1) Message boards : Number crunching : Please merge my computers (database crash) (Message 13455)
Posted 26 Apr 2006 by HireMe.geek.nz
Please merge my computers (database crash)

Please merge

As there is no work [any time soon], users needed to be prodded to do manditory and necessary maintanace of their accounts.

During downtime it should be manditory to freeze the creation of new users -- and existing users should be forced to logon and do limited and seletive account maintance.
2) Message boards : LHC@home Science : LHC group should lobby the MUON1 screen saver people over to BOINC (Message 13454)
Posted 26 Apr 2006 by HireMe.geek.nz
The LHC group should lobby the MUON1 (nutreno reseach) screen saver people over to BOINC.

This could solve the LHC "work not avalable" problem.

MUON1 seems to be fully debugged -- just not fully compliant with BOINC technology.

The changeover to BOINC could be trival for MUON1.
The current X86-XP binary is under 250k.

CERN should provision the moveover to BOINC as BOINC is better than 'homebrew' setups for distributed computing.

BOINC's design flaws keep disappearing with new version upgrades -- albeit MAC and LINUX / UNIX versions are essentally free of overt design flaws.

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