1) Questions and Answers : Windows : you need Virtualbox installed and virtualbox extension pack or your tasks will be "error" (Message 50452)
Posted 25 Jun 2024 by rob
I've sat around watching the debate about the need or otherwise for the extension pack under windows.

The short answer is yes or no, depending on you wanting to spend time watching tasks run or not. Simply put, if you want to keep a close eye on tasks as they run then you do need the extension pack, but if you don't want to watch tasks running then you don't need the extension pack.
These few lines from a recent successful task (https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=411995370)

2024-06-25 08:06:37 (36756): Enabling remote desktop for VM.
2024-06-25 08:06:38 (36756): Required extension pack not installed, remote desktop not enabled.

The next couple of lines show that communication to the shared disk space is OK:
2024-06-25 08:06:38 (36756): Enabling shared directory for VM.
2024-06-25 08:06:38 (36756): Starting VM using VBoxManage interface. (boinc_01210e331ce40d44, slot#0)
2024-06-25 08:06:44 (36756): Successfully started VM. (PID = '21560')
2024-06-25 08:06:44 (36756): Reporting VM Process ID to BOINC.
2024-06-25 08:06:44 (36756): Guest Log: BIOS: VirtualBox 7.0.14
2) Message boards : ATLAS application : Download failures (Message 50258)
Posted 27 May 2024 by rob
Two today:
BipKDmO9fV5n9Rq4apOajLDm4fhM0noT9bVo2ijZDmF6FKDmBB9tyn received at 10:31

zaBMDmcviV5n9Rq4apOajLDm4fhM0noT9bVo2ijZDmABGKDm8fILCn received at 14:51

Both are sitting in the queue ready to sart
3) Message boards : ATLAS application : Download failures (Message 50239)
Posted 24 May 2024 by rob
No problems downloading here, but then I'm only doing one or two downloads at a time
4) Questions and Answers : Windows : LHC not downloading work on new Windows 11 PC (Message 49929)
Posted 10 Apr 2024 by rob
Quite simple, NOT WSL, but the VM that is bundled with BOINC when downloaded from the BOINC site.
5) Questions and Answers : Windows : LHC not downloading work on new Windows 11 PC (Message 49924)
Posted 10 Apr 2024 by rob
The AMD Ryzen 9 7900X has virtualization support, but this is turned OFF by default, and report "virtualization not supported". Check in the BIOS that virtualization is enabled, then turn it ON. After rebooting that error message should disappear, however other messages may then appear, which may take a fair bit of work to clear them. Most common is trying to run the "BOINC supplied" form of virtual machine on a computer that has (or has had) the MS version of Linux installed, the two just aren't compatible with each other despite having very similar names....
6) Message boards : CMS Application : Does anyone else never restart your machine running CMS? (Message 49793)
Posted 20 Mar 2024 by rob
I had the same problem. There is a work-around that appears to work:
Suspend the project before shutting down BOINC, then I can safely turn the computer off. This forces Virtual Machine to first stop processing the task then saves the Virtual Machine so it can restart at a later date or time.

(And I agree with you about wanting native tasks rather than VM -based tasks - life would be a little easier).
7) Message boards : Theory Application : New native version v300.08 (Message 49419)
Posted 6 Feb 2024 by rob
There is something strange going on with the initial estimated run time vs. the actual run time of some, if not all of these tasks:
On my PC:
Initial estimated run time = 61.5 minutes
During the first 60 minutes of running the elapsed time increments at about 1second per second of clock time, and continues at this rate - only a couple of seconds out after an hour.
However the remaining time only drops by about 15 seconds to 60.25 minutes.
At 61.5 elapsed minutes the remaining time jumps to 9 days 23 hours and 46 minutes.

This has the effect that my computer downloads a number of tasks that are, initially predicted to be finished by the deadline, but at the "1 hour" adjustment the majority will not even be started never mid finished by the deadline (10 days). This is potentially a rather unproductive waste of bandwidth, not to mention frustration for me. It will be interesting to see what the actual run time of these tasks is.
8) Message boards : ATLAS application : No Tasks from LHC@home (Message 49376)
Posted 3 Feb 2024 by rob
WSL uses "type 1" virtualization, but that is totally incompatible with the "type 2" virtualization used by the Oracle system deployed by LHC. As far as I can gather it is not possible to have both "type 1" and "type 2" virtualizations running on the same PC. It may be possible to do some form of dual boot allowing you to boot into either a "type 1" environment or a "type 2" environment, but I don't think either configuration would allow the other to run at the same time.
9) Message boards : ATLAS application : No Tasks from LHC@home (Message 49354)
Posted 2 Feb 2024 by rob
You have the same set of issues I had. Something (Microsoft??) decided to sneak in an update which launched Hyper-V and Hyper-V prevents Oracle VirtualBox from running. The not so simple solution is to unpick Hyper-V from your system (you need admin privileges), it can take a few re-boots to get rid of the last vestiges - search for "removing Hyper-V from a computer), allow an hour or more.
10) Message boards : ATLAS application : No Tasks from LHC@home (Message 49338)
Posted 1 Feb 2024 by rob
"Just turn OFF"....
40 minute later, several re-boots and I'm seeing the first LHC ATLAS simulations downloading, along with the expected(?) ATLAS v-box image (all 1.7GB of it).
OK, sit back and wait for the next fun instalment, but for now I think I've earned a drink.
11) Message boards : ATLAS application : No Tasks from LHC@home (Message 49336)
Posted 1 Feb 2024 by rob
So, if I turn OFF hyper-v, and make sure VirtualBox is on I should be able to get the VB running, and thus get some LHC tasks (if any are available)?
12) Message boards : ATLAS application : No Tasks from LHC@home (Message 49333)
Posted 1 Feb 2024 by rob
VM was working, but this appears to be a "windows" issue as until a couple of weeks ago. Now trying to get a "clean" copy of VM to see that has been corrupted as reinstalling BOINC didn't give me the expected messages about installing VM version, despite downloading the BOINC + VM installer that says it includes VB 7.0.6......
13) Message boards : ATLAS application : No Tasks from LHC@home (Message 49331)
Posted 1 Feb 2024 by rob
Another try - force start of VM, first few lines of the log:
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Starting BOINC client version 7.24.1 for windows_x86_64
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | log flags: file_xfer, sched_ops, task, http_xfer_debug, sched_op_debug
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Libraries: libcurl/8.2.1-DEV Schannel zlib/1.2.13
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Data directory: C:\ProgramData\BOINC
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Running under account rob
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | CUDA: NVIDIA GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti (driver version 511.65, CUDA version 11.6, compute capability 6.1, 8192MB, 8192MB available, 8186 GFLOPS peak)
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | CUDA: NVIDIA GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti (driver version 511.65, CUDA version 11.6, compute capability 6.1, 8192MB, 8192MB available, 8186 GFLOPS peak)
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | OpenCL: NVIDIA GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti (driver version 511.65, device version OpenCL 3.0 CUDA, 8192MB, 8192MB available, 8186 GFLOPS peak)
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | OpenCL: NVIDIA GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti (driver version 511.65, device version OpenCL 3.0 CUDA, 8192MB, 8192MB available, 8186 GFLOPS peak)
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Windows processor group 0: 16 processors
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Host name: gaw-win-64
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Processor: 16 AuthenticAMD AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor [Family 23 Model 113 Stepping 0]
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Processor features: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 htt pni ssse3 fma cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 movebe popcnt aes f16c rdrandsyscall nx lm avx avx2 sse4a osvw wdt topx page1gb rdtscp fsgsbase bmi1 smep bmi2
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | OS: Microsoft Windows 10: Professional x64 Edition, (10.00.19044.00)
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Memory: 31.93 GB physical, 55.82 GB virtual
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Disk: 930.76 GB total, 605.05 GB free
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | Local time is UTC +0 hours
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | No WSL found.
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | | VirtualBox version: 7.0.6
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | climateprediction.net | Found app_config.xml

Then the LHC "start":
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | LHC@home | [sched_op] Starting scheduler request
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | LHC@home | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | LHC@home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | LHC@home | [sched_op] CPU work request: 176256.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
01/02/2024 14:17:35 | LHC@home | [sched_op] NVIDIA GPU work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
01/02/2024 14:17:36 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 330 bytes
01/02/2024 14:17:36 | | [http_xfer] [ID#1] HTTP: wrote 3115 bytes
01/02/2024 14:17:36 | LHC@home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
01/02/2024 14:17:36 | LHC@home | [sched_op] Server version 721
01/02/2024 14:17:36 | LHC@home | No tasks sent
01/02/2024 14:17:36 | LHC@home | Tasks for AMD/ATI GPU are available, but your preferences are set to not accept them
01/02/2024 14:17:36 | LHC@home | Project requested delay of 6 seconds
01/02/2024 14:17:36 | LHC@home | [sched_op] Deferring communication for 00:00:06
01/02/2024 14:17:36 | LHC@home | [sched_op] Reason: requested by project
01/02/2024 14:17:37 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 2942 bytes
01/02/2024 14:17:38 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 344 bytes
01/02/2024 14:17:39 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 3895 bytes
01/02/2024 14:17:40 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 2893 bytes
01/02/2024 14:17:42 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 3947 bytes
01/02/2024 14:17:43 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 1300 bytes

No tasks delivered.
Let's try reinstalling BOINC & VB (again....)
14) Message boards : ATLAS application : No Tasks from LHC@home (Message 49330)
Posted 1 Feb 2024 by rob
Thanks, but....
When I check in the BIOS SVN (AMD's version of virtualisation) is enabled - I dissabled it, rebooted, then shutdown, enabled and restarted just to make sure. Now I am really confused, unless BOINC isn't re-reading the computer configuration correctly at restart/re-boot.

But, on checking the various services required fr VM to run were actually running they were turned off.

Now trying to see if setting them to automatic works and I have VB running.
15) Message boards : ATLAS application : No Tasks from LHC@home (Message 49328)
Posted 1 Feb 2024 by rob
For some weeks I've not been getting any LHC work.
The computer concerned has virtualisation enabled (in BIOS), RAM protection disabled (in BIOS), run native disabled (BOINC options & on website).
Today I noticed this set of lines:

01/02/2024 04:26:50 | LHC@home | [sched_op] Reason: requested by project
01/02/2024 07:39:20 | | Number of usable CPUs has changed from 8 to 6.
01/02/2024 08:01:05 | | Number of usable CPUs has changed from 6 to 8.
01/02/2024 08:03:21 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 3785 bytes
01/02/2024 08:03:22 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 2942 bytes
01/02/2024 08:03:23 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 344 bytes
01/02/2024 08:03:24 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 332 bytes
01/02/2024 08:03:25 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 3895 bytes
01/02/2024 08:03:26 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 2893 bytes
01/02/2024 08:03:28 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 3947 bytes
01/02/2024 08:03:31 | | [http_xfer] [ID#0] HTTP: wrote 1300 bytes
01/02/2024 08:04:35 | | Number of usable CPUs has changed from 8 to 6.
01/02/2024 08:41:25 | | Number of usable CPUs has changed from 6 to 8.
01/02/2024 08:45:12 | | Number of usable CPUs has changed from 8 to 6.

I'm confused!
The computer has 16 cores (8 real, 8 hyper-threading or whatever AMD call it), and I allow BOINC to use half of them. Currently there are 4 CPDN tasks running, and given their known fragility at re-start I'm loathed to stop & restart BOINC to get a copy of the first 30 line of the log.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Double counting? (Message 49300)
Posted 29 Jan 2024 by rob
The transfer from the projects is, as has been stated, by each project exporting an XML file. Once on the third-party (boincstats etc.), they may well then transfer the data to something like and SQL database on which they run a query, probably not on a continuous basis, but daily and follow the same basic process I outlined earlier.
I don't think there are many active projects with the same first "word", so this running the query with the project names in the reverse order may help eliminate this double counting, also the use of a tag for "this record has been counted in today" may also work (indeed may be better?).
How to "cure" on existing data - this is a thorny one, as it would require going back through the database and finding when this started then recreating the data from that point, which is no small task.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Double counting? (Message 49296)
Posted 29 Jan 2024 by rob
A quick look susggests this a boincstats issue rather than a BOINC issue. As boincstats.com is a third party you may well get some satisfaction by asking this question on their support forum.
My guess is that they are using a wild card search to generate the stats. Going down ones list of active projects and search for "lhc*" which finds both "lhc" and "lhc-dev" and assumes they are both the same project and adds the credit for both projects, it then does a search for "lhc-dev*", finds only that project and so presents that data on its own.
18) Message boards : CMS Application : Virtualbox tasks failing on Linux (Message 49211)
Posted 18 Jan 2024 by rob
One thing to make sure of is that you've got virtualisation turned ON for your CPU.
19) Message boards : Cafe LHC : Eviction of Russian scientists (Message 48862)
Posted 31 Oct 2023 by rob
A couple more authorities that have a say in who can/can't work at CERN (including the LHC) are the Fench & Swiss immigration and visa people.
One consideration is that Russia is not a "full" member of CERN, only having "observer" or "partial" membership, so don't have the same sort of rights to be there as those from countries that are "full" members.
20) Questions and Answers : Windows : CPU does not have hardware virtualization support (Message 48725)
Posted 2 Oct 2023 by rob
Sometimes teams will do a "dummy start" during boot, but as you say it shouldn't stop BOINC running tasks from projects, unless it has been added to the "don't run if one of the these apps is running" list, in which case BOINC will prevent any task from running.

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