1) Message boards : CMS Application : Setting VM's network adapter to Bridge instead of NAT (Message 44185)
Posted 23 Jan 2021 by Proger

tl,dr; how to force Bridge over NAT as default VM network adapter ?

I had a lot of failure with CMS app, until I figure out the issue : network. The machine where I want to run CMS doesnt have a gateway (ip of the router), everything goes through a squid proxy with only whitelisted domains allowed (a kind of paranoid security config).

Altough CMS app detects the squid proxy, it uses alot of direct connect attempts while initializing afaik... thus failing in my current computer.

I managed to change the network adapter config from NAT to Bridge (while Boinc was turned off) and then everything seemed fine for the CMS VM (much faster start, computing working, etc). But i need to overwatch Boinc activity, because any new CMS task will revert to a NAT ethernet adapter.

Is there an xml somewhere that could forcefully mount the VM network adapter in Bridge mode ?
2) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : Inconclusive, valid/invalid results (Message 31084)
Posted 26 Jun 2017 by Proger
bonjour, j'ai ce soucis apparemment.
que dois-je faire ?

Pour résumer les messages du modérateur :
- Suite à des machines renvoyant systématiquement et massivement des résultats faux (des linux) il y a une grande file d'attente en validation peu concluante
- Patientez. Vos unités de travail seront renvoyées à d'autres machines pour recalcul et validation.
- L'attente peut être longue car ces unités sont en bas de la file d'envoi du serveur.

summarized trans : wait for a resend to another host of the WU / see msg 31064 and 31074

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