Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
About the science
(Message 46061)
Posted 14 Jan 2022 by gfair Post: All those links are dead. Can someone provide a description about the science that is running on our home computers? Any description what exactly the calculations are needed for? I'm having trouble convincing new ppl to join the @home effort. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Major Problems with ATLAS Simulation 1.01
(Message 36585)
Posted 29 Aug 2018 by gfair Post: I have observed this issue on multiple machines. All running up-to-date windows 10 pro 64-bit and the latest Virtual box. The remaining time estimator is wildly not accurate. (estimation around: 1 hour and 20mins, actual around 12 hours) Which causes the following problems: 1) Too many work units will be downloaded to the machine. 2) Jobs are not completed in time (mainly for the next reason) 3) After about 5mins I will consistently get "Postponed: VM job is unmanageable, restarting later" on my 8 core jobs (ATLAS Simulation 1.01 (vbox64_mt_mcore_atlas)) It doesn't restart later by itself. I have to close out boinc and reopen it before it tries again. In practice I get about 5mins of calculations every time I start up my computer. So jobs are completed wildly late if I don't noticed and abort them after they have missed their deadline. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Checklist Version 3 for Atlas@Home (and other VM-based Projects) on your PC
(Message 29513)
Posted 21 Mar 2017 by gfair Post: @Yeti, one thing to add. If your windows machine has docker installed it will break virtual box. |
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