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100 million Credits here

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Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic

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Message 43223 - Posted: 16 Aug 2020, 22:18:33 UTC
Last modified: 12 Jan 2024, 22:25:35 UTC

I can't imagine ever getting a number that high here Wes
You will be there in just a few days.

By the time I get one of those Threadrippers there will be an even faster one with even more threads to rip

I even see you at the top of the Theory RAC stats page
ID: 43223 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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Message 43246 - Posted: 21 Aug 2020, 17:00:58 UTC - in response to Message 43223.  

Thanks Samson. Appreciate it!

What I'm doing is trying to make headway in this competition.

Maybe I can make a difference for the TeAm, we'll see I guess.

I'll switch back to the IPPT once its over or I give up in this silly contest, just didn't want to bombard you with PM's everytime I switch.

Hope you're doing well in these crazy times.

ID: 43246 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic

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Message 43254 - Posted: 22 Aug 2020, 14:38:25 UTC - in response to Message 43246.  

Hello Wes, good to see you stop by.

I have heard about those contests over the years and took my first look back in 2010 when it was mentioned at the beginning of T4T when Cern decided to try the new VB tasks and when Toby and I first got those to work on March 1st 2011 on Windows OS I got hooked on doing that and even though I didn't have the top of the line pc's I still had the 6 at the Top of the stats page until we moved that over here to where it used to be only Sixtracks starting in 2004.

Of course these days we have all the Xenon's and Threadrippers and all the rest including the coin versions so I got left in the dust .....but I still try to stay in the Top 40 as far as Total credits.

With my internet connection I have a lot better luck when we get the 100's of K's of the Sixtracks since I can load a couple thousand and then unplug the ethernets.

Here in the NW it is still the same old "mask wearing" for most people but I still have not fell for that but then there isn't much to do so it is a good thing I made my place into a place where I don't mind staying at home 99% of the time.

My flock of satellite dishes let me watch the rest of the planet.

My old John Deere riding mower is in its 21st year so I am stashing cash to buy a new one next Spring (should be my last one)

And the wife and I get to watch the new bambi's out in the place eating and running around with the only one wild rabbit that has been hanging out closer to our house and yesterday I made a trip to the bank and post office so I picked up 40lbs of sunflower seeds for the wild birds and the spoiled squirrels and one chipmunk.

It looks like we still have a few trout left in the pond and it has been a couple years since I saw any otters trying to sneak in and eat them.

Ok its early morning for me ( 7:30am) so since I have 30 more minutes of high speed I am going to boot up a few LHC Theory on this laptop and then go upstairs and fire up the 74 -dev Theory tasks I accidentally loaded yesterday and they are all ready to run Valids so I just have to plug in the ethernet and start them all up.

Have a great weekend up north and I'm sure you can help your team with that contest with the Threadrippers.

- Samson
ID: 43254 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Magic Quantum Mechanic

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Message 47625 - Posted: 29 Dec 2022, 14:18:19 UTC

ID: 47625 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

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