Message boards :
Cafe LHC :
LHC Links
(Message 20216)
Posted 11 Sep 2008 by Grenadier Post: Here's some status updates for you... Link 1 Link 2 Read the URLs for the question being answered by the pages. ;-) Also, here's some webcams at the LHC. Watch it for a minute or so, and there should be some activity. ;-) |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Download problems?
(Message 19854)
Posted 30 Jul 2008 by Grenadier Post: I had one host with the same problem, and the download finally went through. Now the upload won't work! ;-) EDIT: Never mind, it just went. |
Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
LHC in the News
(Message 19600)
Posted 9 May 2008 by Grenadier Post: http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/05/09/physics.nima/index.html |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
BOINC 5.10.28
(Message 18570)
Posted 8 Nov 2007 by Grenadier Post: BOINC 5.10.28 is available. Please, update. Would that be this change? - client: allow up to a day (rather than work_buf_min()) to elapsed between completing a result and reporting it. I wasn't a fan of it either, but apparently the project server take a bigger hit when people return results one at a time, which is what the old reporting policy caused. I can see why they would try to cut down on such things. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Can't Access Work Units
(Message 17494)
Posted 22 Jul 2007 by Grenadier Post: SETI posted this earlier this week: 2007-07-19: SETI@Home There will be a lab-wide power outage (for repairs in a nearby building) this weekend. We'll be shutting down BOINC/SETI@home services around 16:00 PDT on Saturday, and coming back on line 08:00 PDT on Sunday. All web/data servers will be unreachable during this time. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Stil a pending credit
(Message 17302)
Posted 9 Jul 2007 by Grenadier Post: I have a few dozen of these "ghosts" dating back to July 2006. If everyone has a few of these, that's quite a few floating results that probably need to be purged. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Can we get an update?
(Message 17019)
Posted 11 Jun 2007 by Grenadier Post: Any news about fixing the duplicate hosts and/or stats export problems? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
cant detach from project as is suggested by msg
(Message 16999)
Posted 6 Jun 2007 by Grenadier Post: Wow, You have alot of computers... all in Pakistan? Looks like probably all the same computer. He's a victim of the duplicating hosts bug. Notice how most of them have 0 (or very few) credits? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
cant detach from project as is suggested by msg
(Message 16968)
Posted 4 Jun 2007 by Grenadier Post: Or he uses BAM. Whatever your Account Manager is, you need to detach there. Actually, BAM took care of this automatically. I would think Grid Republic would too, eventually. BAM changed the URL on their end, and then automatically detached and reattached all clients. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Project dead ?
(Message 16834)
Posted 7 May 2007 by Grenadier Post: Why all this drama? Why not simply leave your hosts attached, and receive work if and when it becomes available? It doesn't hurt you to have your machines pinging LHC once in a while for work. Why must everyone act as if LHC is out to offend them personally? |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Fairer distribuiton of work(Flame Fest 2007)
(Message 16503)
Posted 9 Mar 2007 by Grenadier Post: THAT is what River is complaining about, you can't tell people to "be happy with how it works now". Well, you can. Whether or not anyone listens and agrees is another matter. ;-) Seriously, if the project is happy with their turn-times, then there's really no reason for them to change anything about the way the project is configured. It's not about being "fair" or keeping people happy, neither of which can ever be completely achieved, since they are subjective, and there will always be someone complaining about fairness who is unhappy with the way the project is run. It's about getting the work done. No one has ever explained to me why this is such a big problem. Attach to LHC and 1 or more other projects, and the long term debt will even things out eventually. If/when LHC gets a lot of work, you'll get your share. If you miss out on a short burst of work, it's not going to make that much difference to your stats anyway, in the long run. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
New computer database entry created on each connect
(Message 14822)
Posted 22 Sep 2006 by Grenadier Post: As a workaround, you can fix this on the client side by editing client_state.xml. First, exit BOINC while editing the file. Look for: <hostid>0</hostid> ...inside LHC's section of the file. That 0 should be a machine number. Edit it to be the highest host number for that machine. Then, merge all the dupes for that box. Then, restart BOINC. You may get one more dupe after that, but it should stop the creation of hundreds of them. Merge any lingering hosts, and you're done. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
LHC@home server being reconfigured today !!
(Message 14712)
Posted 20 Sep 2006 by Grenadier Post: Typical, out of work. I got absolutely nothing. Aside from a ton of error messages, there was nothing to get. Chances are this was a short test run (which the system failed), and more work will be forthcoming when it's fixed. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Are we dead in the water?
(Message 13563)
Posted 11 May 2006 by Grenadier Post: 75000 WU and counting now available! |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Download limit?
(Message 12162)
Posted 18 Jan 2006 by Grenadier Post: You say you have negative LTD. That could be the issue right there. Negative LTD means that project already got more than it's share of time, and it needs to work some debt off of the other projects first. Or did you mean LHC has positive LTD, and the other projects are negative? |
Message boards :
LHC@home Science :
See the LHC site on Google Earth
(Message 11039)
Posted 26 Oct 2005 by Grenadier Post: http://www.googleearthhacks.com/dlfile6791/LHC---Large-Hadron-Collider,-CERN,-Switzerland.htm GoogleEarthHacks has a collection of overlay files you can add to Google Earth. This one is a map overlay of the LHC building site. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Host corruption
(Message 10969)
Posted 25 Oct 2005 by Grenadier Post: Looks like manually forcing an update fixed mine too. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Host corruption
(Message 10968)
Posted 25 Oct 2005 by Grenadier Post: 2 more corrupted now since my last post: http://lhcathome.cern.ch/show_host_detail.php?hostid=35470 http://lhcathome.cern.ch/show_host_detail.php?hostid=35482 |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Host corruption
(Message 10908)
Posted 25 Oct 2005 by Grenadier Post: http://lhcathome.cern.ch/show_host_detail.php?hostid=35477 CPU type 0.958181 1 Number of CPUs 0 Operating System 2445228830.93921 1000000000 Memory 0 MB Cache 0 KB Total disk space 0 GB Measured floating point speed 0 million ops/sec Measured integer speed 0 million ops/sec These all seem like odd values. :-) Using 5.2.2 now. Was on 4.45 before the site went down for upgrades. This was the only one of my 20 hosts to have a problem. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Attention LHC Developers!
(Message 10799)
Posted 20 Oct 2005 by Grenadier Post: <blockquote>When Predictor upgraded, the site was down for the better part of 4 days. A server side upgrade is always trickier than a client upgrade. </blockquote> Apples and oranges. There is a brief patch available to allow V5 clients to talk to the V4 server. That would take minimal work, from what I understand. What Predictor did was upgrade to the V5 server code. That would be a more substantial job. |
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