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Whatever happened to LHC@home....apologies and thanks.
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Send message Joined: 19 Feb 08 Posts: 708 Credit: 4,336,250 RAC: 0 |
I think CERN gets financing because it has the word \"nuclear\" in its original acronym, like INFN, even if neither does any nuclear physics, only subnuclear. Governments always finance any \"nuclear\" research in the hope of them producing a nuclear bomb, like the Manhattan Project, or at least a nuclear fusion reactor, like ITER, which in my humble opinion is only a waste of money which should be devoted to solar energy. Tullio |
Send message Joined: 9 Sep 08 Posts: 8 Credit: 10,982 RAC: 0 |
Just think. Decades from now every problem in the universe will be solved and the jerks who abandoned us will be out of a job. mwahahahaha |
Send message Joined: 19 Feb 08 Posts: 708 Credit: 4,336,250 RAC: 0 |
Every new accelerator built to solve a problem finds about ten new problems and the original problem is forgotten, so physicists ask for a new and more powerful accelerator. There are already committees studying a new linear collider with more energy. The phenomenon has been discussed by Emilio Segre\' in an \"Endeavor\" article in 1972, so nihil sub sole novi. Tullio |
Send message Joined: 14 Apr 09 Posts: 64 Credit: 37 RAC: 0 |
Thanks bigmac for keeping us well informed and up-to-date on the LHC. I and many others have been very excited about the ground breaking success's since the restart, and you are the closest thing to a "foot in the door" for people like me (who would have rather been a COSMOLOGIST than a BUS DRIVER), but thats what I got for growing up in a farm town. I would like to wish you and everyone on the LHC@HOME website a very "MERRY CHRISTMAS". |
Send message Joined: 17 Aug 05 Posts: 2 Credit: 72,321 RAC: 0 |
Try using a 300 baud modem on a Tandy PC (the 1 /w a 5.25\" 360K floppy & a whopping 640KB of RAM) running M$-DOS 3.x & Procomm+ to access an Opus BBS on FidoNet. Sending a email to someone on FidoNet userly waited until 3AM Central Time (GMT-5/6); unless the message was going to another FidoNet node in town or within the local \"Area Calling\" area. (Area Calling, for those who don\'t know or forgot about it, is the ability to call a long distance phone number within a 30 mike radius of the caller\'s location.) This was back in the mid 80\' till the late 90\'. Well, @ least FidoNet had a FidoNet to Internet Gateway, but, some SysOps would \"beat the brakes\" off you if you did a \"FTP by email\" from the Internet to a FidoNet node/BBS. Man, no FTP, just zmodem, xmodem, ymodem, kermit; whoa, those were the days. Does anybody remember Gopher? That was before WWW! <div> <img src=""></div> |
Send message Joined: 14 Apr 09 Posts: 64 Credit: 37 RAC: 0 |
Well According to that post, it seems I'm not the only person past the 50 year mark. I remember the Tandy, Coco, Vic 20, and Commodore 64. That made us the Pioneers of home processors and I purchased each one of them at one time or another, but my first upgrade was a set of memory chips on the Commodore 64 that upgraded the 64k to 128K ram. I had to travel to another town to purchace these chips and remove a few resistors to complete the upgrade. If it wasn't for our dedication to home CPU's, the processors we currently use may have been left in the hands of Corp's that wished to dominate the industry. I'm proud to have self learned how processors work and built my own custom system ever since, and using 300 baud on a Tandy PC to access Compuserve is classic. I'm very proud to have been part of that time watching people become computer savy. My most recent upgrade is the Core 2 Quad Q9650. We've come a long way since the 80's. |
Send message Joined: 21 Aug 05 Posts: 14 Credit: 119,137 RAC: 0 |
Well According to that post, it seems I\'m not the only person past the 50 year mark. Hum ... no necessarily, I was poking the fantastic Z80 chipset of my spectrum when I was 17. I still emulate programs recorded on tapes I saved from time on my PC sometimes, remembering how it was good for mind to be limited with a 3Mhz - 48KB. |
Send message Joined: 14 Apr 09 Posts: 64 Credit: 37 RAC: 0 |
VINTAGE, true VINTAGE. The best wine is the oldest wine! |
Send message Joined: 16 Dec 08 Posts: 2 Credit: 6,509 RAC: 0 |
Happy New Year Eric and fellow LHC folks. Just wanted to say hi, and give you a continued support post. I myself have upgraded my system, we got a great community over on another website (OC'ing, I'll devulge in PM if you want, no shameless plugs here) doing some great work for BOINC. We're all still hoping CERN comes to it's senses and supports you and your efforts more this coming year and decade. I now have 2 4770's and a 4870 running in addition to 8 cores - all dedicated to BOINC. Only time they're not running is when 1 of my 2 machine's is gaming. Normally I'm ranting though, crunching away. We ourselves thrive on the hardware aspect of things, but distributed computing is becoming ever more popular - which is a good thing. People complain about overclocker's on some project's threads - and I say this to them, why would you complain - my goal (every overclocker's) is for a STABLE overclock - once we achieve that -'s nirvana crunching-wise.. You run Milkyway on stock settings, and you'll see it's arguably the toughest thing you can do to a video card - tougher than Furmark in my opinion. It runs 10C hotter than ANYTHING else, games - Collatz - you name it...So even on all stock settings - if you don't know what you're can just as easily crash you system or kill your GPU. Point being, for real distributed computing performance - you're probably actually better off with overclockers than the average joe..I mean really. It can't be said enough, the work that's coming along on GPU's too..this is goosd stuff. Say what you will about these particular equations - but there must be something going on at CERN where you could put the public's GPU's to use - saving CERN literally millions or more a year in IT costs. Use it for extra magnet's for the next time something goes wrong.. .I'm sure they can find something to do with the saved money. The consulting will always be there (hence human capital employment isn't going to go away if they continued your work), the hardware/solution vendors I see as the only "gatkeepers" to such a noble concept and venture. Don't give up OR let them win - I implore you. They can still build an inhouse GPU farm too if they really want :) In this global economic situation, there's only one responsible approach to tackling what CERN and the global network of scientists are trying to accomplish. Heck, you're trying to physically maintain the biggest machine in the world as is...why add troubles trying to build your own in-house calculators too?? We're here still - just because the project has been down for a while doesn't mean we're going away. I'm still attached and my RAC is's still something, for that I thank you. My Milkyway RAC is in the 170K's RAC, and Collatz mid 20's..I'm not bragging - I'm showing everyone what's out there available to these scientists. We're talking unseen or unheard of computing power available to them now - that literally wasn't availble even a year or so ago (as these are KILLING CUDA apps right now). Open CL is becoming more supported, Fermi is almost here..both brands will have to inevitably come to terms that for everyone's sake - a single open approach makes most sense..and everone wins. CAL and CUDA are dead as the computer's listed above (ps, this 30 year old remember's MOST of that above)..64 and 128K ram is before my time...that's first was 1 MB if I remember right, because I remember upgrading to 2 as my first "upgrade" with my dad and brother. Even the Chinese defense department made the top 5 supercomputers in the world - their debut mind you...and guess what it was powered by - 2500 4870 X2' addition to a swarm of Xeon's... What's CERN's trying to accomplish is nothing short of some of the most important scientific work the world has ever seen in history. They can fight it as long as they want (your work, BOINC and us of course1), but they're only hurting a.)themselves b.)science c.)progress in every sense of the word. That is what is at stake here folks..dark matter, boson higgs, strings themselves - there is no tougher question on the planet. People are all up in arms over global warming, but at the end of the day - we're one planet, one speck. We find dark matter, finalize M Theory and we're in an entirely new ballgame. Global warming will look like chump change if CERN and the scientists are successful. (please note I still do think global warming is very important too - but I think this moreso). The "conspiracy from the future", and bird droppings, hidden terrorists, while great at generating interest - highlight the fact that this is real and going on now. And in all those news stories never once is it ever mentioned that there are thousands of people waiting to help - or press pointing people to this site. Such a shame and a waste. Let us know how we can help. You're (CERN, not you Eric) missing out. We want to help...we're free...we're buying the crazy hardware - and we'll continue to do so...for me, it's fun - better than spending it on many other bad things.. Thanks for listening Eric, I don't mean this as criticism towards you at all. Just saying we're here for you man! Steve Gill PS...I swear, you can tell them I personally can promise them 20 plus 5970's of compute power if they get it up and running (not all me, other people too...that's out of my range...5850 is what I'm gunning for...but I can promise I can bring that many people to you. PPS - I have 4 lanes of PCIE I can maximize on with these next series cards..that's me alone...2 more downstairs.. PPPS - there are many other crazy people like me doing this as well - not everyone gripes about how poor their RAC on their crappy P4 is..we just upgrade and sell our P4 to some sucker who was on a P3..(as an example). Everything's relative! PPPPS - I use 2 4770's because they have double precision capabilities - unlike the 5750 or 5770...makes no sense...I hope the nexxt wave of 12 cards will. Double precision is a requirement for Milkyway, Single for Collatz. 2 4770's yeild me 1280 Stream thread processors for $220 total, and they run a little above 200 watts combined at full load (thereabouts)...I need a Killawat to confirm, but they're very power conscious cards..I can confirm that they run almost exactly at 75% of the times that the 4870 does per wu (which has 800 stream processor threads for those not in the know) it's perfectly in line. No joke cheap super-calculators... |
Send message Joined: 20 Jul 07 Posts: 43 Credit: 367,186 RAC: 0 |
Where are the LHC tasks? Been waiting for about a year. Continually update, but nothing available? CERN will be restarting the LHC around 20Feb. . . . hopefully they will port some work for the BOINCers sometimes in 2010. LHC: The Essential Guide Part 2 |
Send message Joined: 1 Jan 09 Posts: 32 Credit: 1,106,567 RAC: 0 |
Wish they would simply reply as to when something will be available. I would be happy if they would simply reply as to IF something will be available. Or if someone directly associated with the project would acknowledge that the project even exists. I am beginning to think that the only reason the project servers are still running is because nobody has noticed that the are still plugged in and using up valuable electricity. |
Send message Joined: 24 Oct 04 Posts: 1182 Credit: 55,490,143 RAC: 46,251 |
Another year older on the 29th......oh.....that would be me,not LHC Volunteer Mad Scientist For Life |
Send message Joined: 21 Apr 07 Posts: 42 Credit: 409,087 RAC: 0 |
I would be happy if they would simply reply as to IF something will be available.The most reliable information comes from Bigmac. I suggest you read his Message 21647 earlier in this thread, dated November 21st 2009. |
Send message Joined: 19 Feb 08 Posts: 708 Credit: 4,336,250 RAC: 0 |
I would suggest anybody to try AQUA@home. It is multithreading and supports CUDA. It has also a 64-bit version which is faster than the 32-bit. Also the developers are nice and helping. I know the objection: it is a commercial project, not doing basic science.But it is still miles away from something which can be sold. They are simulating a quantum computer to see if it can be built. Tullio |
Send message Joined: 22 Dec 05 Posts: 27 Credit: 46,565 RAC: 0 |
Send message Joined: 21 Apr 07 Posts: 42 Credit: 409,087 RAC: 0 |
CERN will be restarting the LHC around 20Feb. Don\'t confuse CERN with LHC@Home. If you\'re satisfied with crashed atoms for your birthday then it will be nice indeed. If, on the other hand, you expect Work Units by then: start stocking up on handkerchiefs cause you\'ll most probably need them. To avoid disillusion, read the bigmac posts in this very thread. They are hard to miss, and very clear in their meaning. In his posts, also do not confuse \"may\", \"can\", \"might\", \"would\" with \"shall\" or \"is\". |
Send message Joined: 19 Feb 08 Posts: 708 Credit: 4,336,250 RAC: 0 |
Send message Joined: 12 Dec 05 Posts: 8 Credit: 13,016 RAC: 0 |
This GRID seems to be a member of the scientific-network around the globe and bad for us, with own calculating centers. I believe there will be no more date for the boinc-community. |
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