1) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Can't get boinc_4.09_i686-pc-linux-gnu to execute on Mac OS X's Terminal (Message 2880)
Posted 30 Sep 2004 by delerium
I tried looking for the Mac OS X 10.3+ version. I have Mac OS X 10.3.5 installed and running. I found this below:

Last modified 4:13 PM, August 24 2004

Installing BOINC on Mac OS/X

The Mac OS X client will unpack correctly with gunzip on Mac OS X 10.2 (jaguar) or 10.3 (panther) as long as you type the command within Terminal. Stuffit 7.x or newer will work under the Finder in either OS X or OS 9, but I'd recommend using 'gunzip' or 'gzip -d' within Terminal instead.

However, the two main browsers on OS X (IE 5.2.x and Safari 1.x) will automatically unpack downloads by default, so your work may already be done.

If you use IE, the boinc client will download and automatically unpack leaving two files:
boinc_2.12_powerpc-apple-darwin [this will have the stuffit icon in the finder]
boinc_2.12_powerpc-apple-darwin7.0.0 [this will not have any icon in the finder]

#2 is the unpacked program ready-to-run. You can just start Terminal and run boinc.

If you use Safari, the boinc client will download and automatically unpack, leaving a single file:
boinc_2.12_powerpc-apple-darwin7.0.0 [this will not have any icon in the finder]
This is the unpacked program, but it's not yet ready-to-run (this is a bug with how Safari handles gzipped downloads; we'll fix this soon).

Here's what you have to do to fix the Safari download (apologies if you already know how to do this):

Create a folder in your home directory and put the boinc file in it
Start Terminal
'cd' to the folder you just created
Type 'chmod +x boinc_2.12_powerpc-apple-darwin7.0.0' (without the quotes)
Now you can run BOINC.

It appears that this would still work... Where do I go from here if I tried this scenario and ended up with no luck?

> > The Linux executable is just that, a Linux executable. Since Mac OS X is
> a
> > BSD-based OS, you're not going to have much luck there. Try downloading
> the
> > Mac OS X 10.3+ version. ;-)
> Also, the Mac is not running an x86 architecture CPU, which is much more of a
> problem than BSD vs Linux-based OS.
> [edit]
> BTW: The Mac OS-X version of Boinc will allow you to participate in other
> projects, but LHC does not yet have a science app for Mac, so you will still
> have to wait before it will work for this project. :-(
2) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : Can't get boinc_4.09_i686-pc-linux-gnu to execute on Mac OS X's Terminal (Message 2668)
Posted 29 Sep 2004 by delerium
I downloaded the Unix/Linux gz file, unzipped it manually, and then chmod'ed it as +x... How come I get this error below?

delerium:~/Desktop nralton$ ./boinc_4.09_i686-pc-linux-gnu
-bash: ./boinc_4.09_i686-pc-linux-gnu: cannot execute binary file

I've already tried double-clicking it but I get the Finder does not recognize the application for this file.. alert. I can't really figure out what else I'm supposed to do, can anyone help me?

Mac OS X 10.3.5

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