Message boards : Cafe LHC : Work Units sent to only one or two users?
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Message 8799 - Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 13:13:30 UTC

I have been 'lurking' on the Boinc Fora for some time, but this is my first post so....take it easy on me eh...
I was wondering about how work units are distributed here. In the past day or so I have returned a couple like 327966 and 330563 that were sent to/returned by one or two users, but not sent to anyone else (as yet anyway). I'm kind of used to the way 'SETI' sends a unit to four users at almost the same time, and was wondering if this is normal on LHC or there is something odd about the two units.
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Profile [B^S] thierry@home

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Message 8819 - Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 19:57:14 UTC

Look at this thread :

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Message 8830 - Posted: 22 Jul 2005, 23:59:32 UTC

Thanks for the reply, I noticed the thread was getting a lot of views, but wondered if anyone would reply (especially since I put it in the wrong section!). After I posted this I saw a couple of other threads in the NC section with similar content, although the subject headers didnt make it very apparent. It still seems like everyone is tap-dancing around the subject. Why are some WU's sent to multiple users almost simultaneously while a few like the ones I mentioned go out to only one user and even after they are completed and the result uploaded, not sent out to anyone else. May if I post it in the 'problems' section one of the project techies can get a better answer than 'it just happens that way sometimes'.
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Message boards : Cafe LHC : Work Units sent to only one or two users?

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