1) Questions and Answers : Wish list : A Macintosh OSX Client (Message 21398)
Posted 14 Jun 2009 by RoyB
I would be interested.

It is also posible to let LHC running with Crossover. If anyone is interested, I can write a little howto.

I have it working with Crossover, too. There are some problems with older BOINC client with the CPU counting - but not shure, if this is fixed with the newer one.
But, the perfomance is OK. A lot of better as with Parallels, and less memory overhead. - But also tested with old Parallels 2.x.

I\'ve written a Howto for installing and configuring the Windows BOINC client with LHC@home on Intel based Macs. It\'s available at www.dotsch.de/boinc under the BOINC Howtos section.

First off... grat guide.
Second, you asked at the end for info on other projects that has been run succesfully with your guide... I have running QMC@Home, Spinhenge@home, Cosmology@Home and uFluids running just fine.
I just did 1 thing differently. I used your scripts, but copied the rest from a win installation directory, couldn\'t get Boinc to start with your version, kept bugging me about error in c runtime. Now it works like a charm(version 6.6.36. Thanks man.

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