Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Creation of container failed
(Message 44780)
Posted 21 Apr 2021 by tatayet64 Post: Hi, All ATLAS Job are still KO for me. Here is an exemple : https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=314031488 <core_client_version>7.16.6</core_client_version> <![CDATA[ <message> process exited with code 195 (0xc3, -61)</message> <stderr_txt> 19:03:12 (1338628): wrapper (7.7.26015): starting 19:03:12 (1338628): wrapper: running run_atlas (--nthreads 1) [2021-04-21 19:03:12] Arguments: --nthreads 1 [2021-04-21 19:03:12] Threads: 1 [2021-04-21 19:03:12] Checking for CVMFS [2021-04-21 19:03:17] Probing /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch... OK [2021-04-21 19:03:18] Probing /cvmfs/atlas-condb.cern.ch... OK [2021-04-21 19:03:19] Probing /cvmfs/grid.cern.ch... OK [2021-04-21 19:03:19] Probing /cvmfs/cernvm-prod.cern.ch... OK [2021-04-21 19:03:21] Probing /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch... OK [2021-04-21 19:03:22] Probing /cvmfs/alice.cern.ch... OK [2021-04-21 19:03:22] VERSION PID UPTIME(M) MEM(K) REVISION EXPIRES(M) NOCATALOGS CACHEUSE(K) CACHEMAX(K) NOFDUSE NOFDMAX NOIOERR NOOPEN HITRATE(%) RX(K) SPEED(K/S) HOST PROXY ONLINE [2021-04-21 19:03:22] 1338840 0 24652 83131 3 1 30021779 33554433 0 65024 0 0 n/a 527 139 http://cvmfs-stratum-one.cern.ch:8000/cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch DIRECT 1 [2021-04-21 19:03:22] CVMFS is ok [2021-04-21 19:03:22] Efficiency of ATLAS tasks can be improved by the following measure(s): [2021-04-21 19:03:22] The CVMFS client on this computer should be configured to use Cloudflare's openhtc.io. [2021-04-21 19:03:22] Small home clusters do not require a local http proxy but it is suggested if [2021-04-21 19:03:22] more than 10 cores throughout the same LAN segment are regularly running ATLAS like tasks. [2021-04-21 19:03:22] Further information can be found at the LHC@home message board. [2021-04-21 19:03:22] Using singularity image /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/containers/images/singularity/x86_64-centos7.img [2021-04-21 19:03:22] Checking for singularity binary... [2021-04-21 19:03:22] Singularity is not installed, using version from CVMFS [2021-04-21 19:03:22] Checking singularity works with /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/containers/sw/singularity/x86_64-el7/current/bin/singularity exec -B /cvmfs /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/containers/images/singularity/x86_64-centos7.img hostname [2021-04-21 19:03:29] INFO: Converting SIF file to temporary sandbox... UBUNTU-FALOURD INFO: Cleaning up image... [2021-04-21 19:03:29] Singularity works [2021-04-21 19:03:29] Starting ATLAS job with PandaID=5031802625 [2021-04-21 19:03:29] Running command: /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/containers/sw/singularity/x86_64-el7/current/bin/singularity exec --pwd /var/lib/boinc-client/slots/4 -B /cvmfs,/var /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch/repo/containers/images/singularity/x86_64-centos7.img sh start_atlas.sh [2021-04-21 19:03:39] Job failed [2021-04-21 19:03:39] INFO: Converting SIF file to temporary sandbox... [2021-04-21 19:03:39] INFO: Cleaning up image... [2021-04-21 19:03:39] FATAL: container creation failed: hook function for tag prelayer returns error: failed to create /var/lib/alternatives directory: mkdir /var/lib/alternatives: permission denied [2021-04-21 19:03:39] ./runtime_log [2021-04-21 19:03:39] ./runtime_log.err 19:13:40 (1338628): run_atlas exited; CPU time 15.787750 19:13:40 (1338628): app exit status: 0x1 19:13:40 (1338628): called boinc_finish(195) </stderr_txt> ]]> What can i do ? Thanks for your help. |
Message boards :
ATLAS application :
Creation of container failed
(Message 44766)
Posted 18 Apr 2021 by tatayet64 Post: Hi, I'm having exactly the same issue as djoser. All my ATLAS Job go on error since 14/04. With the same error (not the same folder) : 2021-04-18 11:27:14] FATAL: container creation failed: hook function for tag prelayer returns error: failed to create /var/lib/alternatives directory: mkdir /var/lib/alternatives: permission denied For exemple, one of my last tasks : https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=313045776 Regards |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
All vBox WU in error
(Message 43586)
Posted 8 Nov 2020 by tatayet64 Post: Finally, I reinstalled my PC under ubuntu and will try to use native apps. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
All vBox WU in error
(Message 43582)
Posted 7 Nov 2020 by tatayet64 Post: Hi, All my WU (CMS, Theory) using vbox are in error after about 16s. The error is : VBoxManage.exe: error: Failed to create the VirtualBox object! VBoxManage.exe: error: The object is not ready VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_ACCESSDENIED (0x80070005), component VirtualBoxClientWrap, interface IVirtualBoxClient for example : https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=288741188 I see the ACCESsDENIED but don't know how to fix I have tried : - upgrade Vbox to the las version - uninstall vbox and BOINC and then reinstall both with the official package from BOINC I don't know what to do more. Any idea ? |
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