1) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Milestones (Message 34392)
Posted 17 Feb 2018 by Claus Varming Lund
Hi :-)
I just noticed that my machine passed 20.000.000 credit, earlier this week.
(most imported from the old Atlas@home site)
2) Message boards : ATLAS application : Small number of test tasks (Message 28815)
Posted 7 Feb 2017 by Claus Varming Lund
I have tried to run Atlas and SixTrack most of the day, and haven't revised any WU's
Run Beta-Applications is marked
switched back to LHCb and CMS, and got WU's at once.
wonder why, it's so long between getting Atlas WU's
(Run on Win10 Host 10408584
3) Message boards : ATLAS application : Small number of test tasks (Message 28652)
Posted 24 Jan 2017 by Claus Varming Lund
I've got some 28 Core WU's, after 90 sec they are only using 50% of one core - 3,8% of total CPU,

So limiting to 8 core might be a good idea.
4) Message boards : Sixtrack Application : MacOS executable (Message 28651)
Posted 24 Jan 2017 by Claus Varming Lund
I have tried it on MAC "El Capitan" and "Sierra"
Allmost 50% of WU's are "Completed, validation inconclusive"
That is a lot more than usually, compared to a Windows Machine.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : LHC@home vs LHC@home 1.0 (Message 28529)
Posted 16 Jan 2017 by Claus Varming Lund
Thanks Crystal Pellet :-)
6) Message boards : Number crunching : LHC@home vs LHC@home 1.0 (Message 28508)
Posted 15 Jan 2017 by Claus Varming Lund
Just notes that i didn't got any work on my oldest host, it was running "LHC@home 1.0", when I changed to "LHC@home" it got work at once.
Is this a coincidence or is "LHC@home 1.0" outdated?

When looking around the forum, it seems that "LHC@home 1.0" is still being used

7) Message boards : ATLAS application : Small number of test tasks (Message 28488)
Posted 14 Jan 2017 by Claus Varming Lund
Same as Luigi, Validate error.
I ran on a Win10, with Boinc 7.6.33 and VB 5.1.12
Let us know when there are more ATLAS to test :-)

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