1) Message boards : Number crunching : Current work - run times (Message 47518)
Posted 12 Nov 2022 by Profile adrianxw
I just tried the project again and crunched a couple of units, but then another came, it ran for 9 days before erroring out. There is an ongoing fault here.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Current work - run times (Message 46913)
Posted 18 Jun 2022 by Profile adrianxw
Ah, you mean the link in my sig. That USED to be a link to my teams website, which was a typical BOINC teams site, with a few pages of stats and stuff. The host was a team member. One day, he vanished, as did our site. I'd done a lot of work for the site doing the stats pages, it was very annoying. It now seems to have been re-purposed as a travel guide to Holland! I'll remove it.

It seems to have gone now.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Current work - run times (Message 46911)
Posted 18 Jun 2022 by Profile adrianxw
My avatar? I have no idea what you are talking about, please explain.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Current work - run times (Message 46909)
Posted 18 Jun 2022 by Profile adrianxw
I visited the other machine, aborted all LHC tasks and removed the project from its portfolio. BOINC is "install and forget", it should not be a requirement to monitor the progress or otherwise individual tasks.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Current work - run times (Message 46907)
Posted 17 Jun 2022 by Profile adrianxw
There is no excusing this. They seem happy to act as if the crunchers are THEIR resource. That time THEY have wasted could be HIGHLY significant to other project scientists, who ARE careful with their applications. When the last units dumb out, crash, submit junk or whatever, the project gets deleted again, enough. This project has a real BAD taste.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Current work - run times (Message 46905)
Posted 17 Jun 2022 by Profile adrianxw
>>> I've not done anything with them

I have now though...

Error while computing 246,544.34 637.94 --- Theory Simulation v300.06 (vbox64_theory)

... almost quarter million seconds run time, 700 seconds of CPU, work unit crashes out. I really like the CERN centre and the projects of the LHC, but the jobs submitted for crunching through BOINC are absolute cr**.

No new tasks set, AGAIN, project will be deleted from my portfolio AGAIN when they are finished. Professional dealing with rank amateurs.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Current work - run times (Message 46896)
Posted 15 Jun 2022 by Profile adrianxw
Fine. I've not done anything with them, they are happily running. Just asking.

My comment about the deadline and slower machines still applies of course.

0.01 hours
That is quite a machine, what is it?
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Current work - run times (Message 46890)
Posted 15 Jun 2022 by Profile adrianxw
Some, not all, of the work units that have arrived recently have very long run times, this machine, (4GHz i7), for example, has units running for 17 to 35 hours. The longest is showing 13.9% elapsed, the remaining is reducing, slowly . They probably will complete before the deadline, just, but a slower machine has little chance. Are these jobs running normally or are they wasting what amounts to weeks of work?
9) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas tasks "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restarting later." (Message 36002)
Posted 23 Jul 2018 by Profile adrianxw
I just got back yesterday, hence delay. I have not seen anything that addresses the issue that I see and am unhappy with. I have detatched my machines from LHC.
10) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas tasks "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restarting later." (Message 35879)
Posted 12 Jul 2018 by Profile adrianxw
YES! Great thought, it was set, I have just unset it. It is so rare that I have fiddled with that, it had gone out of my view finder. I guess I expect the other jobs to be from subprojects that are enabled. There is a possible bug here. I'll send a note to BOINC.
11) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas tasks "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restarting later." (Message 35873)
Posted 12 Jul 2018 by Profile adrianxw
The real point or question or complaint I have right now is simply, why did it download and run an ATLAS when I have specifically told it not to do so. It suggests that either the mechanism for selecting work types is not working correctly, or that it is being ignored as the project desires.

I check from time to time, usually I don't see more than 66% of the available RAM in use, 2GB per thread should be adequate with a spread project base. RAMMap invariably shows a chunk of unused.
12) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas tasks "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restarting later." (Message 35870)
Posted 12 Jul 2018 by Profile adrianxw
I have not used the home/work/school classes since I was working, that ended in 2009, (the voluntary work I've done on and off since then would not have had appropriate facilities to make it worth setting up again). I have rebuilt these machines since then, more than once, so they will never have been assigned a work class, they would be default since BOINC was installed.

The machines run 24/7 and I do not limit BOINC in anyway, so all cores/GPU's can be busy at all times. I therefors see 8 tasks running, sometimes 9 because Milkyway does not use a whole CPU so another project can grab a few cycles here and there.

I am not totally convinved BOINC handles multithreading correctly, it should, but I've seen a few unexplained things which leave me doubts. I dropped one project because of its enthusiasm for spinning threads, I don't remember which it was.
13) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas tasks "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restarting later." (Message 35866)
Posted 12 Jul 2018 by Profile adrianxw
I just checked to be sure, but it is as I thought, I do not have seperate home/work/school setup anymore. When I still worked, I did, but now, all my machines are here, in this room and run default.

Yes, my machines are busy, they have 4GHz i7's and run 24/7 and are connected to about 10 projects.

Sure, I can jump through a load of hoops, and fiddle with things. The action I took was to say no to ATLAS, it sent me ATLAS. That is a project server action.
14) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas tasks "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restarting later." (Message 35864)
Posted 12 Jul 2018 by Profile adrianxw
No new tasks set again. I just checked my settings again, I have clearly said I do not want ATLAS tasks, yet, look at my work done, it iIS sending me ATLAS.
15) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas tasks "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restarting later." (Message 35861)
Posted 11 Jul 2018 by Profile adrianxw
The reason I suspended the project was because I hit the "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restarting later." problem, not uploads and downloads which can generally be ignored as they sort themselves out. I have allowed new tasks, (with ATLAS disabled), but if I see any more like that from the other sub projects, I'll dump the project.
16) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas tasks "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restarting later." (Message 35859)
Posted 11 Jul 2018 by Profile adrianxw
No reply, close to dropping the project completely now.
17) Message boards : ATLAS application : Atlas tasks "Postponed: VM job unmanageable, restarting later." (Message 35698)
Posted 29 Jun 2018 by Profile adrianxw
Is it just the ATLAS project that runs into this? I've removed that project from the list, but am a little wary now of allowing new tasks for the whole bucket project.
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Error, well, actually not. (Message 34582)
Posted 11 Mar 2018 by Profile adrianxw
I happened to look at my results list and was suprised to see the Error group had a 1 there. Curious, I looked at the workunit and there it says "Cancelled by server" - so it was not an error, not an error by any of my systems at least.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Error while computing/too many errors (Message 34109)
Posted 26 Jan 2018 by Profile adrianxw
If the server cannot support its own running tasks on remote worker units that represents a serious problem. Not just support, but fail them?
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Error while computing/too many errors (Message 34105)
Posted 26 Jan 2018 by Profile adrianxw
>>> Most likely: No jobs available at startup time

... so it trashes an in progress work unit, I doubt that.

>>> This VM was paused for too long

... same comment really, if the machine was off or busy or whatever, it trashes a work unit, I doubt that.

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