1) Message boards : Number crunching : Bye all! (Message 14441)
Posted 26 Jul 2006 by Andrew Waddington
I fail to see why people hate this project so much, I have to say it has been the most reliable project I run out of 20 or so projects. When there is work to be done BOINC on my computers gets it runs it then returns it almost without fail. I check on the project web site every other month or so just to stay upto date.

If people are looking for a project that has constant work this is not the project as has been stated so many times it is not funny, the reason for this has been said almost as often.

If you are really disillusioned with this project and others on the BOINC platform, don't post a dummy spit with no real reasons just go quietly.

Now that I had my dummy spit I will go about my life for the next month or so before I check on this project again because it is as stated so reliable.

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Is there actually going to be some work? (Message 3508)
Posted 11 Oct 2004 by Andrew Waddington
> EXACTLY! Ive already joined 2 BOINC projects...why do I need to join more to
> keep my systems from being idle. I shouldnt have to choose more than 2 if
> there are only 2 I want to participate in....I have been DCing for years now
> and HATE idle systems. MOst DCers pick projects they like and support. Im not
> going to pick some lame project I have no interest in simply to give my
> systems something to do...
> ...and as far as asking more projects to join BOINC, from what Ive seen, that
> would be a mistake...if out of the 5 or 6 projects in BOINC only 1 is running
> regularly [and ironically its one of the newer BOINC projects], it sounds like
> a disaster waiting to happen at this point.
> ...back to Folding@Home and Lifemapper for awhile I guess...
> Spectre

If there is no data to process there is no data to process.

We are doing this to help the projects in the studies not the other way around (them keeping our machines busy in our idle time punching out heat and generating greenhouse gasses).
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Is there actually going to be some work? (Message 3506)
Posted 11 Oct 2004 by Andrew Waddington

> Huh?
> I don't want to take part in multiple projects, what if LHC@Home actually gets
> some work for about an hour, but I'm too busy in another project then I loose
> the chance of getting some WU's?

You'll miss out on that block of data and the sicence will be processed by someone else.

LHC looks to be different to other projects in that the WU's are generated as the physicists need to simulate the properties of the magnetics as they are installed and commissioned. At least that is my understanding from high school physics and reading the CERN web pages.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Is there actually going to be some work? (Message 3487)
Posted 11 Oct 2004 by Andrew Waddington

> If LHC is the ONLY project within BOINC that interests you (or me, in this
> case) then it's all the more harder to deal with this constant lack of work.
> I wasn't able to get enough work for 2 boxes to crunch unattended over the
> weekend. When they run out of work, I have to then manually start another DC
> application to keep the boxes busy until LHC decides to grace us with a small
> allotment of work again. Which, if you're following this, means I have to
> monitor the LHC app or this site to see if there IS work again, and then stop
> the OTHER application so LHC can continue unimpeded. Hard core DC'rs don't
> like to have boxes sitting idle - ever. And DC projects NEED the hardcore
> crunchers, not the casual hobbyist who runs the client for a day or two and
> then gets bored and goes on to whatever else strikes their fancy. If the
> boxes can't be kept busy, we'll go on to something else.

Sounds like you need to talk the other DC projects you are part of to use BOINC, so you do not need to worry about starting and stopping other programs.

The nature of the science behind the LHC project as pointed out by other posters is one of sporadic generation of WU's unlike SETI@home were the data should just pour off the data tapes they have in boxes next to the splitter servers

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