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![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 18 Sep 04 Posts: 37 Credit: 4,051 RAC: 0 |
Hello... If you just post this or something like this every 4 weeks or so on the front page it would satisfy a lot of people like me. Even if there is no progress, we will understand. ![]() ![]() |
![]() Send message Joined: 28 Sep 04 Posts: 4 Credit: 59,045 RAC: 0 |
Hello...If we can help you somehow, please let us know. Some of us are already quite experienced with the server part. |
![]() Send message Joined: 13 Jul 05 Posts: 55 Credit: 41,230 RAC: 0 |
Hello... Thanks Alex for the update But is LHC an one-man-show ? Do you want to get banned for 31 years, your account and credits deleted at a Boinc project ? Predictor@home is your best choice. |
Send message Joined: 14 Jul 05 Posts: 60 Credit: 140,661 RAC: 0 |
Hello... Alex, I rarely do this, so please know that I do so out of necessity This project has had 5 months to transition the server and get things running. I call BS, and you sir - smell of it! On an afternote, there would be nothing to please me more than for you to prove me wrong. I dare you. Double dare you! Course.. that would mean we would get the stats exporting problem fixed... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! - that'll happen. |
Send message Joined: 3 Jan 07 Posts: 124 Credit: 7,065 RAC: 0 |
"Necessity" of what? Do you have vested interests in the discovery of exotic particles that may make a lot of money for you? Are you a contractor or sub-contractor involved in the construction of the site? Do you have aspirations of becoming an expert in theoretical particle physics? My guess is you simply want your 19,440 credits reported out to the stat sites so you can hopefully move ahead of someone in the BOINC-wide standings...or perhaps so that you enter the top 4,000 users BOINC-wide? Here's a clue: That's not a neccessity to anyone but you. Besides, from your glide-slope, it looks like you'll be in the top 4,000 in about 2 weeks anyway... Also, you're not in the "correct" project to maximize your credits anyway, as Docking is not giving out the most... I'll leave it to you to figure out how I know that and which project gives the most... ;-) Edit: Oh, and here's a hint, based on stock applications, it's not the projects I'm in (E@H, S@H, and here). |
Send message Joined: 14 Jul 05 Posts: 60 Credit: 140,661 RAC: 0 |
Thank you for making this clearer to me. As you have completely misunderstood what I said, and taken it to mean that I am after something I'm not. I could give a **** what my 'score' is. I'm tired of being lied to. However - You have cleared up the issue *for me*. My resource share for this project will now be lowered to 1. |
Send message Joined: 3 Jan 07 Posts: 124 Credit: 7,065 RAC: 0 |
Oh please. I read your posts before I said what I said. You've been bitching about stats and credits ("The only form of appreciation I need is just to have my stats exported.", "give me credits or give me death") for a long time now. It is you, dear sir, that is full of it... |
Send message Joined: 14 Jul 05 Posts: 60 Credit: 140,661 RAC: 0 |
'give me credits or give me death' was a joke. Did you read the post, or are you *that* bereft? Oh wait....
Apparrently you *are* bereft. My mistake. |
Send message Joined: 3 Jan 07 Posts: 124 Credit: 7,065 RAC: 0 |
So, you're saying that all your bitching and moaning about having your stats exported is not your motivation for essentially saying that the situation is one of "BS" and that the project admin smells of it? You are stating that the "necessity" of your stooping so low is some higher purpose? |
Send message Joined: 3 Jan 07 Posts: 124 Credit: 7,065 RAC: 0 |
Oh, and fine Aaron, I'll tell you that Nano-Hive gives out more credits than Docking, per the Project Credit Comparison stats that you can find at Boinc Combined Statistics. Of course, since they don't have any work now, I see you're hard at hammering away on the second highest credit granter, Docking... This leads me to believe that you may already know about the comparison stats. However, you might be able to get more by doing SETI work with the optimized applications, because the cross-project comparison only takes into account the standard application and the optimized application for SETI is significantly faster. For those curious Project Credit Comparison Edit: You may need to do a refresh once you launch that page, as the table didn't draw right for me one time, at least for IE7 launching it in a new tab. ...but you keep telling all these fine folks here how noble your intentions are... ;-) |
Send message Joined: 14 Jul 05 Posts: 60 Credit: 140,661 RAC: 0 |
I'm saying that you simply can't look past layer 1 in my diatribe. Credit is only the personification of the issue. - A superficial, but 'tangible' form of the problems at hand. The problems at hand are the core of my and everyone elses frustration. If you want to put a face to it and call it an incessant almost twisted desire for a number in my boincstats sig to go up 19k (I'm getting 80+k a month, whoopie that 19k really means alot!), well that is your perogative. Unfortunately, just as psychotic as that would sound it is also hideously incorrect. While there are those of us who may call attention to and 'bitch' about the credits (as you have suggested), most if not all of the time it is only our envisionment of deeper problems that we are *really* trying to address. As users in an open source community we generally understand that crap can happen, we simply cannot understand why: 1. The previous caretaker, 'CERN' neglected this project to the point of death, then at the last moment transferred it out of their control to save some face before it really fell apart and became too embarrassing for them. While this may have bought some time for the new project owners, I think it only made the situation worse. 2. Update 1 and Update 2 on the front page from the London staff are basically the same. What progress was made between the two? What 'actual' progress has been given? Any? To my knowledge we have never actually been told that much has happened other than 'we're working on this' or 'we're looking into this'. The ONLY form of progress we actually have been specifically told about was that the new server arrived, and that has nothing to do with 'transition' that's just preparedness. 3. There has been nearly 0 project communication for the last 3 months, and when there was/is any project communication from the staff, it involves either telling us the same thing over and over about things they have to do to enable a smooth transition (while carefully rewording enough of it to sound temporarily unique), or to simply state 'We're working hard, but it's real busy here'. Number 1, the new project admins can't answer for, so that's forgotten, but at the same time, we still have that wound in our side from the previous owner of the project. We improved in the short term, but god dammit - We've been forgotten again and all of those feelings come back to bear. Number 2 tells us a few things. Not championing your progress to users who are incessantly inquiring about your efforts heavily implies that zero has been done to actually 'transition' the project. If they had actually done something to facilitate the transition, don't you think they would have announced it in the form of 'Hey today we got the E-Mail to work!'. At least that would have made us feel like there was some progress and while there was some of this originally I haven't seen any of it in at least 3 months. I don't know what IT professionals they have at the college in London, but over 5 months to get a system transferred is simply damn embarrassing. The Coup De Grace to all of this is Number 3. The staff have quit piping in to make comments to us and there aren't many explanations given for this. Why can't we break through this barrier of silence and have a little discourse to find out what's going on behind the scenes? - The answer is only unfortunately that they simply can't or don't want to tell us what the real reasons are. And don't tell me that jumping in to tell us they are alive and well in london is enough, I can get a crack addict to log in for me and do that once a week for 5 bucks. The problem with this methodology is that while the staff think that hiding the problems is the right thing to do, they couldn't be more wrong. The only logical reason given the information at hand is that all of these things are too painful for staff to express to this projects users. The staff here would rather let accounts hemorrage to other projects than devote resources to satiating it's userbase because they *believe* there are enough diehard sheep in their flock to keep this titanic afloat and that the 'cost-to-benefit ratio' to actually make it work the way it should simply isn't worth it. I refuse to be subverted into believing the lie any longer. I give up. |
Send message Joined: 3 Jan 07 Posts: 124 Credit: 7,065 RAC: 0 |
I'm saying that you simply can't look past layer 1 in my diatribe. ...because I don't, at this point, really believe that there is anything more than "layer 1", but I'm reading through this post of yours. I'll reply again once I've had time to absorb it... |
Send message Joined: 3 Jan 07 Posts: 124 Credit: 7,065 RAC: 0 |
OK. I'm going to comment as I read, and hopefully get it all done within the 1-hour edit window *and* not have "too many connections" come up...
Let's start out by stating that you simply cannot speak for "everyone". I'm not "frustrated" at this project. I understand it has value. I know that it was transferred. I'm not heavily emotionally attached. I don't know exactly why you are. Perhaps you explain below... I'm going back to reading and will do an edit. I'm also going to be snipping out portions to condense this. It's not intended to try to make things out of context (getting that disclaimer out of the way up front!) While there are those of us who may call attention to and 'bitch' about the credits (as you have suggested), most if not all of the time it is only our envisionment of deeper problems that we are *really* trying to address. I still haven't seen "necessity" yet. Again, is there something immediate that you can gain from this? Perhaps the project has mostly enough data at this point to finish contstruction. Based on what I understand, the biggest portion of the data run here happened some time ago in the past. The project now is only given data to tweak something. IMO, if you still want a "discovery phase" project, this isn't it... Back to reading...
The past is in the past. There's nothing terribly meaningful to be gained by dragging this up. It's almost like a girlfriend/wife dragging up some disagreement in the past. This is tiring for me, someone who isn't as emotionally attached as you apparently are, to keep reading, how there was some injury done in times gone by... Back to reading...
What if that is really the truth? Back to reading...
I just don't comprehend the emotional gut-wrenching. I have just lost a job within the past 6 months, had a family member have a heart attack which left part of their heart dead, and have parents who may never see me succeed in life. The emotional stuff about this is, IMO, a bit hysterical when you compare it to stuff like that, and I'm a lot better off than others in this world! Back to reading...
Using the "woman example" again, then why don't you pick up on the hint? There's nothing to report, just like if a woman (or a man, if that floats your boat) has nothing to say to you, either they don't like you, or they're busy. Back to reading...
My job was in IT, and I can't compare here to there, but if they have something there as vexing as the silliness of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance, you bet your biscuits at tea time, it will take a while... Back to reading...
...or as you pointed out, they're not allowed to yet. At any rate, while I appreciate your emotional involvement, I still don't see where it is "necessary" to call all of this "BS", or "bollocks" (using the Brit terms). I think you would do well to relax. The LHC is not even fully constructed. It will be ok... :) |
Send message Joined: 14 Jul 05 Posts: 60 Credit: 140,661 RAC: 0 |
I'm also going to be snipping out portions to condense this. It's not intended to try to make things out of context (getting that disclaimer out of the way up front!) Translation : "My taking things out of context should not be called upon for taking things out of context. HaHa! Beat you to it." |
Send message Joined: 3 Jan 07 Posts: 124 Credit: 7,065 RAC: 0 |
I'm also going to be snipping out portions to condense this. It's not intended to try to make things out of context (getting that disclaimer out of the way up front!) There really isn't a point in stating that people "took things out of context", because unless the original post was removed or edited, the "original context" can so easily be obtained by just reading further. At any rate, I'm done with the reply. I'm going to get my sheets from the dryer... |
Send message Joined: 3 Jan 07 Posts: 124 Credit: 7,065 RAC: 0 |
![]() Send message Joined: 25 Nov 05 Posts: 39 Credit: 41,119 RAC: 0 |
Aaron, I rarely do this, so please know that I do so out of necessity You are a DH - The necessity here is that the minus ratings and red x's aren't working. ![]() ![]() |
Send message Joined: 7 Oct 06 Posts: 114 Credit: 23,192 RAC: 0 |
:-) HuuuM! no movement as yet 8-) except for the peanuts. LoL ;-)"Dago" thanks for keeping the forums at least alive B-) keep it up;-) Regards Masud. ![]() |
Send message Joined: 12 May 06 Posts: 1 Credit: 4,969 RAC: 0 |
I don't know about you, Aaron, but it takes me zero effort to remain attached to this project and do its work when and if it arrives. If the admins want/need to take 5 months to move the project, I deal with it. It's not your problem, nor is it mine. If LHC either folds or comes back with enormous amounts of work, what difference does it make to you? I hardly think you'll lose any sleep one way or another. I swear, some people get worked up over the wackiest things... P.S. To whoever mentioned (SOX), thanks for brining back the nightmares of my last job!!! hehe |
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