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Travis DJ

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Message 13717 - Posted: 23 May 2006, 20:27:58 UTC

...and you're actually having success with BAM?

I've been signed up for a week now and still don't have a single project listed nor a CPID in the account to speak of. There seem to be a deal of bugs Willy is working through and my account's caught on the "bug" side of things. But at least I can say I'm not experiencing the host issue you have.. there aren't many factors which would cause a BOINC Client to keep generating new host-CPID (as opposed to user-CPID, which is where my problem with BAM lies).


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Profile Steve Cressman

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Message 13719 - Posted: 23 May 2006, 21:23:12 UTC - in response to Message 13717.  
Last modified: 23 May 2006, 21:29:36 UTC

...and you're actually having success with BAM?

I've been signed up for a week now and still don't have a single project listed nor a CPID in the account to speak of. There seem to be a deal of bugs Willy is working through and my account's caught on the "bug" side of things. But at least I can say I'm not experiencing the host issue you have.. there aren't many factors which would cause a BOINC Client to keep generating new host-CPID (as opposed to user-CPID, which is where my problem with BAM lies).


I'm very pleased with Bam, works very well. For me it works as intended. I make changes on my BAM account and the info passes to the projects and to my boinc client. I can attach or detach from projects, make changes to preferences and resource shares. I think the key to proper operation is to make sure that all projects have the same email addy and password and then using this same email addy and password for BAM. And then allowing time for all the info to synchronise for at least a day before trying to use the BAM site. It took a bit of fiddling to figure it all out but once you figure out what to do on the different pages of the BAM site you will be pleased too, I think.

I suspect the problems here at LHC are because the boinc backend has not been updated for a while. Well I guess until such time as it gets updated I'll be doing a lot of merging, lol.
98SE XP2500+ @ 2.1 GHz Boinc v5.8.8
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Travis DJ

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Message 13732 - Posted: 25 May 2006, 13:36:08 UTC - in response to Message 13719.  

I think the key to proper operation is to make sure that all projects have the same email addy and password and then using this same email addy and password for BAM.

You know, I had read that and I had forgotten BOINC projects could have passwords. I was a victim of not keeping up with the times; BOINC projs. didn't have passwords when I joined up! Even after setting all the projects I have or do participate in to the same pw that I use on BAM it still hasn't ever worked.

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Profile Steve Cressman

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Message 13816 - Posted: 1 Jun 2006, 23:50:52 UTC

I really wish that they would get some one in to look after the servers. When the system chokes on more than 40 concurrent connections........ Makes it look like they don't care about the boinc side of things any more and don't really need us to crunch the data for them. I don't really think this is true but that is the way it appears.
98SE XP2500+ @ 2.1 GHz Boinc v5.8.8
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Gaspode the UnDressed

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Message 13818 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 4:59:11 UTC - in response to Message 13816.  

I really wish that they would get some one in to look after the servers. When the system chokes on more than 40 concurrent connections........ Makes it look like they don't care about the boinc side of things any more and don't really need us to crunch the data for them. I don't really think this is true but that is the way it appears.

LHC has always got a bit flustered above about 50 connections. New servers have been acquired, and one of the jobs being done by those people still working on the BOINC project is to integrate them into the CERN computer centre. This is a non-trivial exercise as the installation of Linux and MySQL needs to be automated in a slightly different way from normal. (Once done, the machine can be restored much more quickly in the event of a serious failure. A worthwhile exercise in my view)

Unfortunately, the people working on LHC@Home also have other jobs to do, so this will take longer than we might like.

Gaspode the UnDressed
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