1) Message boards : Number crunching : Uploads failing: Server out of disk space (Message 25811)
Posted 9 Sep 2013 by Robert H
Also having uploading problems.

LHC are sending out to many WU:s at once and the server cannot handle it. Hmm..maybe LHC will learn from their mistakes?

2) Message boards : News : Status 6th September (Message 25786)
Posted 6 Sep 2013 by Robert H
Will this help you?

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Status and Plans, 20th August, 2013 (Message 25762)
Posted 5 Sep 2013 by Robert H
Thanks for the pointers to Fortran 2003 status.
(I am out of touch.) Probably the most important for me is
the ROUND= specifier. gfortran seems to be progressing well.
I can't switch in a hurry but it would seem ideal to use a free
compiler on our volunteer project especially after all the
effort fighting ifort. :-) I need to step back a bit and come up
with a decent plan. I need to sort out the code generation option (SSE
etc) and just compare performance. Another issue is that gfortran and gcclibs
are outwith my control at CERN. It would be great to have gfortran on Linux,
Windows and MAC I suppose I could install my own
versions though. Food for thought and thanks again. Eric.

Hmm..there is something called GNU compiler and then there is something called OpenMP in Gfortran.

And yes there are free compilers.

But i really understand your question, so i think you should make a phonecall to Canonical or Red Hat.

4) Message boards : Number crunching : Status and Plans, 20th August, 2013 (Message 25714)
Posted 30 Aug 2013 by Robert H

Link not working, try again!
5) Message boards : News : More work coming now. (Message 25705)
Posted 30 Aug 2013 by Robert H
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