1) Message boards : Number crunching : Looking for ranking (Message 44047)
Posted 2 Jan 2021 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
Do you mean https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/stats.php?
2) Message boards : CMS Application : Condor ended by dragons (Message 38467)
Posted 27 Mar 2019 by Profile Stefan Ledwina

The issue is fixed but will only be picked up with new VMs. Note that the jobs in the VM were fine. It was just an issue with the VM exit.

I don't think so...
https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=220054373 was crunched with 49.00 and also had the same error.
3) Message boards : Team invites : boinc.at (Message 18804)
Posted 3 Jan 2008 by Profile Stefan Ledwina

boinc.at ein gemütliches Team mit charmanter Rechenleistung

Boinc.at würde 2005 gegründet, ist ein stetig wachsendes, aufstrebendes Team und derzeit auf Platz 2 in Österreich. Wir haben ein eigenes Teamforum mit angenehmer Atmosphäre, Team- und Mitgliederstatistiken, BOINC-FAQ und nette Cruncher die man bei gelegentlichen Forentreffen auch im richtigen Leben treffen kann!
Wenn Du noch immer ohne Team bist (oder Dein altes Team langweilig geworden ist ;) ), besuche uns doch einfach auf boinc.at, und tritt unseren Team bei den Projekten bei für die Du rechnest. Gemeinsam crunchen macht doch viel mehr Spaß! Bis bald bei boinc.at!

boinc.at a relaxed Team with charming computing power

Boinc.at was founded in 2005, it is a steadily growing, upcomming team and as of now on the 2nd place in Austria. We have a pleasing forum, team- and user statistics, BOINC-FAQ and nice crunchers which you can also meet in real life at occasional forum meetings!
If you still crunch without beeing in a team (or your old team got boring ;) ), meet us at boinc.at and join our team in the projects you are crunching. Crunching together in a team is much more fun! See you at boinc.at!
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Please increase our daily machine quota (Message 18135)
Posted 13 Oct 2007 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
I am getting the 2 per core per day on my 2 windows boxes...Any chance of a 64 bit linux app so I can run it on my other 3 boxes?


In the meantime you can use an app_inof.xml, described in this forum thread.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Please increase our daily machine quota (Message 18114)
Posted 13 Oct 2007 by Profile Stefan Ledwina

If they increase the quota again, dont make it more than 5.

Well... I really hope you meant 5 per hour ... ;)
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Happenings... (Message 18058)
Posted 12 Oct 2007 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
Nice! Thanks for your help Toby! :)

Because I forgot to chmod 755 the sixtrack app, I lost one result per host, but it should work now...

Thanks again Toby!
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Happenings... (Message 18031)
Posted 12 Oct 2007 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
Why not just run BOINC x86? I used to ;)

Because some projects have a huge speed up because of the 64 bit Linux... ;)
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Happenings... (Message 18028)
Posted 12 Oct 2007 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
why didnt you add the 64Bit linux platform at the same time?

That may be more difficult to do. Various Linux distros do not come with the 32-bit libraries installed by default so the OS will not be able to run the 32-bit client and will throw errors.

But there are also some 64bit Linux Distros that come with the 32-bit Libraries installed...
Also most of the 64bit Linux users do know that they need the 32bit Libraries, because the BOINC Manager doesn´t work without them...

So please Alex and Neasan could you add the 64bit Linux platform too?
I have one more Core2Quad and in a few days a 8 core Xeon System with 64bit Linux which can´t get work from LHC@home!
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Trojan used by dishonest BOINC cruncher (Message 16923)
Posted 21 May 2007 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
Instead of just stopping crunching why don't people do what I did.

I asked DLB to delete my account in an open thread.

He VERY promptly obliged.

Yes I lost all my computers previously earned credits - but as a matter of principle it's been worth it.

I would ask him to delete my account if I could...
A 0 RAC isn't enough to post on their message boards... :x
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Lifesign? (Message 16762)
Posted 29 Apr 2007 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
Just to make that sure - I wasn´t complaining about "oh I get no work", because that´s how LHC works.
What I meant is why the admins don´t give us some informations how things are going...
After 4 or 5 months on a new server with new admins, there´s still the problem with multiplying host, no stats...
Even new Alpha projects are able to export stats, why not LHC? Yeah, LHC might be a very special BOINC installation, but after that long time it must be possible to turn stats export on and do something against the multiplying hosts problem. There were enough users who offered their help...
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Lifesign? (Message 16749)
Posted 28 Apr 2007 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
Well it´s a shame...
It started really nice and hopeful with the new admins and the new server.
But now... It looks like all is the same as it was last year...
12) Message boards : Cafe LHC : BOINC users on last.fm (Message 16126)
Posted 13 Jan 2007 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
As a little explanation for poeple who might not know what last.fm is about...

About Last.fm

Last.fm is the flagship product from the team that designed the Audioscrobbler music engine. More than ten million times a day, Last.fm users "scrobble" their tracks to our servers, helping to collectively build the world's largest social music platform.

Last.fm taps the wisdom of the crowds, leveraging each user's musical profile to make personalised recommendations, connect users who share similar tastes, provide custom radio streams, and much more.

Founded by Felix Miller, Martin Stiksel and Richard Jones, we are a London-based company with a music-obsessed team of developers and creative professionals from around the world.

It's never been this easy to share your taste and discover new music. Welcome to the social music revolution.
13) Message boards : Cafe LHC : BOINC users on last.fm (Message 16121)
Posted 12 Jan 2007 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
Fellow crunchers!
I´ve created a new last.fm group for BOINC users. You can find it here.
For more infos about last.fm have a look here or at my profile.
I hope many of you will join the group and we can have some fun while listening to music and crunching!

Cheers, Stefan
14) Message boards : Number crunching : New work when? (Message 11862)
Posted 7 Jan 2006 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
I think a little bit more informations from the LHC Team would be nice... Are there members from the LHC Team anywhere?

I think they got sucked into a black hole they created with the LHC...

I hope they are not! Otherwise we won´t get any work... ;-)
15) Message boards : Number crunching : New work when? (Message 11859)
Posted 7 Jan 2006 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
I think a little bit more informations from the LHC Team would be nice... Are there members from the LHC Team anywhere?

Greetz Stefan

Waiting for work from LHC...
16) Message boards : Number crunching : New work when? (Message 11840)
Posted 5 Jan 2006 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
This is why I will be so glad when we have 10 projects in production.

But there are still 12 Projects! 2 of them without work... I think there should be no problem running out of work... :-)

But i also would like to see new work from LHC for us. Hope it will come soon!
17) Message boards : Number crunching : New work when? (Message 11787)
Posted 3 Jan 2006 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
Maybe they meant the next christmas ??? ;)
18) Message boards : Number crunching : No work, no fun... (Message 11668)
Posted 15 Dec 2005 by Profile Stefan Ledwina
When will we get new work? Why is at LHC Alpha so much work available but Account creation is disabled?
I need work from LHC! Please! ;-)

Greetz Stefan

No work, no fun...

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