1) Message boards : LHC@home Science : Russian claims creation of perpetual motion engine (Message 9499)
Posted 20 Aug 2005 by Skligmund
It isn't perpetual motion, it uses the energy from magnets to turn. This idea is rather old actually......
2) Message boards : Number crunching : This guy really needs to check his computer, or overclock less... (Message 8661)
Posted 18 Jul 2005 by Skligmund
"The machines in question will be reduced to 1 WU / day by the quota reduction
system. Each UL/DL/Client error or late result will reduce the daily quota by one. The quota increases when the machine starts sending valid results."

That's good to know!
3) Message boards : Number crunching : This guy really needs to check his computer, or overclock less... (Message 8644)
Posted 17 Jul 2005 by Skligmund
Exactly why I think work units should be stopped to such hosts, until the user checks it, and notices the problem.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : This guy really needs to check his computer, or overclock less... (Message 8630)
Posted 17 Jul 2005 by Skligmund
so does this guy....


Is there a way to make the system quit sending work units to computers that repeatedly send back errors this rapidly? And leave a message in the messages tab or something indicating to the user of the defective host that the host will not recieve work units until the project is reset on the host? Hopefully indicating he realizes his computer's flaws and fixes them, otherwise more zeros will be sent back, and he will get the message again ect. Set it at a leanient 10 consecutive client errors or something.....

Is this a possible solution to this issue?
5) Message boards : Number crunching : This guy really needs to check his computer, or overclock less... (Message 8629)
Posted 17 Jul 2005 by Skligmund

What a waste of time and energy for this crap, these people ever notice? I usually (in winter) overclock my computers insanely (reletively) and always make sure they perform properly.

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