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Message 16714 - Posted: 15 Apr 2007, 5:03:54 UTC
Last modified: 15 Apr 2007, 5:04:42 UTC

Didn't CERN just have a fairly major problem? I heard it on the news while driving.. (Paul Harvey, I think).. A week or so back..

The "new ring", where they used the the wrong unit's for calcs (like MPH/KPH but that's not it), but a 20 ton magnet kind of got wacked out of shape during a test?

Could we have crunched the bad data?

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Henry Nebrensky

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Message 16719 - Posted: 15 Apr 2007, 21:30:23 UTC - in response to Message 16696.  

Looking at the minimal amount of work distributed over the last 12 month, BOINC LHC was actually not needed. A medium sized farm right in the Lab would have had more than enough time to complete it... all by itself.

And since there obviously isn't any current need for sixtrack crunching, said farm would now be sitting idle... isn't that exactly the sort of waste that BOINC is supposed to help prevent?

IMHO, Projects that just about never have work can hardly be called a success for BOINC.

There isn't any more work because the primary design work has already been completed using LHC@Home. If that's supposed to be failure for BOINC then that must be a definition of "failure" of which I was previously unaware...
Are you really suggesting that only projects that can never be completed should be allowed to use BOINC?

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Message 16720 - Posted: 15 Apr 2007, 23:08:42 UTC - in response to Message 16713.  
Last modified: 15 Apr 2007, 23:09:50 UTC

It's boinc debt view. For link, ask google.

So YOU're the one they call google!

I aim to please :-)

(actually I have it bookmarked in my BOINC tool kit for when I work the help desk)
Kathryn :o)
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Message 16722 - Posted: 16 Apr 2007, 20:43:02 UTC - in response to Message 16719.  
Last modified: 16 Apr 2007, 20:44:15 UTC

If that's supposed to be failure for BOINC then that must be a definition of "failure" of which I was previously unaware...
Are you really suggesting that only projects that can never be completed should be allowed to use BOINC?

No, not at all.
It's only that once it's complete, someone should express enough courtesy to step forward and say so ;)
(otherwise, an ETA for the next event is what people use around the world)

We're running around circles in this useless discussion.
Let's just see what's left when it goes back online (whenever that is), everything else will work itself from there.

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Message 16724 - Posted: 17 Apr 2007, 0:28:46 UTC - in response to Message 16720.  

It's boinc debt view. For link, ask google.

So YOU're the one they call google!

I aim to please :-)

(actually I have it bookmarked in my BOINC tool kit for when I work the help desk)

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself ;P It's actually a good thing that there are people like you out there that'll help others find what they're looking for! 'Later!
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Mark Reiss

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Message 16728 - Posted: 19 Apr 2007, 20:43:56 UTC - in response to Message 16595.  

I will get a fuller update to you when I can but at least some WUs went up recently.[/quote]

Hi Neasan:
It is now April 19 - How is the migration of LHC BOINC & LHC BETA coming along - ? Anything we (your loyal audience)can do, to urge you on, when things get tough?!

Mark Reiss

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Anthony Apfelbeck

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Message 16745 - Posted: 27 Apr 2007, 22:56:37 UTC - in response to Message 16595.  

It has been another two weeks and I'm sorry about the silence. Sadly we've had some hiccups with the systems we work on that are not BOINC (as I've explained we are not on BOINC full time, not even close) and that has meant this project was out on the backburner and I apologise for that. Also it's the start of conference season so between attending and organising things where you learn a lot but get nothing done it has slipped again.

I will get a fuller update to you when I can but at least some WUs went up recently.

It has been over a month with nothing but silence. Can we get an update as to the status and maybe a addition to the news on the home page?
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Message 16765 - Posted: 29 Apr 2007, 16:56:25 UTC - in response to Message 16745.  

It has been another two weeks and I'm sorry about the silence. Sadly we've had some hiccups with the systems we work on that are not BOINC (as I've explained we are not on BOINC full time, not even close) and that has meant this project was out on the backburner and I apologise for that. Also it's the start of conference season so between attending and organising things where you learn a lot but get nothing done it has slipped again.

I will get a fuller update to you when I can but at least some WUs went up recently.

It has been over a month with nothing but silence. Can we get an update as to the status and maybe a addition to the news on the home page?

I suspect people want more than just an update. As explained above, the team has chosen to be busy with higher priority things- other systems, conferences. So a weekly update might be "Nothing new to report", for week after week. Then I suspect the pressure in here would be to get more done, to accept more help. But it's not always easy to accept new unknown programmers on a project - that takes time to do.
It's a free world here - if people get fed up with the project they will go elsewhere -there are many others to choose from. Once LHC gets up and running, there may be enough left, or new ones may join, or the consequence may be that there are not enough participants to make it worth while.
Some in here seem to feel that since they are so willing to be generous with their time and systems to do the crunching, they then have the right to go on and on about problems and changes they want to see, the project now owes them something. They have long past the point of constructive criticism. Perhaps they should stop whining - either leave LHC in the background to pick up what it can, or move on, go for a walk, stop stressing.
ID: 16765 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Anthony Apfelbeck

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Message 16766 - Posted: 29 Apr 2007, 21:52:12 UTC - in response to Message 16765.  

It has been another two weeks and I'm sorry about the silence. Sadly we've had some hiccups with the systems we work on that are not BOINC (as I've explained we are not on BOINC full time, not even close) and that has meant this project was out on the backburner and I apologise for that. Also it's the start of conference season so between attending and organising things where you learn a lot but get nothing done it has slipped again.

I will get a fuller update to you when I can but at least some WUs went up recently.

It has been over a month with nothing but silence. Can we get an update as to the status and maybe a addition to the news on the home page?

I suspect people want more than just an update.

Nope, all I would like is an update. The rest of it is fully understood.
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Message 16768 - Posted: 29 Apr 2007, 23:39:49 UTC - in response to Message 16766.  

It has been another two weeks and I'm sorry about the silence. Sadly we've had some hiccups with the systems we work on that are not BOINC (as I've explained we are not on BOINC full time, not even close) and that has meant this project was out on the backburner and I apologise for that. Also it's the start of conference season so between attending and organising things where you learn a lot but get nothing done it has slipped again.

I will get a fuller update to you when I can but at least some WUs went up recently.

It has been over a month with nothing but silence. Can we get an update as to the status and maybe a addition to the news on the home page?

I suspect people want more than just an update.

Nope, all I would like is an update. The rest of it is fully understood.

That's easy then - "Nothing new to report". ;-)
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Message 16773 - Posted: 30 Apr 2007, 6:49:12 UTC - in response to Message 16768.  
Last modified: 30 Apr 2007, 6:54:47 UTC

...I will get a fuller update to you when I can...
It has been over a month with nothing but silence. Can we get an update as to the status and maybe a addition to the news on the home page?
I suspect people want more than just an update.
Nope, all I would like is an update. The rest of it is fully understood.
That's easy then - "Nothing new to report". ;-)

I would like to know what kind of nothing the Admins have been up to... i.e. "We've been pretty much ignoring the project because our bread is buttered on the other side." - - OK, that was a little out of line. Sorry 'bout that, Neasan. - - - ;)


"Three quarks for Muster Mark!"
. . . . . . . - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake . . . .

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J Langley

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Message 16797 - Posted: 1 May 2007, 19:52:22 UTC - in response to Message 16765.  

Some in here seem to feel that since they are so willing to be generous with their time and systems to do the crunching, they then have the right to go on and on about problems and changes they want to see...

Isn't that (at least partly) what this forum is for though?

They have long past the point of constructive criticism.

Unfortunately it is quite difficult to be constructive when there is (almost) no dialogue. Still, the comments I have seen here seem (to me) to have the aim of improving this project rather than trying to run it down.
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Message 16803 - Posted: 3 May 2007, 5:46:23 UTC - in response to Message 16797.  
Last modified: 3 May 2007, 5:48:45 UTC

Some in here seem to feel that since they are so willing to be generous with their time and systems to do the crunching, they then have the right to go on and on about problems and changes they want to see...
Isn't that (at least partly) what this forum is for though?
They have long past the point of constructive criticism.
Unfortunately it is quite difficult to be constructive when there is (almost) no dialogue. Still, the comments I have seen here seem (to me) to have the aim of improving this project rather than trying to run it down.

I agree. And for those who disagree, they should accept that the forums are an appropriate place to blow off steam. Sure, I rant pointlessly all the time... it gives me something to do when there's no work. There's no harm in being hyper-passionate about a project.


"Three quarks for Muster Mark!"
. . . . . . . - James Joyce, Finnegans Wake . . . .

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J Langley

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Message 16809 - Posted: 3 May 2007, 17:56:41 UTC - in response to Message 16803.  

Perhaps the Admins have been busy with this:
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Message 16814 - Posted: 4 May 2007, 9:55:18 UTC - in response to Message 16809.  
Last modified: 4 May 2007, 9:56:24 UTC

Perhaps the Admins have been busy with this:

I think you may be right. There's nothing quite like a new toy to distract adult children from "other things". Yes, lhc@home is the "other thing" - we are the "others". Oh well....

Ariel: Certified "Too Cute for LHC" Cruncher!

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Message 16821 - Posted: 5 May 2007, 23:25:39 UTC
Last modified: 5 May 2007, 23:25:56 UTC

Dagorath, I like you.

But you're the biggest ass wipe in the lhc forums. Do you always drink a few cocktails before posting? Next time try posting sober. Works for me. - - ;)

Ariel: Certified "Too Cute for LHC" Cruncher!

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Message 16824 - Posted: 7 May 2007, 8:46:51 UTC - in response to Message 16822.  
Last modified: 7 May 2007, 8:52:30 UTC

Gee, I like you too, Ariel, but I'm not convinced it's working for you. What do you mean by ass wipe and why am I the biggest? I've been D&A free for a long time, never went to AA though.

I was just pulling your chain. And yes, I don't always post sober... so it's not entirely working for me.

As for being an ass wipe (perhaps the biggest), I will say this:

Generally speaking, you are not well-liked by the other forum goers. You, dear Dagorath, are what many refer to as a troll. I, however, don't think you're a troll, but flames tend to emanate from your fingertips without reasonable provocation. When you attack other lhc members with dried blood underneath your fingernails and puss suppurating from your eye sockets, one tends to write you off as a troll. I've read most of your posts on lhc, and I'm convinced that you're about 20 IQ points above most others who post. But there are times you look like a flimsy piece of fabric with sh*t all over it, hence ass wipe.

Try to be nice every now and then... it only hurts a little.

Ariel: Certified "Too Cute for LHC" Cruncher!

. . . . . . . . . . . . -- Consider the lilies.
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