Questions and Answers : Sixtrack : 10/06/2010 10:19:09|lhcathome|Aborting task w3_DA-scaling-lawt__1__s__64.31_59.32__58_60__1__60_1_sixvf_boinc25439_2: exceeded CPU time limit 2.671809
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Joined: 3 Feb 10
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Message 22381 - Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 11:35:17 UTC

Please can someone provide assistance regarding the following problem.

when, finally, tasks are downloaded for computation the message in the subject appears

what needs to be changed in my settings to enable computation to be effected?

Recent message logs relating to lcha are listed below and are followed by the message logs that appear when the application is started

10/06/2010 08:22:10|lhcathome|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 6048 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
10/06/2010 08:22:15|lhcathome|Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
10/06/2010 09:58:38|lhcathome|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 6048 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
10/06/2010 09:58:44|lhcathome|Scheduler request completed: got 1 new tasks
10/06/2010 09:58:46|lhcathome|Started download of
10/06/2010 09:58:47|lhcathome|Finished download of
10/06/2010 10:13:55|lhcathome|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 6047 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
10/06/2010 10:14:00|lhcathome|Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
10/06/2010 10:19:01|lhcathome|Starting w3_DA-scaling-lawt__1__s__64.31_59.32__58_60__1__60_1_sixvf_boinc25439_2
10/06/2010 10:19:01|lhcathome|Starting task w3_DA-scaling-lawt__1__s__64.31_59.32__58_60__1__60_1_sixvf_boinc25439_2 using sixtrack version 420900
10/06/2010 10:19:09|lhcathome|Aborting task w3_DA-scaling-lawt__1__s__64.31_59.32__58_60__1__60_1_sixvf_boinc25439_2: exceeded CPU time limit 2.671809
10/06/2010 10:19:10|lhcathome|Computation for task w3_DA-scaling-lawt__1__s__64.31_59.32__58_60__1__60_1_sixvf_boinc25439_2 finished
10/06/2010 10:19:13|lhcathome|Started upload of w3_DA-scaling-lawt__1__s__64.31_59.32__58_60__1__60_1_sixvf_boinc25439_2_0
10/06/2010 10:19:14|lhcathome|Finished upload of w3_DA-scaling-lawt__1__s__64.31_59.32__58_60__1__60_1_sixvf_boinc25439_2_0
10/06/2010 10:29:13|lhcathome|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 6048 seconds of work, reporting 1 completed tasks
10/06/2010 10:29:18|lhcathome|Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
10/06/2010 10:44:30|lhcathome|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 6048 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
10/06/2010 10:44:36|lhcathome|Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks

30/05/2010 19:37:42||Starting BOINC client version 6.4.5 for windows_intelx86
30/05/2010 19:37:42||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
30/05/2010 19:37:42||Libraries: libcurl/7.19.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8i zlib/1.2.3
30/05/2010 19:37:42||Data directory: E:\\\\BOINC Data
30/05/2010 19:37:42||Running under account Administrator
30/05/2010 19:37:42||Processor: 2 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz [x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9]
30/05/2010 19:37:42||Processor features: fpu tsc sse sse2 mmx
30/05/2010 19:37:42||OS: Microsoft Windows XP: Professional x86 Editon, Service Pack 3, (05.01.2600.00)
30/05/2010 19:37:42||Memory: 1.24 GB physical, 4.82 GB virtual
30/05/2010 19:37:42||Disk: 14.33 GB total, 8.14 GB free
30/05/2010 19:37:42||Local time is UTC +1 hours
30/05/2010 19:37:42||Not using a proxy
30/05/2010 19:37:43||No CUDA devices found
30/05/2010 19:37:43||No coprocessors
30/05/2010 19:37:43||URL:; Computer ID: 1050580; location: home; project prefs: default
30/05/2010 19:37:43|Einstein@Home|URL:; Computer ID: 2327477; location: (none); project prefs: default
30/05/2010 19:37:43|lhcathome|URL:; Computer ID: 9840140; location: (none); project prefs: default
30/05/2010 19:37:43|SETI@home|URL:; Computer ID: 5287640; location: (none); project prefs: default
30/05/2010 19:37:43||General prefs: from (last modified 18-Nov-2005 12:01:02)
30/05/2010 19:37:43||Computer location: home
30/05/2010 19:37:43||General prefs: no separate prefs for home; using your defaults
30/05/2010 19:37:43||Reading preferences override file
30/05/2010 19:37:43||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 635.74MB
30/05/2010 19:37:43||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 1144.33MB
30/05/2010 19:37:44||Preferences limit disk usage to 8.98GB
ID: 22381 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Sixtrack : 10/06/2010 10:19:09|lhcathome|Aborting task w3_DA-scaling-lawt__1__s__64.31_59.32__58_60__1__60_1_sixvf_boinc25439_2: exceeded CPU time limit 2.671809

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