1) Message boards : Number crunching : How to tune Boinc for LHC? (Message 13820)
Posted 2 Jun 2006 by Profile sslickerson
I'm running seti enhanced, einstein and LHC on a few slow machines (2 linux, 1 XP), and I'm wondering whether anyone has any ideas how best to deal with LHC's spotty work availability. I want to do as much LHC as possible, and do the other projects the rest of the time, when LHC is unavailable.

With roughly equal resource shares, LHC's work often runs out before my slow machines have finished crunching the WUs it got at the beginning. I thought the debt accumulated to LHC during dry periods would have the effect of prioritizing it when work became available, but boinc kept crunching the other units in round-robin fashion, until they finished, so I didn't actually do much LHC before work ran out

I'm currently trying a massively larger resource share (1000) for LHC, and smaller ones for s@h and e@h (100 each), and that seems to be doing the business now, while there is work from LHC. It is prioritising as I expect.

But what about when LHC goes quiet again? If I don't change anything, I think I'll develop massive debts to LHC, which will interfere with the proper running of the other projects. FWIW I'm on a permanent connection, with a small cache size (0.04 days).

What should I do? I want a solution that doesn't involve me having to suspend or NNW projects. Or is intermittent work impossible to handle properly in boinc as it stands?


I think your best bet would be to trust the BOINC client to the right "thing" when the time comes. BOINC was designed to allow for exactly that which you want: use LHC as a primary project.

To ensure that LHC remains the primary, set you resource share to some really high number such as 500000 and the other "backup" projects to a resource share of 1. This will ensure that when LHC has work, you will get it. When LHC does not (as much of the time this is the case) your other projects will kick in and start downloading WU's.

It is true that LHC will continue to add debt but when new WU's become available LHC will go back to normal crunching splitting the time with the other projects (per your resource share) until they are finished or until round robin robin kicks in. BOINC will finish any and all WU's before the deadline as it was designed to do. Just trust the client to do what it is supposed to do :)

I hope this helps some. I don't claim to be an expert of any of this but this is how I understand it. Where's River when you need him...

2) Message boards : Team invites : Sig Test (Message 11798)
Posted 4 Jan 2006 by Profile sslickerson

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Computer restarting on its own... (Message 11113)
Posted 28 Oct 2005 by Profile sslickerson
I have midterms to study for this weekend and essays to write as well, hopefully I'll have a few minutes to try some of this out. Thanks!
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Computer restarting on its own... (Message 11094)
Posted 28 Oct 2005 by Profile sslickerson
So ever since I upgraded to 5.2.2 a couple days ago my computer has been restarting on its own several times a day. I'm not very computer literate so I was wondering if any of you could help me out.

I checked for viruses and spyware and that all checks out good, after that I'm kind of lost.

I'm cruncing LHC, Einstein and Rosetta. All were being run prior to the upgrade with no problems. Although I read Rosetta requires a lot of memory, I'm only at 256 MB currently...

Anything else please let me know, and thanks in advance.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : 1'000'000 WU - Thank you (Message 10864)
Posted 23 Oct 2005 by Profile sslickerson
Conratulations!!! It's actually 1,000,000+ Credits, but who's counting anyway...
Job well done fellow cruncher

6) Message boards : Cafe LHC : BOINC and Public Universities (Message 10831)
Posted 22 Oct 2005 by Profile sslickerson
All of the computers (a couple hundred at a minimum) in the main commons area are set up to delete any program that was installed wihtout consent. This happens whenever the computer is restarted. I would have to go through the correct channels then in order for this to work. There is a distibuted computing class (well more like a section of a class) that a professor teaches, I'm going to bring up my plan with him in the next couple of weeks once I work out the particulars.

Thanks all for the advice, anything else let me know.

7) Message boards : Number crunching : Up and Running (Message 10751)
Posted 15 Oct 2005 by Profile sslickerson
Nice to see we are up and running, too bad I switched to 5.2.1, maybe time for LHC to do the same?
8) Message boards : Cafe LHC : BOINC and Public Universities (Message 10742)
Posted 15 Oct 2005 by Profile sslickerson
I've been thinking (I know, bad news right...), Would it be possible to set up BOINC on Public Computers such as universities or other schools? Let's say for the moment that I was given permission from my university to do this, would I be breaking any rules? I highly doubt they would allow it in the first place but they have hundreds of state-of-the-art computers...

It would be a great opportunity if you ask me. What do you think?

9) Message boards : Number crunching : Up and Running (Message 10644)
Posted 8 Oct 2005 by Profile sslickerson
Up, 3777 workunits to crunch
41229 workunits in progress
39 concurrent connections
10) Message boards : Number crunching : My status got an upgrade.. (Message 10531)
Posted 1 Oct 2005 by Profile sslickerson
1337? Sorry...

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