1) Message boards : Team invites : The Scottish Boinc Team - Old and new members, we have new forum and web pages. (Message 30258)
Posted 9 May 2017 by Alez

Come along and join The Scottish Boinc Team (established in 1999 as Scotland's Seti), one of the oldest and most successful BOINC teams crunching today. New web pages are available at https://tsbt.co.uk

We crunch for all current BOINC projects and are always at the forefront of adding new projects that start up within BOINC. Our aim is to use our spare or dedicated computing power to advance human knowledge while enjoying some friendly competition amongst ourselves and with other teams. If you want to be part of a lively, friendly team, please come join us, everyone is welcome.

Join the TSBT Team Forum. Take part in shaping your teams future, chat with other members, get help and advice or help others. We participate in all BOINCstats Team challenges and hold competitions both within our own team and with other rival teams. We maintain a very informative, user and newbie friendly, forum with our own team statistics, team and individual milestones, BOINC project and hardware information across all supported platforms and lots of help. Join us, you will be assured of a very warm welcome and it's easy to do.

Have a look round our forum, the heart of the team. https://www.tsbt.co.uk/forum/

Guests can read certain parts of the forum without registration.Theres a guest forum where you can stop by and say hi.
Registered members will be able to immediately post and be granted access to additional areas of the forum. Active TSBT members can gain access to the private team areas by request.
Full instructions on joining are available along with the forum rules on the website.
News updates from all active projects are also part of the forum along with other features in development.
2) Message boards : Team invites : Looking for a team ? Try The Scottish BOINC Team (Message 29001)
Posted 1 Mar 2017 by Alez
Come along and join The Scottish Boinc Team< (established in 1999 as Scotland's Seti), one of the oldest and most successful BOINC teams crunching today. After joining the team on this project, head over to our Team Forum and join us. http://www.tsbt.co.uk/

We crunch for all current BOINC projects and are always at the forefront of adding new projects that start up within BOINC.

Our aim is to use our spare or dedicated computing power to advance human knowledge while enjoying some friendly competition

amongst ourselves and with other teams. If you want to be part of a lively, friendly team, please come join us, everyone is


Join the TSBT Team Forum. Take part in shaping your teams future, chat with other members, get help and advice or help others.

We participate in all BOINCstats Team challenges and hold competitions both within our own team and with other rival teams. We

maintain a very informative, user and newbie friendly, forum with our own team statistics, team and individual milestones,

BOINC project and hardware information across all supported platforms and lots of help. Join us, you will be assured of a very

warm welcome and it's easy to do.

Have a look round our website. http://www.tsbt.co.uk/

Guests can read certain parts of the forum without registration.Theres a guest forum where you can stop by and say hi.
Registered members will be able to immediately post and be granted access to additional areas of the forum. Active TSBT

members can gain access to the private team areas by request.
Full instructions on joining are available along with the forum rules on the website.
News updates from all active projects are also part of the forum along with other features in development.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Hurrah for Prof Peter Higgs! LHC Classic Challenge (Message 27194)
Posted 5 Mar 2015 by Alez
Competition now over. Thanks to Eric and all the physicists for keeping the work flowing over the course of the event. I hope our efforts prove useful to you.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Hurrah for Prof Peter Higgs! LHC Classic Challenge (Message 27185)
Posted 27 Feb 2015 by Alez
The units are flowing nicely. Thanks Eric.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Hurrah for Prof Peter Higgs! LHC Classic Challenge (Message 27179)
Posted 23 Feb 2015 by Alez
All we can hope is that there is work available. Fullsus, enjoy the challenge and pop by our forum for the team competition chat.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Hurrah for Prof Peter Higgs! LHC Classic Challenge (Message 27166)
Posted 15 Feb 2015 by Alez
Challenge issued on BOINCstats/BAM starting on 26/02/2015 00:00 UTC issued by The Scottish Boinc Team. One week of crunching on LHC@Home. All teams are welcome to sign up and join us on this challenge.
Hope to see you there
Alez [ TSBT's Pirate ]

7) Message boards : Team invites : The Scottish Boinc Team (Message 26096)
Posted 3 Dec 2013 by Alez
The Scottish Boinc Team

Welcome to The Scottish Boinc Team ( established in 1999 as Scotland's Seti ), one of the oldest and we'd like to think, best Boinc teams around. After joining the team here, head over to our forum http://www.dunadd.co.uk/seti/forum/and Join us.

We crunch for all Boinc projects and are always adding new ones as they come along. Our aim is to use our spare computing power to advance human knowledge while enjoying some friendly competition amongst ourselves and with other teams. So if you're Scottish by birth, ancestry, residence, emotional attachment or even if you've no link whatsoever with Scotland but just fancy being part of a lively friendly team, please come join us, everyone is welcome.

http://www.dunadd.co.uk/seti/forum/ Take part in shaping your team, chat, get help and advice or help others. Participate in Team challenges and competitions both with ourselves and other rival teams. It's a very informative, user and newbie friendly, forum with stats, team and individual milestones, information and lots of help. Come join us, you will be assured of a warm welcome and it's easy to do.

Come see our website and forum.
Reading is free without registration.
Team members can Register and will be able to immediately post and be granted access to additional private team areas.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Big problem: work units running with negative time. (Message 25820)
Posted 10 Sep 2013 by Alez
Same problem with my linux host here http://lhcathomeclassic.cern.ch/sixtrack/show_host_detail.php?hostid=10283293
Nearly all units failed with too many exits, no heartbeat error. A couple appear to have validated with 0.21 credits for 6 sec run time which I would guess is wrong.

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