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Message 18817 - Posted: 6 Jan 2008, 21:14:09 UTC - in response to Message 18816.  

if you don't know wether a machine can create black holes or not, why even risk it? what, for the 'development of science?' to help humankind? yeah, when we're all being sucked out of our homes because a few thousand people want to do the impossible, it'll really be helping us. and that talk about the 'moon and earth' meeting similar fates? yeah, right, because you've had scientific technology for the thousands of years and have measured these rays to and from. doubtfully. you're going to get us all killed, if i could do something more about it, i would, but sadly i can just sit back and enjoy my TV Dinner on the last few weeks i have.

Thank you for creating thousands of black holes for the whole world to enjoy. bon apetit, you know what i mean? lol.

No, thank YOU for brightening up my day with this delightful troll. I'm still chuckling.
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Message 18820 - Posted: 9 Jan 2008, 20:01:07 UTC

before they make black holes
you could watch the movie "event horizon"
it have an interesting aproach of the black holes subject ;
then if you enjoyed or not , watch "solaris"
(it is from same novel then tartovsky's movie "solyaris"). (event horizon 1997) (solaris 2002) (solyaris 1972)
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Message 18853 - Posted: 19 Jan 2008, 9:40:27 UTC - in response to Message 18816.  

if you don't know wether a machine can create black holes or not, why even risk it? what, for the 'development of science?' to help humankind? yeah, when we're all being sucked out of our homes because a few thousand people want to do the impossible, it'll really be helping us. and that talk about the 'moon and earth' meeting similar fates? yeah, right, because you've had scientific technology for the thousands of years and have measured these rays to and from. doubtfully. you're going to get us all killed, if i could do something more about it, i would, but sadly i can just sit back and enjoy my TV Dinner on the last few weeks i have.

Thank you for creating thousands of black holes for the whole world to enjoy. bon apetit, you know what i mean? lol.

So far they even cant come yet with this machine. Dont worry :)
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Message 18884 - Posted: 26 Jan 2008, 17:52:10 UTC

On what has been a pretty miserable day, I also got a chuckle out of this thread.

Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
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Message 18891 - Posted: 27 Jan 2008, 11:50:03 UTC - in response to Message 18816.  

if you don't know wether a machine can create black holes or not, why even risk it? what, for the 'development of science?' to help humankind? yeah, when we're all being sucked out of our homes because a few thousand people want to do the impossible, it'll really be helping us. and that talk about the 'moon and earth' meeting similar fates? yeah, right, because you've had scientific technology for the thousands of years and have measured these rays to and from. doubtfully. you're going to get us all killed, if i could do something more about it, i would, but sadly i can just sit back and enjoy my TV Dinner on the last few weeks i have.

Thank you for creating thousands of black holes for the whole world to enjoy. bon apetit, you know what i mean? lol.

Haha! Lovely! This made my day! xD
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Profile Laguna

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Message 18893 - Posted: 27 Jan 2008, 19:49:28 UTC - in response to Message 18816.  

if you don't know wether a machine can create black holes or not, why even risk it? what, for the 'development of science?' to help humankind? yeah, when we're all being sucked out of our homes because a few thousand people want to do the impossible, it'll really be helping us. and that talk about the 'moon and earth' meeting similar fates? yeah, right, because you've had scientific technology for the thousands of years and have measured these rays to and from. doubtfully. you're going to get us all killed, if i could do something more about it, i would, but sadly i can just sit back and enjoy my TV Dinner on the last few weeks i have.

Thank you for creating thousands of black holes for the whole world to enjoy. bon apetit, you know what i mean? lol.

Spock, you do realize that right at this moment particles slam into our upper atmosphere with energies far beyond what the LHC will be capable to produce?
Now, where are all those trillions of micro black holes that were produced since the existence of this planet?

As you have given you this name, at least try a little logical reasoning!
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Message 18900 - Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 20:31:24 UTC - in response to Message 18893.  

if you don't know wether a machine can create black holes or not, why even risk it? what, for the 'development of science?' to help humankind? yeah, when we're all being sucked out of our homes because a few thousand people want to do the impossible, it'll really be helping us. and that talk about the 'moon and earth' meeting similar fates? yeah, right, because you've had scientific technology for the thousands of years and have measured these rays to and from. doubtfully. you're going to get us all killed, if i could do something more about it, i would, but sadly i can just sit back and enjoy my TV Dinner on the last few weeks i have.

Thank you for creating thousands of black holes for the whole world to enjoy. bon apetit, you know what i mean? lol.

Spock, you do realize that right at this moment particles slam into our upper atmosphere with energies far beyond what the LHC will be capable to produce?
Now, where are all those trillions of micro black holes that were produced since the existence of this planet?

As you have given you this name, at least try a little logical reasoning!

Never too early to warn.
Assuming, LHC could produce a black hole. What will be needed for that?
According to physics, the matter of sun is not enough.
So, we will have to fear as soon as LHC produces more energy than sun, don't we?

On the other hand it's easy to produce a black hole with help of a TV-set: switch off :-)
...beware of...
Max Headroom
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Message 18902 - Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 1:22:02 UTC - in response to Message 18900.  

According to physics, the matter of sun is not enough.
So, we will have to fear as soon as LHC produces more energy than sun, don't we?

It's not as easy as that. What matters isn't matter, but its density. The black hole could AFAIK be produced with only small amount of matter, but every particle would have to be at VERY high energy (much larger than what will be in LHC).
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Message 18919 - Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 11:23:48 UTC - in response to Message 18902.  

According to physics, the matter of sun is not enough.
So, we will have to fear as soon as LHC produces more energy than sun, don't we?

It's not as easy as that. What matters isn't matter, but its density. The black hole could AFAIK be produced with only small amount of matter, but every particle would have to be at VERY high energy (much larger than what will be in LHC).

Assuming a black hole made from only small amount of matter.
Where does it's danger come from?
What does it need to slurp Spocks TV-set into the Switzerland?
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Message 18922 - Posted: 29 Jan 2008, 14:42:29 UTC
Last modified: 29 Jan 2008, 14:44:59 UTC

Back in the 1940's many scientists argued that setting off the 1st atomic bomb
would creat a run away chain reaction that would distroy the earth.

Then in the '60s it was the China syndrome. Melt down a nuclear reator and it
would melt to the center of the earth thereby destroying the earth.

I seem to remember that some country made a cannon (1600s ?)
so big that they were afraid to shoot it because they thought it would be
so loud it would destroy the earth.

I would be more worried about a solar neutrino damaging a bit of my DNA and
causing cancer.

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Message 18995 - Posted: 8 Feb 2008, 20:17:47 UTC

The only black hole to fear here is the kind that sucked in our time. spock obviously joined for the sole benefit of making this post, and has caused no less than 1/2 an hour of actual time to pass across the event horizon and impact on his singularity of ignorance...maybe it will return to us someday as some curious analog of Hawking Radiation...
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[B^S] JoeB@Ky

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Message 19187 - Posted: 8 Mar 2008, 8:27:05 UTC

I think I am going to forward a copy of this thread, or a link, to my Uncle Albert. He works at the Fermilab Particle Accelerator in Batavia, IL; He is also a Prof. of Nuc Phycs. I think every one there, Fermilab, will get a big hoot out of our impending destruction.
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Message 19193 - Posted: 9 Mar 2008, 23:57:15 UTC - in response to Message 18995.  

The only black hole to fear here is the kind that sucked in our time. spock obviously joined for the sole benefit of making this post, and has caused no less than 1/2 an hour of actual time to pass across the event horizon and impact on his singularity of ignorance...maybe it will return to us someday as some curious analog of Hawking Radiation...

Yes agreed, considering he/she has no computer attached to this project, it looks like they just wanted to have some fun.
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Message 19246 - Posted: 16 Mar 2008, 17:15:45 UTC - in response to Message 18893.  

if you don't know wether a machine can create black holes or not, why even risk it? what, for the 'development of science?' to help humankind? yeah, when we're all being sucked out of our homes because a few thousand people want to do the impossible, it'll really be helping us. and that talk about the 'moon and earth' meeting similar fates? yeah, right, because you've had scientific technology for the thousands of years and have measured these rays to and from. doubtfully. you're going to get us all killed, if i could do something more about it, i would, but sadly i can just sit back and enjoy my TV Dinner on the last few weeks i have.

Thank you for creating thousands of black holes for the whole world to enjoy. bon apetit, you know what i mean? lol.

Spock, you do realize that right at this moment particles slam into our upper atmosphere with energies far beyond what the LHC will be capable to produce?
Now, where are all those trillions of micro black holes that were produced since the existence of this planet?

As you have given you this name, at least try a little logical reasoning!

It is all logical though. For all those that wonder - with all those stars out there why is the night sky not a bright dome of light? It's because of those black holes produced when particles slam into the upper atmosphere. They blot out most of the light.
And why in patterns, why the constellations? Our lives are all ruled by astrology, and the resulting psychic energies project into space, distorting it to show those patterns. The Hubble telescope, beyond most of those mini-black holes, does see way more stars, but not far enough to see them all.
Spacecraft have sent images back from further out, unfortunatly we only see those after a small group of scientists filter and edit them.
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Message 19248 - Posted: 16 Mar 2008, 19:28:34 UTC - in response to Message 19246.  

It is all logical though.

You are correct.

The 'universe' is full of light.

The word 'universe' comes from the Atlantan words 'euni' meaning LIGHT and 'versae' meaning SONG. Quite how the good people of Atlantis could ever have seen the universe as Osram (The Creator Of The Light) intended is shrouded in mystery.

Our current epoch is polluted with dark pollution. Everywhere you go in the universe, careless, maverick, civilisations allow dark to flood into the all-glowing void.

We here on Earth as as guilty as the Sylvanians. We turn on our dark bulbs and flood our homes with darkness while we sleep.


Halogen - Lord of Light.

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Message 19255 - Posted: 17 Mar 2008, 14:23:56 UTC - in response to Message 19248.  
Last modified: 17 Mar 2008, 14:25:03 UTC

We don't see a dome of light because our eyes suck and can't see stars dimmer than about 6th magnitude under the darkest, clearest skies.

Anyway, here is why the LHC is the wrong place to look for black holes. They may be produced in my backyard. ;)
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Message 19323 - Posted: 10 Apr 2008, 14:47:56 UTC - in response to Message 19246.  

Our lives are all ruled by astrology, and the resulting psychic energies project into space, distorting it to show those patterns.

Wow thats rich. Even my out of left field sister who is an astrologist doesn't believe that crap.

And here I always believed that EM radiation gets absorbed or scattered by interstellar dust and gas, dark matter clouds etc

nice try though
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Message 19380 - Posted: 12 Apr 2008, 11:24:23 UTC

The lhcdefense website, which is imho just a scam to reap money from ill-informed people or conspiracy theoreticists, is no valid source of information.
They only want to rise money to a) finance their court stunt in Hawaii and b) get rich.
Grüße vom Sänger
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Message 19604 - Posted: 12 May 2008, 3:45:32 UTC - in response to Message 19331.  

Actually there are websites such as , and that demonstrate that cosmic rays argument is falacious because:
In theory, a miniature black hole created at rest relative to Earth is considerably different that one created by high-energy cosmic rays striking the Earth. If such high energy cosmic rays were to on occasion create a miniature black hole, as some theories have suggested, it would be traveling at very high speed [0.9999+ c] relative to Earth, and much like a neutrino, simply zip right through Earth in � second without interacting, or if it did interact, it would glom on to a few quarks and barely slow.
Conversely, any miniature black hole created at rest in a collider would essentially be trapped in Earth�s gravitational field, and over seconds to hours, slowly interact and acquire more mass, if Hawking radiation does not work as predicted, or as quickly as predicted, to cause the newly-minted miniature black hole to �evaporate�.

Hawking Radiation has never been experimentally detected, and exists only in theory.

I hope that these websites be wrong but I'm worried because they could be right.

Hm... even if Hawking radiation does not work as predicted (and i believe it will), there's a very small chance that a black hole get trapped in Earth and even tough it get trapped, we don't talk from seconds, hours, days or months. In all probability we must talk from million or billion of years instead until the black hole is a danger for our home.

btw: Hello to all :) Have joined this projekt today and was now looking for a hint why I get no Units. I've found the answer and this really funny thread.

P.S.: sorry for my bad english :p
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Message 19650 - Posted: 22 May 2008, 9:44:05 UTC

Now it's not even slaughter any more, the LHC will bring Satan himself to earth!!

Run for your lifes!! :D

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