1) Questions and Answers : Unix/Linux : VBoxManage: error: Code NS_ERROR_SOCKET_FAIL (Message 48298)
Posted 21 Jul 2023 by Profile Skip Da Shu
I have 6 linux mint boxes that are running BOINC.

3 of them (all mint v20.3, kernel 5.15.0) that seem to successfully process "Theory Simulation v300.07 (vbox64_theory)
x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" tasks (59 of 60 valid, 1 running on this box). None of these boxes have the user boinc in the vboxusers group

The other 3 boxes (1 mint v20.3 as above and 2 are mint v21.1) have 100% failure rate (example box skip-ES7C91, https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/show_host_detail.php?hostid=10832951) with same or nearly same result as: https://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/result.php?resultid=396397372.

I added user boinc to vboxusers on the host linked above but no change.

All 6 of these boxes had BOINC (and I assume vbox) installed as part of a BOINC PPA I used - costamagnagianfranco/boinc
I believe the metapackage boinc-virtualbox is where vbox came from.

I don't know where/how to pursue this any further and it's obvious ya'll are more conversant about vbox... I can almost spell it.

Will follow this thread to see if anything comes up but for now the 3 'bad' boxes will be on NNW for LHC.

Thanx, Skip
2) Message boards : LHC@home Science : ANTIMATTER!!! (Message 22626)
Posted 24 Nov 2010 by Profile Skip Da Shu
We are safe now!!!

BTW, How many ft/lbs or nm/kg is that torque wrench set to?
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Waiting on Linux App (Message 22468)
Posted 12 Aug 2010 by Profile Skip Da Shu
Just wanted to see when I joined and add my name to the Linux list.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Because you asked.... (Message 16928)
Posted 23 May 2007 by Profile Skip Da Shu
You can wait for BOINC to repair the damage or you can just exit BOINC and edit the client_state.xml file and change the long term debt for each project to 0. There is freeware utility available to do that for you but I can't remember the name or the download link.

I do :-)

See link under sig. We have a new Beta web based version but it's view only at this time. You'll have to use one of the older versions to actually clear it... at least for now. Links to both are in top menu on the web pages.
5) Message boards : Team invites : Guru Mountain (Message 16921)
Posted 19 May 2007 by Profile Skip Da Shu
So why should you consider our team? Well, look around the site. It's not fancy, but I think that I've done a fair job of keeping it simple, pleasant and easy to navigate. Look at our team rankings on the projects we are currently crunching for. It's not very often that you see a team this size get so many projects that far up those ranking lists, and keep them there. We're dedicated, serious enthusiasts. But we want the casual enthusiast to feel welcome and know that we don't care if all you have is one old, outdated 500MHz Celeron machine. Every contribution is important to us. Because we believe in the technology, and what it can do (and has already done) for a number of scientific fields.

You might not be a computer geek, and feel a bit intimidated by the rather escoteric techno-talk. We only talk like that so we sound smarter than we really are, and to frighten small children. This is a very easy hobby to get into, costs practically nothing, requires almost none of your time and has been proven to improve your sex life. Ok, I made that last one up. But it's actually pretty fun. If you want to, you can go overboard and spend a fortune building a massively powereful cruncher farm that will keep that little disk in your electric meter spinning at a steady pace. But it's not necessary.

We will be more than happy to walk you through getting started, and offer what advice we can on how best to do things or which projects to crunch for... you can toss out the advice and just take the help with getting started, too. The important thing is that you get involved. Most of the projects really are doing great things for science.

I know that it might not help me recruit new members to our little team if I tell you that it's not important which team you join, but that's exactly what I'm telling you. The contributions to science made by distributed computing far outweighs my recruiting efforts. So get involved. We'll be glad to have you on our team if you think you'll like it here. You're welcome to stop by and chat on our forums no matter what team you join, or even if you don't join any team (it's not a requirement), but this is something you can do that makes a difference. Maybe the news media will never take note of your contribution to the sciences... but we will!
6) Message boards : Team invites : Guru Mountain (Message 16920)
Posted 19 May 2007 by Profile Skip Da Shu
Welcome to our site...

Guru Mountain's Distributed Computing Team was formed in April of 2006 as a means for us to put some of our computing power to work for humanitarian causes and the advancement of scientific knowledge.

This rewarding hobby is something that anyone with a personal computer can get involved with, takes up very little of your time, and costs you practically nothing. The software runs in the background on your computer,...


The Guru Extra Effort Kruncherz Squad (GEEK Squad) consists of active members who have been on our team for at least 30 days and who wish to help out with our efforts to raise team rankings on various projects, or contribute to the discussions involved.

Access to the GEEK Squad private forum requires membership in the GEEK Squad usergroup. Interested members can send me a private message or email me if they wish to be added to this usergroup.

This public forum may be viewed by anyone, and most discussion regarding our efforts takes place here, as there really isn't anything terribly top secret about any of it... we keep the really boring stuff such as squabbling over which projects should be next on our list of targets in the private forum in order to avoid boring our visitors half to death.

For a very small team with very few active members, we've done remarkably well in a short period of time. But recruiting new members should become a priority in the coming months. To this end, our feeling is that people might be interested in joining a small team with several projects already high in the world rankings. I confess to a certain amount of pride in our accomplishments so far, but more active members is what will take the team higher in the rankings and recruiting will have to be a serious priority in the near future.

Both casual and serious crunchers are always welcome.. even a rather outdated PC can contribute to our cause. I still keep some old clunkers running 24/7 on BOINC projects in spite of the heat generated and electricity used for a few extra credits per day. So, don't ever believe that we won't take you seriously if all you can do is fire your old 500MHz Pentium II machine up on BOINC for half the day. There are several projects that run just fine on such a machine, and every credit counts.

We're more interested in the contributions we make to the sciences than we are in anything else, and the sense of community and family our small team can provide. Already in a big, top-ranked team? How about taking that old 700MHz Celeron box you've been using for a doorstop most of last year, and putting it to work for us? Make another account on our GEEK Squad current projects, join our team with that account, and help us out a little. I don't think your other team will ostracize you or take you off their Xmas card list.

For new visitors looking for a team, let me say that there are advantages to the big and small teams, alike. It's more important that you get involved than which team you choose. Just know that you're always welcome here, regardless of which team you choose to join.

Distributed Computing is a rather rewarding hobby that lets you do something good for humanity without really doing much work, or spending a bunch of money. Of course, some of us do that, too... building cruncher farms with many CPU's warming up the house in the winter (and killing us trying to keep it cool in the summer) but only the truly dedicated need to go to all that trouble. We're glad to get casual crunchers on the team, because every contribution counts and is appreciated.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Could I ask for an update on the frontpage? (Message 16203)
Posted 29 Jan 2007 by Profile Skip Da Shu
That is all I can say unless you what a blow by blow, minute by minute update of every file updated, piece of code written, tea breaks taken etc..
Well I for one don't care for the minute by minute, etc. etc. But the tea schedule might be of some use ;-)

l8r and good luck -- Skip
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Boinc farms. (Message 15450)
Posted 13 Nov 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu

>>>> @ Skip_Da_Shu
Not having case fans is one way to save power usage, but asthetics maybe a problem for some. If it works for you keep going. At least it would be easy to see if a computer stopped working and access is easy for maintainence.

Almost as if someone thinks there's some problem with my dust and dog hair covered basket stack ;-) Hey I clean it off once a year.

Actually I got my wife to stop at the GoodWill computer store and sweet talk them into a giant fist full of the LEDs that come out of the systems they tear apart for $1USD. So I added a green power LED and a red HDD activity light to each basket.

Started to shift from old socket A AMDs to Sempron 754s (cheap and very overclockable) but now that you can pick up a 4200+ X2 for $180... headed that way for now. That is when I'm not sending every last penny to the electric company ;-) Texas is finally cooling off so the A/Cs are off... so maybe I'll see the bill drop by December and can replace the oldest socket A with a 939 X2 (still have some extra DDR400 sticks and old HDDs around).

Also, I have a couple old Intel CPU & HSFs that, if this guy doesn't pick them up tomorrow, anybody willing to pay the shipping (in USA about $5) can have them.

One of them is a 900 Celeron Info here

and the other is a 166 Pentium of some sort.

9) Message boards : Number crunching : New computer database entry created on each connect (Message 15449)
Posted 13 Nov 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu
Well since we are throwing out here all the ways to stop / start the boinc service in windows...

in the RUN/OPEN box from the "Start" menu type "services.msc"

Find BOINC and right click to get all the options for the service



This is pretty much the same display you get if you go Admin Tools->Computer Management->Services & Applications->Services
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Projects to mix with LHC (Message 15448)
Posted 13 Nov 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu
Another thing CPDN is real good at is testing out any cooling and overclocking... I've always run some memtest and prime95 but even after prim95 has run for a hour or two. CPDN will occasionally find that little glitch that causes you to back down another MHz or two... none of the other project will put the load on your box that CPDN will. For a dedicated cruncher I look on that as a good thing. Not all will agree ;-) I also happen to agree it seems like a very relevant project.

Rosetta, QMC, Einstein and 'Skeeter Control are other favorites.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Boinc farms. (Message 15285)
Posted 1 Nov 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu
My Alienware laptop has a desktop Pentium 4 in it. It is 2.9A AC-In with a 300W requirement for inverter for a car dapter. That is 180 W (20V, 9A) DC-out and 300W AC-In (probably actually 100V @ 2.9A = 290W). 180/290=0.621 - 62.1%. So Consumer devices (excluding ultra-light travel adapters) are probably really 50-70% efficient. Using the same pattern for Dell - 1.5A @ 100V (150W) in, 20V 4.5A out (90W) - 60% efficiency. My Dell Inspiron has a Penitum 4-M.

These figures are outright insane, I seriously doubt any of these Notebooks actually draws significantly more than 100W of Power. Reason being, cooling off >100W of Thermal power in a Notebook is about impossible without the entire Notebook reaching 60+ Deg Temperatures even with Turbine-level cooling all the time.

It still shows how terribly inefficient and unsuitable the Pentium 4 ever was for Notebooks (I assume the Alienware especially takes the bite with a fast GPU as well)

The Car adapter is absolutely not representative for any consumer device, the 300W requirement is way out of proportion.

The only way to get the real figures is to plug it into the Wall and measure the actual consumtion. If that was to be 180W, your Notebook would be (literally) melting at >100 Deg Celsius and a 100dB Noise level cooling. Plus, the AC/DC converter would have to come in at 5-10lbs of weight to assure safe operation at 180W output.

The UL listing (max possible consumption) on my IBM T41's (1.6GHz Pentium M) power adapter lists the max A/C input as 100~240v and 1.6 to .08A. This would be 160w to 192w. It lists the max DC output of 16v @ 4.5A (72w). While I'm sure the actual laptop is typically using much less than the 72w max, the draw at the wall due to the transformer is still gonna be over 75w with the CPU pegged. If I did the math right the laptop adapter is only about 45% eff. at best.

Well, I'm off to buy a line amp meter this weekend. Have been curious since the middle of summer when my breakers started popping what the electrical overhead on the UPS(s) was. Guess I'll figure it out this weekend... when I'll also check the actual wall plug draw on the T41.

BTW, What are these things called "case fans" ya'll keep talking about?

12) Message boards : Number crunching : When you see work is around ... (Message 15284)
Posted 1 Nov 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu

May I give you an analogy? There is a motorway, the M25, that runs all the way round London, England. The Department of Transport have doubled its capacity in peak times by slowing the traffic down. Because the new speed limits keep cars moving, more cars per hour get through in the rush hour than used to when everyone was legally allowed to go faster but was actually obstructed by tail backs.

U were doing good till u got to "tail backs". The colonials will not understand "tail backs".

Heck bubba, Us'n down here in the good ol' Republic of Texas can nary figure it.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Work Units still pending? (Message 13762)
Posted 27 May 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu
Any way to clear this so I can delete the machine?

3667838 708923 4 Oct 2005 19:56:30 UTC 11 Oct 2005 5:23:59 UTC Over Success Done 261,804.04 105.35 73.89

Thanx, Skip
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Boinc farms. (Message 13002)
Posted 13 Mar 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu
Using a Watt/Hr meter, I estimate I'm using around $65 a month. But then I'm running nine computers 24/7.

I presume you (and most everyone else) has their monitors off?

I'm using a good ole KVM. Niffty little gadget that means I don't need more than one keyboard,monitor,mouse combination.

I keep one of these around for BOIS settings but after running a 1->4 KVM into another 1->4 KVM I decided it was time for something else. Check into 'RealVNC'. It's easier than I thought it would be.

And besides... we don't need no stinkin' monitor.. or case... or ...

FEARing the electric bill now that the A/Cs are starting to run again.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Unofficial BOINC Wiki closing 2006-03-31 (Message 13001)
Posted 13 Mar 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu
Very very sad. Best of luck to you Paul. I'll choose to believe what River wrote as that's my perogative.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : going, Going, ........ , GONE. (Message 13000)
Posted 13 Mar 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu
The computers on my Boinc farm each connect once a day. When a project runs out of work, Boinc simply takes up the slack curnching extra wu's for other projects. I look at my TOTAL credit and RAC and don't worry about each project'

Eye matey, that's the course we follow. ;-)
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Threadmaster help please (Message 12803)
Posted 20 Feb 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu
Anybody got a good "exceptions" list for WinXP Pro SP2?
One that is stripped down for a cruncher only machine would be the icing on the cake but I can create this from a more normal one easily enough.

Eh... Here's what I am running with right now. This is on a headless cruncher that basically runs MBM, RealVNC and BOINC (all as services, so it's usually logged off). This machine has sound turned off, uses onboard video / lan and has as many services set to manual or disabled as possible.

I deleted all the default exeptions from the install after looking up each one that I didn't recognize (left a couple that I wasn't sure about) and then re-built my own thrdmstr_exceptions.reg file. I'll add to it as needed. This is it:

18) Message boards : Number crunching : Threadmaster help please (Message 12802)
Posted 20 Feb 2006 by Profile Skip Da Shu
Anybody got a good "exceptions" list for WinXPPro SP2?

One that is stripped down for a cruncher only machine would be the icing on the cake but I can create this from a more normal one easily enough.

19) Message boards : Number crunching : Life of WU 94925256 (Message 11403)
Posted 18 Nov 2005 by Profile Skip Da Shu
The life of a WU is a terrable thing, ...Signed
WU 94925256

20) Message boards : Number crunching : lhc server does not ship WU in timestamp order (Message 11318)
Posted 11 Nov 2005 by Profile Skip Da Shu
I've noticed the same thing on 5.2.6 also

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