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If Neutrinos have no mass, can they escape a black hole?
(Message 8726)
Posted 20 Jul 2005 by ![]() Post: > I bet they could. (neutrinios escape a black hole, that is) ... > I'm not saying that I can 'prove it' using physics, hand gestures or a > combination of physics and handwaving. But, if they have 'no mass' then the > black hole gravity shouldn't really affect them. > > So, experimentally, a neutrino is a theoretical particle which makes heavy > water give of a flash of light. Neutrinos might have an issue of going > throught the ground up atomic/subatomic matter inside a black hole, but I > suspect that the 'no mass' aspect of neutrinos makes them great at escaping > the gravity from a black hole. > If I understood your question correctly, the answer is very simple - neutrinos do not have zero rest mass. They have very small one [depending on the type of neutrino - electron neutrino, muon neutrino and tau neutrino], however, not zero. This is the well known result of the recent experiments, e.g., SuperKamiokande in Japan and others. Nevertheless, even if they have zero mass, your question is a nonsense. It is because every particle has nonzero rest mass OR at least nonzero kinetic energy. Thus, due to the theory of relativity which states that mass is equivalent to energy (i.e, mass is only something like "very pressured" energy), EVERY particle has to have nonzero mass/energy, therefore, it HAS to be affected by a black hole gravitation. Please realize that mass is really the same as energy and vice versa. If particles with zero rest mass (like photon) would be stopped, they disappear, better said, particles with zero rest mass cannot be stopped and has to travel at the speed of light. Being stopped is the same as being nonexisting, by principles of physics and nature. KiiroiZen / Kotulic Bunta Member of the BOINC.SK team. |
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