Message boards : Cafe LHC : SETI migration news
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Profile Ed and Harriet Griffith

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Message 8342 - Posted: 7 Jul 2005, 4:37:00 UTC

July 5, 2005 - 20:00 UTC
Somebody on the message boards asked about the status of our database migration. After recovering from the crashes in early June, the process has been slowed by two things: moving the scheduler onto the old database server (thereby reducing the CPU power), and a very long IDL job (for HI data analysis) that was eating up a lot of memory. The IDL job finally finished, and now that the long weekend is beyond us we are ramping the migration processes up as fast as they will go until they compete with the scheduler. It's hard to give an estimate on time of completion as we are going tape by tape, and each tape inserted vastly different amounts of signals in our database.

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Message boards : Cafe LHC : SETI migration news

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