1) Message boards : Theory Application : 196 (0x000000C4) EXIT_DISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - how come? (Message 38989)
Posted 28 May 2019 by Sid
here the next one:


it's really annoying that no-one from LHC is willing or able to give an answer the the question
what's the use for LHC to send out thousand of faulty tasks? What exactly is the benefit the science?
Could someone logically explain?

Sorry to say, but all software here from my professional point of view are made in garage, so speaking.
Scientific calculation on Python is not good idea, for example.
The tasks are too fragile and fail on any temporary issue - internet down, transient http error, etc.
Atlas tasks receive close to half of gigs amount of data(it's ok, raw data) but why it send almost the same amount of data as result?

Please don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong.
2) Message boards : ATLAS application : An issue with singularity (Message 37158)
Posted 1 Nov 2018 by Sid
I've followed the advice to change the kernel but an application was still failing.
Looking more attentively to the error message("singularity is not found") I decided to recreate "boinc" user from the scratch. That did the magic and now native application is working fine.
My guess - something was wrong in boinc user PATH or something like that.
Thanks for advice now I'm happy again.
3) Message boards : ATLAS application : An issue with singularity (Message 37052)
Posted 16 Oct 2018 by Sid
I have set up a virtual machine with Linux Mint 17.3 and singularity also did not work with the default kernel. I then updated the kernel from the default 3.19 to 4.4.0 generic, and now singularity with the "singularity --debug exec ..." command works. So it is propably something with the default kernel that singularity does not like.
My uname -a output is: Linux testing-VirtualBox 4.4.0-98-generic #121~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 11 11:54:55 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Thank you very much.
I'll try to update Linux kernel shortly.
4) Message boards : ATLAS application : An issue with singularity (Message 37042)
Posted 15 Oct 2018 by Sid
Have you run the command "sudo make install" after compiling singularity?
Can you run singularity with your default user (i.e. with a different user than boinc)?
Which version of singularity do you use? Type "singularity --version" into your terminal and please post the output.
Which OS are you running? It shows Linux 3.19, current Debian is using 4.9.0 and olstable Debian is using 3.16 (the guide has only been tested on Debian stretch, but singularity obviously should work on other OS's as well). So please post the output of "uname -a" here as well.

Thank you for your time.
Yes, I run this command as I can see from history:
git clone https://github.com/sylabs/singularity.git
394 cd singularity
395 go get -u -v github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
396 cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/sylabs/singularity
397 ./mconfig
398 cd ./builddir
399 make
400 singularity --version
401 sudo make install
402 singularity --version

I can run singularity as default user:
sid@j1900c ~ $ singularity

Linux container platform optimized for High Performance Computing (HPC) and
Enterprise Performance Computing (EPC)
And I can run it as root too.
The version is:
sid@j1900c ~ $ singularity --version
singularity version v3.0.0

Regarding Linux - I am running Linux Mint:
sid@j1900c ~ $ uname -a
Linux j1900c 3.19.0-32-generic #37~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 22 09:41:40 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Probably this is the root cause of the issue.
5) Message boards : ATLAS application : An issue with singularity (Message 37036)
Posted 15 Oct 2018 by Sid
I was following the very good gyllic's guide to install everything I need to run ATLAS native.
However all WUs have failed with the following error message:
This is not SLC6, need to run with Singularity....
Checking Singularity...
sh: 1: singularity: not found
Singularity is not installed, aborting

For sure, singularity is installed:
$ sudo su - boinc
$ singularity

Linux container platform optimized for High Performance Computing (HPC) and
Enterprise Performance Computing (EPC)

Moreover if I try to check singularity manually by command:
singularity exec --debug -B /cvmfs /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-slc6.img hostname
I'm getting the following output along with the error:
singularity --debug run /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-centos6.img VERBOSE [U=0,P=7990] singularity_message_level() Set messagelevel to: 5
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] init() PIPE_EXEC_FD value: 7
VERBOSE [U=0,P=7990] init() Container runtime
VERBOSE [U=0,P=7990] is_suid() Check if we are running as setuid
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] init() Overlay seems supported by kernel
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] init() Read json configuration from pipe
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] init() Set child signal mask
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] init() Create socketpair for smaster communication channel
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] init() Wait C and JSON runtime configuration from scontainer stage 1
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] set_parent_death_signal() Set parent death signal to 9
VERBOSE [U=0,P=7997] init() Spawn scontainer stage 1
VERBOSE [U=0,P=7997] startup() Execute scontainer stage 1
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] SContainer() Entering scontainer stage 1
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] prepareRootCaps() Root full capabilities
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] Init() Entering image format intializer
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] Init() Check for image format sif
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] Init() Opening /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-centos6.img in read-only mode: no write permissions
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] Init() sif format initializer returns: SIF magic not found
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] Init() Check for image format sandbox
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] Init() sandbox format initializer returns: not a directory image
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] Init() Check for image format squashfs
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] Init() squashfs format initializer returns: not a valid squashfs image
DEBUG [U=0,P=7997] Init() Check for image format ext3
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] init() Receiving configuration from scontainer stage 1
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] init() Wait completion of scontainer stage1
VERBOSE [U=0,P=7990] priv_escalate() Get root privileges
VERBOSE [U=0,P=7990] create_namespace() Create mount namespace
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] init() Create RPC socketpair for communication between scontainer and RPC server
VERBOSE [U=0,P=7990] init() Spawn smaster process
DEBUG [U=0,P=8075] set_parent_death_signal() Set parent death signal to 9
VERBOSE [U=0,P=8075] init() Spawn scontainer stage 2
VERBOSE [U=0,P=8075] create_namespace() Create mount namespace
VERBOSE [U=0,P=8076] init() Spawn RPC server
VERBOSE [U=0,P=7990] startup() Execute smaster process
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] setupSessionLayout() Attempting to use overlayfs (enable overlay = try)
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] setupOverlayLayout() Creating overlay SESSIONDIR layout
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addRootfsMount() Mount rootfs in read-only mode
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addRootfsMount() Mounting block [ext3] image: /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/images/singularity/x86_64-centos6.img
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addKernelMount() Checking configuration file for 'mount proc'
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addKernelMount() Adding proc to mount list
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addKernelMount() Checking configuration file for 'mount sys'
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addKernelMount() Adding sysfs to mount list
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addDevMount() Checking configuration file for 'mount dev'
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addDevMount() Adding dev to mount list
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addHostMount() Not mounting host file systems per configuration
VERBOSE [U=0,P=7990] addBindsMount() Found 'bind path' = /etc/localtime, /etc/localtime
VERBOSE [U=0,P=7990] addBindsMount() Found 'bind path' = /etc/hosts, /etc/hosts
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addHomeStagingDir() Staging home directory (/root) at /usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session/root
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addHomeMount() Adding home directory mount [/usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session/root:/root] to list using layer: overlay
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] isLayerEnabled() Using Layer system: overlay
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addTmpMount() Checking for 'mount tmp' in configuration file
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addScratchMount() Not mounting scratch directory: Not requested
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addLibsMount() Checking for 'user bind control' in configuration file
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addResolvConfMount() Adding /etc/resolv.conf to mount list
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] addHostnameMount() Skipping hostname mount, not virtualizing UTS namespace on user request
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] create() Mount all
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] mountGeneric() Mounting tmpfs to /usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session
VERBOSE [U=0,P=8076] startup() Serve RPC requests
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] mountImage() Mounting loop device /dev/loop0 to /usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session/rootfs
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] mountGeneric() Mounting overlay to /usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session/final
DEBUG [U=0,P=7990] CleanupContainer() Cleanup container
FATAL [U=0,P=7990] SMaster() container creation failed: mount error: can't mount overlay filesystem to /usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session/final: invalid argument

Not sure if it's related to the first error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
6) Message boards : ATLAS application : ATLAS native - Configure CVMFS to work with openhtc.io (Message 37020)
Posted 14 Oct 2018 by Sid
Did you follow gyllic's guide?

Be aware that ATLAS native is still beta and depending on your local environment it can be a bit tricky to get it running.

In addition you may consider to make your hosts visible for other volunteers as the logs sometimes contain important hints:

Thank you.
Yes, I did follow this guide step by step - good guide, BTW.
I made my computers visible so other volunteers. Hope it helps to understand the root cause of my issue.
7) Message boards : ATLAS application : ATLAS native - Configure CVMFS to work with openhtc.io (Message 37017)
Posted 14 Oct 2018 by Sid
I'm trying to run Atlas native application however I can see the following error:
This is not SLC6, need to run with Singularity....
Checking Singularity...
sh: 1: singularity: not found
Singularity is not installed, aborting

Seem the system can't find singularity.But I've already installed singularity:
$ sudo su - boinc
$ singularity

Linux container platform optimized for High Performance Computing (HPC) and
Enterprise Performance Computing (EPC)

singularity [global options...]

The same is under the root.
What might be the problem?
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Downloads have stalled (Message 35707)
Posted 29 Jun 2018 by Sid
Sorry, but as mentioned, on our BOINC clients upload speed is normal.

Well, can you just try to run boinc task from home?
On your own computer?
9) Message boards : Theory Application : [ERROR] Could not connect to cern.ch on port 80 (Message 34453)
Posted 22 Feb 2018 by Sid
This is not perfect word as we all know.
Sometimes an internet connection might go down for a short fraction of a time.
However it is not an excuse to abort a WU that was crunching for long hours.
Why not just to repeat an attempt given number of times with a given timeout?

2018-02-20 21:59:21 (7484): Guest Log: [DEBUG] Testing network connection to cern.ch on port 80

2018-02-20 21:59:21 (7484): Guest Log: [DEBUG] nc: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution

2018-02-20 21:59:21 (7484): Guest Log: [DEBUG] 1

2018-02-20 21:59:21 (7484): Guest Log: [ERROR] Could not connect to cern.ch on port 80

2018-02-20 21:59:21 (7484): Guest Log: [INFO] Shutting Down.
10) Message boards : News : Task creation delayed - database maintenance (Message 34288)
Posted 5 Feb 2018 by Sid
Well, if I'm slowing down the transitioner by running long term Theory tasks - probably this a time for me to switch to some other project.
My computer's idle time became my computer's waste time.
11) Message boards : ATLAS application : Exit status 196 (0x000000C4) EXIT_DISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED (Message 31769)
Posted 1 Aug 2017 by Sid
Here is a excerpt from the log:
2017-07-31 06:29:38 (21755): Setting checkpoint interval to 900 seconds. (Higher value of (Preference: 60 seconds) or (Vbox_job.xml: 900 seconds))
2017-07-31 06:34:23 (21755): Capturing screenshot.
2017-07-31 06:34:24 (21755): Screenshot completed.
2017-07-31 06:34:24 (21755): Powering off VM.
2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755): Successfully stopped VM.
2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755): Deregistering VM. (boinc_5ed62b4f38371585, slot#0)
2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755): Removing network bandwidth throttle group from VM.
2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755): Removing storage controller(s) from VM.
2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755): Removing VM from VirtualBox.
2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755): Removing virtual disk drive from VirtualBox.
2017-07-31 06:34:31 (21755): Failed to open screenshot image file. ( ƒ„)

Hypervisor System Log:

VM Execution Log:

VM Startup Log:

VM Trace Log:

Minimum guest RAM size: 4 Megabytes
Maximum guest RAM size: 2097152 Megabytes
Minimum video RAM size: 1 Megabytes
Maximum video RAM size: 256 Megabytes
Maximum guest monitor count: 64
Minimum guest CPU count: 1
Maximum guest CPU count: 32
Virtual disk limit (info): 2199022206976 Bytes
Maximum Serial Port count: 2
Maximum Parallel Port count: 2
Maximum Boot Position: 4
Maximum PIIX3 Network Adapter count: 8
Maximum ICH9 Network Adapter count: 36
Maximum PIIX3 IDE Controllers: 1
Maximum ICH9 IDE Controllers: 1
Maximum IDE Port count: 2
Maximum Devices per IDE Port: 2
Maximum PIIX3 SATA Controllers: 1
Maximum ICH9 SATA Controllers: 8
Maximum SATA Port count: 30
Maximum Devices per SATA Port: 1
Maximum PIIX3 SCSI Controllers: 1
Maximum ICH9 SCSI Controllers: 8
Maximum SCSI Port count: 16
Maximum Devices per SCSI Port: 1
Maximum SAS PIIX3 Controllers: 1
Maximum SAS ICH9 Controllers: 8
Maximum SAS Port count: 255
Maximum Devices per SAS Port: 1
Maximum PIIX3 Floppy Controllers:1
Maximum ICH9 Floppy Controllers: 1
Maximum Floppy Port count: 1
Maximum Devices per Floppy Port: 2
Default machine folder: /var/lib/boinc-client/VirtualBox VMs
Raw-mode Supported: yes
Exclusive HW virtualization use: on
Default hard disk format: VDI
VRDE auth library: VBoxAuth
Webservice auth. library: VBoxAuth
Remote desktop ExtPack: VNC
Log history count: 3
Default frontend:
Autostart database path:
Default Guest Additions ISO:
Logging Level: all

2017-07-31 06:29:35 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q list hostinfo
Exit Code: 0
Host Information:

Host time: 2017-07-31T03:29:35.949000000Z
Processor online count: 16
Processor count: 16
Processor online core count: 8
Processor core count: 8
Processor#0 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#0 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#1 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#1 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#2 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#2 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#3 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#3 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#4 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#4 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#5 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#5 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#6 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#6 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#7 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#7 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#8 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#8 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#9 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#9 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#10 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#10 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#11 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#11 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#12 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#12 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#13 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#13 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#14 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#14 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Processor#15 speed: 2134 MHz
Processor#15 description: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5630 @ 2.13GHz
Memory size: 24101 MByte
Memory available: 23399 MByte
Operating system: Linux
Operating system version: 3.19.0-32-generic

2017-07-31 06:29:36 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q showvminfo "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" --machinereadable
Exit Code: 0
ostype="Linux 2.6 / 3.x / 4.x (64-bit)"
storagecontrollername0="Hard Disk Controller"
"Hard Disk Controller-0-0"="/var/lib/boinc-client/slots/0/vm_image.vdi"
"Hard Disk Controller-ImageUUID-0-0"="3f2d4a04-9a68-41e5-aeee-ad64ef6781d0"
"Hard Disk Controller-0-1"="none"
"Hard Disk Controller-1-0"="none"
"Hard Disk Controller-1-1"="none"

2017-07-31 06:29:36 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q startvm "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" --type headless
Exit Code: 0
Waiting for VM "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" to power on...
VM "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" has been successfully started.

2017-07-31 06:29:38 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q controlvm "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" cpuexecutioncap 100
Exit Code: 0

2017-07-31 06:34:23 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q controlvm "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" keyboardputscancode 0x39
Exit Code: 0
VBoxManage: error: Error: '0x39' is not a hex byte!

2017-07-31 06:34:24 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q controlvm "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" screenshotpng "/var/lib/boinc-client/slots/0/vbox_screenshot.png"
Exit Code: 0

2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q controlvm "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" poweroff
Exit Code: 0

2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q snapshot "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" list
Exit Code: 0
This machine does not have any snapshots

2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q bandwidthctl "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" remove "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585_net"
Exit Code: 0

2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q storagectl "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" --name "Hard Disk Controller" --remove
Exit Code: 0

2017-07-31 06:34:25 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q unregistervm "boinc_5ed62b4f38371585" --delete
Exit Code: 0

2017-07-31 06:34:26 (21755):
Command: VBoxManage -q closemedium disk "/var/lib/boinc-client/slots/0/vm_image.vdi" --delete
Exit Code: 0

06:34:31 (21755): called boinc_finish(194)

12) Message boards : ATLAS application : Exit status 196 (0x000000C4) EXIT_DISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED (Message 31760)
Posted 1 Aug 2017 by Sid
Couple of my Atlas tasks have finished with error message "Exit status 196 (0x000000C4) EXIT_DISK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
I've plenty of a disk space on the host machine and allowed up to 95% disk space for Boinc.
What might be the reason of the failure ?
13) Message boards : Number crunching : downloading problems... (Message 31731)
Posted 30 Jul 2017 by Sid
Same here
14) Message boards : Number crunching : ATLAS Simulation. (Message 31495)
Posted 19 Jul 2017 by Sid
One of a Atlas task didn't pass validation so I looked inside the stderr file:
2017-07-18 23:09:42 (432): Guest Log: ccooppiieedd tthhee wweebbaapppp ttoo //vvaarr//wwwwww
2017-07-18 23:09:42 (432): Guest Log: ccooppiieedd tthhee wweebbaapppp ttoo //vvaarr//wwwwww
2017-07-18 23:09:42 (432): Guest Log: TThhiiss vvmm ddooeess nnoott nneeeedd ttoo sseettuupp hhttttpp pprrooxxyy
2017-07-18 23:09:42 (432): Guest Log: TThhiiss vvmm ddooeess nnoott nneeeedd ttoo sseettuupp hhttttpp pprrooxxyy
Why it's stuttering?
Two other tasks on the same computer have finished and were validated successfully.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : ATLAS Simulation. (Message 31472)
Posted 17 Jul 2017 by Sid
Here is the old thread:


Thank you for the very interesting reference.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : ATLAS Simulation. (Message 31459)
Posted 17 Jul 2017 by Sid
I have couple of 16/24 cores computers. I'd like to enforce Atlas application to use almost all of them - say, 14 cores or 22 depending of a host. However, I'm receiving only 8C WUs. Is it kind of limit for Atlas? I've enough RAM and I have set everything I have found on preference pages to maximum except number of CPUs.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Can't modify Sixtrack preferences page. (Message 31372)
Posted 13 Jul 2017 by Sid
This page?


There is an "Edit preferences" link at the bottom.

Since you say "Sixtrack preferences" I suspect you are attached to the old project?

My mistake
Thank you for the quick answer.
For some unknown for me reason I was using old URL http://lhcathomeclassic.cern.ch/sixtrack/prefs.php?subset=project
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Can't modify Sixtrack preferences page. (Message 31368)
Posted 12 Jul 2017 by Sid
Just can't. I can see approximately a half of a usual page - no any way to modify anything. Page looks like:
Sixtrack preferences

Resource share
Determines the proportion of your computer's resources allocated to this project. Example: if you participate in two BOINC projects with resource shares of 100 and 200, the first will get 1/3 of your resources and the second will get 2/3. %2
Enforced by version 6.10+

Run test applications?
This helps us develop applications, but may cause jobs to fail on your computer

Is it OK for Sixtrack and your team (if any) to email you?
Should Sixtrack show your computers on its web site?
Default computer location ---

That's all. No any controls. Nothing more.
I've tried couple different explorers on couple of computers.

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