Message boards : Number crunching : 10 second work unit (Strange Quirks - Not Quarks)
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Profile Andrew Richard

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Message 22436 - Posted: 4 Aug 2010, 13:19:04 UTC

After many weeks of not receiving any work units I was pleased to see a new work unit this morning. The work unit was listed as an 8 hour task... But after only 10 seconds the unit terminated and is listed as 100 percent complete.

This issue came up before when while attempting to process a task I turned on the screen saver. The LHC immediately gave an error message and terminated. Many of us are aware of that old issue but that is not what happened this time.

This time I did not enable the screen saver. I also did not get an error message. In fact the work unit seems like it actually did get calculated and finished normally. However the very short time span leads me to believe there may be something amiss.

Perhaps the elusive Higgs Boson is not all that elusive and I found it in ten seconds flat. The other possibility is that the work unit took a long time to process but we are actually living within the Schwartzchild radius of an ever expanding black hole the size of the visible Universe thereby warping time into itself.

The third possibility is that there is something amiss at the LHC. I stand behind CERN 100 percent and hope we can work out these strange quirks (not to be confused with strange quarks).

Best regards,
Andrew in Florida USA
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Tony DeBari

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Message 22437 - Posted: 4 Aug 2010, 15:57:47 UTC - in response to Message 22436.  

After many weeks of not receiving any work units I was pleased to see a new work unit this morning. The work unit was listed as an 8 hour task... But after only 10 seconds the unit terminated and is listed as 100 percent complete.


This will happen from time to time - there is nothing wrong with either your setup or the LHC science app. The way I understand it, this occurs when the virtual beams do something they aren\'t supposed to do - like hit the wall of the virtual collider - and the simulation ends early. The task should report normally and will be granted a tiny amount of credit if it validates successfully against that of your wingman.

-- Tony D.
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Profile rilian

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Message 22446 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 3:40:34 UTC - in response to Message 22437.  

there were quick 0-10 sec WUs before. Nothing special
I crunch for Ukraine
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Profile Tom95134

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Message 22448 - Posted: 7 Aug 2010, 9:37:30 UTC
Last modified: 7 Aug 2010, 9:38:33 UTC

I also have seen a few WU over the past two or three weeks. I have one running now. 10 hrs and it looks like it is about running as estimated.
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Message 22451 - Posted: 8 Aug 2010, 7:43:03 UTC

I have also (luckily) picked up a handful of new wus this month, all of which have terminated in seconds with \"Compute error\". The same units re-sent have sometimes failed similarly, but have all eventually come back \"Success\" after short or long runs. (A quick look suggests to me processor type wasn\'t a factor in whether they ran or failed, for the record.)

I\'m used to wall-crashing micro-runs, but compute errors have been uncommon (certainly not this common). I\'d say the latest Sixtrack has picked up a bug or two. I suspect these little work batches have been teed up specifically to find them.
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Message 22455 - Posted: 9 Aug 2010, 14:34:50 UTC

I too have gotten some recent work this month for the one windows box I am running and all finished in between 13 and 14 seconds giving me a grant total of 0.02 credits each. I have two in progress which hopefully will take a little longer to finish giving me maybe one or two whole credits :-)

Maybe all these new WUs are wall crashers because I don\'t think many have gotten huge credit for any of these recently.

I just like the fact that more WUs are rolling out again.


P.S. As reported in a different thread I too am waiting for the Linux app.
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Profile Tom95134

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Message 22465 - Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 7:53:18 UTC

Just a quick update. I have had 24 tasks since Aug 1 and all have completed without error. Some were very short but there were a few that were in the 8 to 10 hour area.

My system is a genuine Intel Core 2 Quad CPU running Windows XP SP3.

I do other work on it such as tech writing (Framemaker) and some graphics (Photoshop & Illustrator). They seem to play well together.

Also, SETI and Einstein are two other projects running.

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Profile Andrew Richard

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Message 22467 - Posted: 11 Aug 2010, 13:10:34 UTC - in response to Message 22465.  

Just a quick update. I have had 24 tasks since Aug 1 and all have completed without error. Some were very short but there were a few that were in the 8 to 10 hour area.

My system is a genuine Intel Core 2 Quad CPU running Windows XP SP3.

Also, SETI and Einstein are two other projects running.

This is odd...
I have only had one task I believe in the same timeframe you have had 24. I am running same kind of computer and SP3... I wonder if it is because I am also running many more projects besides SETI and Einstein. 23 actually...

However because I wanted to do as much as possible for the LHC project I set my resource share in BOINC Manager to 400 for LHC, 200 for SETI, 200 for SETI Beta and 100 for everything else.

I also made my status: Wont get new tasks - for many of the projects when I start getting lots of tasks that need to be finished. Sometimes I run only SETI, sometimes Milkyway or Cosmology... All the while I keep LHC as: WILL get new tasks - yet I got far fewer than you.

Thanks for your replies by the way.

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Message 22469 - Posted: 13 Aug 2010, 7:43:30 UTC - in response to Message 22467.  


I had 36 tasks all together in this timeframe on a bunch of computers with a LOW resource share. Only a few managed to get past the 20-second run. I guess they escaped the collider through holes from previous early collisions ;)

Anyway, I did not check back here for a while, and am glad to see there is work.
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Message boards : Number crunching : 10 second work unit (Strange Quirks - Not Quarks)

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