37 (4636): VM state change detected. (old = 'poweroff', new = 'running')
39	2018-05-18 14:06:47 (4636): Detected: Web Application Enabled (http://localhost:2053)
40	2018-05-18 14:06:47 (4636): Detected: Remote Desktop Enabled (localhost:2054)
41	2018-05-18 14:06:57 (4636): Preference change detected
42	2018-05-18 14:06:57 (4636): Setting CPU throttle for VM. (100%)
43	2018-05-18 14:06:57 (4636): Setting checkpoint interval to 900 seconds. (Higher value of (Preference: 60 seconds) or (Vbox_job.xml: 900 seconds))
44	2018-05-18 14:07:57 (4636): Guest Log: vboxguest: major 0, IRQ 20, I/O port d020, MMIO at 00000000f0400000 (size 0x400000)
45	2018-05-18 14:08:07 (4636): Guest Log: VBoxGuest: VBoxGuestCommonGuestCapsAcquire: pSession(0xffff88013dff3c10), OR(0x0), NOT(0xffffffff), flags(0x0)
46	2018-05-18 14:08:07 (4636): Guest Log: VBoxGuest: VBoxGuestCommonGuestCapsAcquire: pSession(0xffff8801402bf210), OR(0x0), NOT(0xffffffff), flags(0x0)
47	2018-05-18 14:08:07 (4636): Guest Log: VBoxGuest: VBoxGuestCommonGuestCapsAcquire: pSession(0xffff88013dff2e10), OR(0x0), NOT(0xffffffff), flags(0x0)
48	2018-05-18 14:08:07 (4636): Guest Log: VBoxGuest: VBoxGuestCommonGuestCapsAcquire: pSession(0xffff88013dff2010), OR(0x0), NOT(0xffffffff), flags(0x0)
49	2018-05-18 14:08:47 (4636): Guest Log: Copying input files into RunAtlas.
50	2018-05-18 14:08:57 (4636): Guest Log: Copied input files into RunAtlas.
51	2018-05-18 14:09:07 (4636): Guest Log: copied the webapp to /var/www
52	2018-05-18 14:09:07 (4636): Guest Log: This vm does not need to setup http proxy
53	2018-05-18 14:09:07 (4636): Guest Log: ATHENA_PROC_NUMBER=2
54	2018-05-18 14:09:07 (4636): Guest Log: Starting ATLAS job. (PandaID=3931045702 taskID=14073742)
55	2018-05-18 15:47:06 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '6009.312498'
56	2018-05-18 15:47:06 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '11181.234375'
57	2018-05-18 17:27:06 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '12009.640625'
58	2018-05-18 17:27:06 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '23194.265625'
59	2018-05-18 19:07:07 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '18010.000000'
60	2018-05-18 19:07:07 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '35216.156250'
61	2018-05-18 20:30:27 (4636): Guest Log: BIOS: AX=0305 BX=0000 CX=0000 DX=0000 
62	2018-05-18 20:47:07 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '24010.609373'
63	2018-05-18 20:47:07 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '47249.968750'
64	2018-05-18 22:27:07 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '30010.921875'
65	2018-05-18 22:27:07 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '59291.468750'
66	2018-05-19 00:07:08 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '36011.187498'
67	2018-05-19 00:07:08 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '71325.062500'
68	2018-05-19 01:47:08 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '42011.671875'
69	2018-05-19 01:47:08 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '83361.421875'
70	2018-05-19 03:27:08 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '48011.937498'
71	2018-05-19 03:27:08 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '95396.765625'
72	2018-05-19 05:07:09 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '54012.218750'
73	2018-05-19 05:07:09 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '107428.953125'
74	2018-05-19 06:47:09 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '60012.781250'
75	2018-05-19 06:47:09 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '119463.421875'
76	2018-05-19 08:27:10 (4636): Status Report: Elapsed Time: '66013.062498'
77	2018-05-19 08:27:10 (4636): Status Report: CPU Time: '131505.375000'
78	2018-05-19 09:59:40 (4636): VM Completion File Detected.
79	2018-05-19 09:59:40 (4636): Powering off VM.
80	2018-05-19 09:59:42 (4636): Successfully stopped VM.
81	2018-05-19 09:59:47 (4636): Deregistering VM. (boinc_cbf3fadcc7133493, slot#5)
82	2018-05-19 09:59:47 (4636): Removing virtual disk drive(s) from VM.
83	2018-05-19 09:59:47 (4636): Removing network bandwidth throttle group from VM.
84	2018-05-19 09:59:47 (4636): Removing storage controller(s) from VM.
85	2018-05-19 09:59:47 (4636): Removing VM from VirtualBox.
86	09:59:52 (4636): called boinc_finish(0)
87	</stderr_txt>
88	]]> 

Which is the part of the log which displays the period of the 'elapsed time' (begin and start) ?(Put the range of numbers of the rank line)
Where can you determine the idle period of other cores ?
Does the 'design' mean that the downloading time for initialising the work unit and the uploading time for the result are not included in the run elapsed time , to enable a right comparison with other hosts inside CERN ?
8) Message boards : ATLAS application : only half of credit for 4-core task - compared to 2-core task (Message 35305)
Posted 19 May 2018 by PHILIPPE
In order to compare the cpu efficiency for Erich's host trying various kinds of work units (1,2,4), i noticed that the cpu efficiency doesn't vary a lot.
Here are the results sorted by ascending cpu efficiency :
number core	run time	cpu time	efficiency
1	47007,97	44610,45	0,949
4	31546,23	119886,4	0,950
4	37895,95	144711,5	0,955
4	44632,33	172579,6	0,967
1	41378,81	40631,08	0,982
2	74844,05	147679,5	0,987
2	72754,72	143628,0	0,987
2	79614,12	157255,7	0,988
2	78678,92	155415,1	0,988
2	64573,41	127711,8	0,989
2	74159,96	146688,2	0,989
2	61593,39	121835,8	0,989
2	73680,94	145783,3	0,989
2	64629,23	127894,8	0,989
2	85418,61	169112,1	0,990
2	67725,97	134096,9	0,990
1	41229,42	40820,41	0,990
1	50321,02	49826,94	0,990
2	87529,05	173571,6	0,992
2	77997,69	154714,0	0,992
2	71624,45	142076,7	0,992
1	39428,77	39120,66	0,992
2	79781,58	158398,6	0,993
1	43358,44	43116,78	0,994
1	86106,36	85862,92	0,997
1	45956,41	45835,34	0,997
1	85784,28	85584,03	0,998
1	49587,36	49474,27	0,998
1	42208,95	42114,27	0,998
1	85663,14	85541,05	0,999
1	97108,11	96985,05	0,999
1	91747,84	91634,41	0,999
1	43893,34	43850,02	0,999
1	46324,81	46289,48	0,999
1	102843,97	102784,2	0,999
1	87262,61	87229,83	1,000
1	42315,73	42325,23	1,000
1	43034,16	43047,48	1,000
1	43995,33	44016,30	1,000
1	50125,30	50162,84	1,001
1	52159,14	52225,02	1,001
1	90593,39	90741,92	1,002
2	63862,58	128394,1	1,005
1	40409,09	41362,59	1,024

If you see the bottom of the results , there are cpu efficiency values greater than 1.(Not realistic at all)...
So i think, the way , the run time and the cpu times values are calculated is not so accurate.
For me , the run time should be checked by taking the time of the last line in the log less the time of the first line in the log , multiplied by the cpu percentage of use (throttle), if the work unit has not been paused or restarted.( with substraction of pauses times multiplied by percentage cpu use in preference for other work units paused or restarted)
It's not so important but it may have a big influence if CERN choices are made following cpu efficiency values.

Questions :
*What is the component which evaluates these values (boinc client , boinc server , virtualbox , other component hidden) ?
*How are calculated these values ?
*Are there other persons who notice the same behavior with their host to make us aware if only erich's host has this type of trouble ,or if it's only windows with virtualbox , and or linux and darwin hosts , too ?
9) Message boards : ATLAS application : what's the average share of finished tasks with hits created? (Message 35220)
Posted 10 May 2018 by PHILIPPE
In order to help people to understand what is happening , face to troubles encountered (hits files missing,...),i choose several graphs from the dashboard.
All the plots are made during a sliding period of one week.

Time evolution of success and failure jobs :

Pie graph in percentage :

Pie graph of the causes of failure jobs sorted by exitcodes :

More detailed exitcodes by number of cores :

More detailed transformation exitcodes by number of cores :

Failed jobs by number of cores :

Observations :
If someone has the meaning of the exitcodes , he should give the information to other people of the forum.
It may be sorted , distinguishing the server side failure and the client boinc failure , to enable volunteer to repair their host(s) if the troubles come from their host(s).
What is the difference between execution and transformation (for exitcodes)?

For tullio's host , his logs reveals an exitcode 65 :
2018-05-07 01:54:41 (7388): Guest Log: ATHENA_PROC_NUMBER=2
2018-05-07 01:54:41 (7388): Guest Log: Starting ATLAS job. (PandaID=3920314561 taskID=13910415)
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: log_extracts:
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: - Last 10 lines from /home/atlas01/RunAtlas/Panda_Pilot_3446_1525650883/PandaJob/athena_stdout.txt -
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: PyJobTransforms.trfExe.preExecute 2018-05-07 01:57:19,134 INFO Batch/grid running - command outputs will not be echoed. Logs for EVNTtoHITS are in log.EVNTtoHITS
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: PyJobTransforms.trfExe.preExecute 2018-05-07 01:57:19,136 INFO Now writing wrapper for substep executor EVNTtoHITS
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: PyJobTransforms.trfExe._writeAthenaWrapper 2018-05-07 01:57:19,136 INFO Valgrind not engaged
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: PyJobTransforms.trfExe.preExecute 2018-05-07 01:57:19,137 INFO Athena will be executed in a subshell via ['./runwrapper.EVNTtoHITS.sh']
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: PyJobTransforms.trfExe.execute 2018-05-07 01:57:19,137 INFO Starting execution of EVNTtoHITS (['./runwrapper.EVNTtoHITS.sh'])
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: PyJobTransforms.trfExe.execute 2018-05-07 02:02:29,204 INFO EVNTtoHITS executor returns 65
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: PyJobTransforms.trfExe.validate 2018-05-07 02:02:30,113 ERROR Validation of return code failed: Non-zero return code from EVNTtoHITS (65) (Error code 65)
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: PyJobTransforms.trfExe.validate 2018-05-07 02:02:30,149 INFO Scanning logfile log.EVNTtoHITS for errors
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: PyJobTransforms.transform.execute 2018-05-07 02:02:30,438 CRITICAL Transform executor raised TransformValidationException: Non-zero return code from EVNTtoHITS (65); Logfile error in log.EVNTtoHITS: "AthMpEvtLoopMgr     FATAL makePool failed for AthMpEvtLoopMgr.SharedEvtQueueProvider"
2018-05-07 02:05:02 (7388): Guest Log: PyJobTransforms.transform.execute 2018-05-07 02:02:33,655 WARNING Transform now exiting early with exit code 65 (Non-zero return code from EVNTtoHITS (65); Logfile error in log.EVNTtoHITS: "AthMpEvtLoopMgr     FATAL makePool failed for AthMpEvtLoopMgr.SharedEvtQueueProvider")

For Erich's host , no exit code , so the problem may be different.
And sorry , but the graph showing the results divided by version of virtualbox doesn't exist.
(It would enable to see if the choice of the virtualbox version has an influence on the behavior of results, if someone has a doubt in it).
10) Message boards : ATLAS application : Wrong WU ? (Message 35088)
Posted 24 Apr 2018 by PHILIPPE
Here is a post from David Cameron which explains how to do :

We have added some information on the processed events in ATLAS tasks on consoles inside the VM.

To show the consoles, go to the advanced view of BOINC manager, select a running ATLAS task and you should see the button "Show VM Console" on the left menu. If you do not see this button you may need to install the VirtualBox extension pack and/or install remote desktop software such as CoRD on Mac OS or xfreerdp on Linux. There should be remote desktop software included by default on Windows but maybe someone else can confirm this.

When you click "Show VM Console" you should see a terminal window with a login prompt. If you press Alt-F2 (Alt-Fn-F2 on Mac) you should see a screen like this:

NOTE you will only see this information after the task has been running for some time, i.e. has simulated at least 1 event. So please wait up to 30 minutes for information to appear.

This output shows the number of events processed by each core, as well as the time per event and the average time per event so far. Each core has its own independent counter which is why you see the event numbers repeated. In the example there are 4 cores and with 100 events per task each core will process 25 events each. This information therefore can give you an estimate of how long the task will run.

We are working on putting the "top" output into console 3 (Alt-F3) but it doesn't quite work perfectly yet.

Some improvement have been made since this time but the way to do hasn't changed...

F1 --> console 1
F2 --> console 2
and so on ...
11) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas task failing Computational Error with exceeding disk limit (Message 34916)
Posted 8 Apr 2018 by PHILIPPE
In addition to this (what is the best core configuration?) , the answer is not absolute but depends on your computer ( OS age and type , kind of cpu , amount of ram available , ssd or hdd ,...) and also on your way of crunching ( host dedicated or not , full or partial time to crunch ,only one project at a time or several ones , with or without one or two core idles to give easier the maintenance by your OS, the isp quality and your bandwith, the skillness to understand where a bottleneck appears and how to solve it,...).

I found this plot on the dashboard which displays the average cpu efficiency of all the kind of cores configurations executed by all volunteers (for only jobs with success) :

over a sliding period of one month.

As we can't select options to make a deeper inspection and separate parameters to study their influence on the results , you have to consider it as a merge of global work with Boinc.There is no possibility to give accurate results for a particular host type.

The only thing you can do is to compare your situation with the average provided in this plot and appreciate your position (above or below the average).

In order to estimate the data volumes which are used to calculate the above average efficiency:

over a sliding period of one month.

Independently of the graph , i notice that linux native application has a better efficiency than virtual box for a same number of cores and enable 12 cores simultaneously with good results when virtual box is limited to 8 cores because of its lower efficiency.
(but it requires more skillness and knowledge to be installed).
12) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Milestones (Message 33944)
Posted 19 Jan 2018 by PHILIPPE
At this level of conversation, one might recall the thought of "pierre de coubertin" :
In a competition ,"the most important thing is to participate".
More precisely, "The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle, the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well".
Credits are not the only factor to consider ,other values can be shared in this project (knowledge , culture , informations ,tastes ans mood,...).
13) Message boards : CMS Application : no new WUs available (Message 33700)
Posted 7 Jan 2018 by PHILIPPE
I don't know if there is a link with this opportunistic farm of computers and a discrepancy noticed between informations displayed on project status and application page.
On status project :
Current GigaFLOPS 59378.42
Task data as of 7 Jan 2018, 11:04:59 UTC
on application page :
Total average computing: 48,523 GigaFLOPS

We deduce a difference of nearly 11 000 GigaFLOPS (variable from 9 000 to 11 000 , since 2 weeks ago~, average 10 000 GigaFlops)

Does it mean that the opportunistic farm has this powerfullness ?

By the way , it would be good to add lines written "other" in each sub project in application page to include "platform unknown or other platform" to avoid this discrepancy in GigaFLOPS.
14) Message boards : LHCb Application : Low CPU usage (Message 33662)
Posted 4 Jan 2018 by PHILIPPE
Trying to understand what is happening , i found the dirac site which enables users to see LHCb statistics.

Here is the cpu usage during a week following job processing types :

Here is the cpu efficiency during the same period for the same jobs processing types :

It seems that the behavior of the types of job executed is different.

Maybe a cern member could speak about it to give us some explanations ? (short summary of these types of job and if these plots traduces with more or less accuracy the issues encountered by crunchers.) (the name of the wus don't enable to identify the type of jobs executed).
15) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : Inconclusive results (Message 33642)
Posted 3 Jan 2018 by PHILIPPE
It may help probably the project , i have found this in the boinc documentation too :

Blacklisting hosts

To blacklist a host, set its max_results_day field to -1. This will cause all of its scheduler requests to return an error message and do nothing else (no jobs or trickle messages will be sent or received).
16) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : Inconclusive results (Message 33634)
Posted 2 Jan 2018 by PHILIPPE
I think this host has a problem.
Only errors while computing, no validation conclusive.

Please , do something to stop it.
ID: 10517247

An algorythm or script may be interesting to detect these consecutive errors...(more than 30 consecutive errors --> host suspended).
17) Message boards : ATLAS application : No tasks available (Message 33599)
Posted 31 Dec 2017 by PHILIPPE
@AuxRx :

Thanks to have expressed your point of view.
It 's always important to have different opinions on a same subject , in order to better undestand the environment and to enable other peolple to have an idea on it.
18) Message boards : ATLAS application : No tasks available (Message 33592)
Posted 31 Dec 2017 by PHILIPPE
I can't answer you , Erich ,
but after having a look at the situation on other crunchers , i find curious that for a same volunteer ,one of its hosts is fullfilled by workunits while another host is waiting to have workunits .
It look likes as if , the sharing is not equal inside a same user.( and globally between different users , of course)
"Maybe" , it would be advantageous for the project to provide workunits with a lower local buffer as possible to share, in a better way, the jobs among volunteers.
Doing this, for instance, by overwriting the local crunchers preferences, because of the reduction of available workunits ,
the global efficiency of the server would probably increase because

    global time for the treatment of a work unit would decrease (lower queue on a host before to be run , and higher probability to have the host result faster)
    space disk on the server where waiting results are, could be reduced (above all for sixtract which needs 2 results before being validated)

Is it possible ( only under overload conditions , not in normal situation...) ?
During a normal situation , it's correct that someone wants to have a local buffer for himself , where he can store the work units of his choice , but on critical situation (overload or breakdown) , maybe the user has to change his habits , too.

19) Message boards : ATLAS application : Uploads of finished tasks not possible since last night (Message 33486)
Posted 23 Dec 2017 by PHILIPPE
You are probably right, Erich ,
the solution found (deleting partial uploads with script every 6 hours) is temporary , untill the use of the new file systems for nfs server.
But "maybe" there is another way to wait for this update.
Processes et daemons inside the boinc server have different priorities for their execution.
Under heavy load ,the partial uploads occur when the "handler of upload" stops one upload because another process with a higher priority or a same priority is running , creating a conflict which perturbs the upload and stopping it , finally,before its normal end.
(I don't speak about isp failure or client computer crash which are external causes.)
"Maybe" , to attenuate the problem , it would be worth giving
    the highest priority to the handler upload, (in order to produce less partial files)
    a higher priority to the deleter face to the transitionner (the most cpu intensive) (in order to clean and bring more space) ,
    and a lower priority to the feeder and why not also to the scheduler .

Under heavy load priority has to be given to output streams from the client , and not to the input ones , so the boinc server would less suffer on a long term.
I can't say if it's possible and how it is feasible and if the result would be better but this is just an idea.
A better setting of this parameter could enable a more confortable area of use for the server , under permanent overload.The bad consequence is that client would have less work-units while server is busy , but each client would end its upload inside the deadline in a more secure way.
This is another way to think , (more or less efficient , i don't know ?( It depends on circumstances, certainly...)
Having different options to this particular situation could provide more tools to fix the issue...

20) Message boards : ATLAS application : Uploads of finished tasks not possible since last night (Message 33426)
Posted 17 Dec 2017 by PHILIPPE
@ csbyseti
Don't know how server side Boinc works

It 's true this part of the boinc project is not clearly described (at least the general guidelines should appear somewhere to explain to volunteers what means the terms encountered in the status server project page)

so i found a short summary on the net :

Taskserver (or scheduling server) in details:

The scheduler handles requests from BOINC clients
The feeder caches jobs which are not yet transmitted

The transitioner examines jobs for which a state change has occurred and handles this change
The database purger removes jobs and instance database entries that are no longer needed
The validator compares the instances of a work unit
The assimilator handles tasks which are done
The file deleter deletes input and output files that are no longer needed

The work generator creates new jobs and their input files

Unfortunately ,the only component missing in this picture is the the file upload handler which is not linked to database storage but i found a picture on the net (slides n° 5) where its functioning is explained (slides n° 22 - 24).

Server directory structure

The directory structure for a typical BOINC project looks like:


where PROJECT is the name of the project and HOSTNAME is the server host. Each project directory contains:

    apps: application and core client executables
    bin: server daemons and programs.
    cgi-bin: CGI programs
    log_HOSTNAME: log output
    pid_HOSTNAME: lock files, pid files
    download: storage for data server downloads.
    html: PHP files for public and private web interfaces
    keys: encryption keys
    upload: storage for data server uploads.

The upload and download directories may contain large numbers (millions) of files. For efficiency they are normally organized as a hierarchy of subdirectories.

Further informations are available on wikipedia.

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