Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
connection problem to site and server
(Message 22646)
Posted 18 Dec 2010 by cisf Post: hy, i can;t connect to lhcathome.cern.ch or cvmathome.cern.ch/test4theory (if it still exists), thought i can connect to cern.ch sites.(now i am under a proxy) So it wold seem my IP is blocked from your end (any system i try from my network fails, no matter the OS or security policies). So, can someone tell my why is it blocked (if so), and how to solve the problem (should i send a message with my IP to an admin, who wold that admin be ...) I just want to add, that this connection problem is more than 1 month long, but until now i thought that it is my security or that the site is down. thanks |
Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks.
(Message 22499)
Posted 27 Aug 2010 by cisf Post: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E96Dd415LMw is it true, coming soon in production? |
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