1) Message boards : LHC@home Science : why are you going to slaughter us all, scientists? (Message 19604)
Posted 12 May 2008 by Arestris

Actually there are websites such as http://www.risk-evaluation-forum.org/ , http://www.misunderstooduniverse.com/France_Builds_Doomsday_Machine.htm and
http://www.lhcdefense.org/Home_Page.html that demonstrate that cosmic rays argument is falacious because:
In theory, a miniature black hole created at rest relative to Earth is considerably different that one created by high-energy cosmic rays striking the Earth. If such high energy cosmic rays were to on occasion create a miniature black hole, as some theories have suggested, it would be traveling at very high speed [0.9999+ c] relative to Earth, and much like a neutrino, simply zip right through Earth in � second without interacting, or if it did interact, it would glom on to a few quarks and barely slow.
Conversely, any miniature black hole created at rest in a collider would essentially be trapped in Earth�s gravitational field, and over seconds to hours, slowly interact and acquire more mass, if Hawking radiation does not work as predicted, or as quickly as predicted, to cause the newly-minted miniature black hole to �evaporate�.
Source: http://www.lhcdefense.org/LHC_THEORETICAL_PARTICLES.html

Hawking Radiation has never been experimentally detected, and exists only in theory.

I hope that these websites be wrong but I'm worried because they could be right.

Hm... even if Hawking radiation does not work as predicted (and i believe it will), there's a very small chance that a black hole get trapped in Earth and even tough it get trapped, we don't talk from seconds, hours, days or months. In all probability we must talk from million or billion of years instead until the black hole is a danger for our home.

btw: Hello to all :) Have joined this projekt today and was now looking for a hint why I get no Units. I've found the answer and this really funny thread.

P.S.: sorry for my bad english :p

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